15 books with a spring mood

Spring is leaving. A time of change that affects all areas of our lives, a time when everything around is filled with energy and warmth! Our mood is also changing… Some people want romance, and some people decide to make drastic changes in the spring. And books always help with that. Spring is a wonderful time! It is given to us and nature only once a year.
We have made a selection of wonderful, different, interesting spring books for you, which, if not designed to radically change your life, will definitely lift your spirits and leave a bright, memorable mark that will be associated with this spring for a long time.
We did not claim to form a final opinion, but simply decided to recommend the 15 books that we consider the most suitable for this easy time of year.

1. "April Witchcraft" - Ray Bradbury
Readers should not be introduced to the patriarch of twentieth-century American literature, novelist, essayist, poet Ray Douglas Bradbury. It should only be clarified that his work completely refutes the traditional opinion: "Ray Bradbury is a science fiction writer." For him, all these frameworks are too narrow. This collection to some extent reflects the full range of Bradbury’s literary interests - from fairy tales to stories from his famous space epic. All these works are united by Lev Zhdanov - a wonderful translator who gave the Russian reader "Martian Chronicles", the novel "Something terrible is coming" and these stories.
2. "Surf Noise" - Yukio Mishima
Japanese fishermen have long worshiped the god of the seas and asked him only to keep the sea calm and the ships to return home. However, the young sailor, even fearing heaven’s punishment for his arbitrariness, prayed that he would meet a beautiful girl of good character. And fate smiled at him. What happened to the heroes afterwards was akin to a gust of wind - unexpected and beyond their control. "Surf Noise" is a small masterpiece by Yukio Mishima, the most famous Japanese writer of the 20th century.

3. "April Witch" - Maigull Axelsson
The novel "The Witch of April" brought its author, writer and journalist Maigul Axelsson, dizzying success around the world, as well as the August Strindberg Prize - Sweden’s top literary award. The book has been translated into fifteen languages, and its circulation is currently in seven digits. At the center of the piercing modern drama is the intertwining of the fates of four women and four sisters. The first of them has been bedridden since birth, the second is a successful doctor, the third is a physicist, the fourth is a complete drug addict ... She is endowed with a sharp mind and an amazing ability to fly through time and space, interfering in the lives of those who are dear to her or, conversely, have done her harm. "One of my sisters stole my life, which was intended for me. I want to know which of them ", is the goal of Desiree, deprived of all earthly joys. The struggle for survival, adulthood, overcoming loneliness and the search for love magical.

4. "Mysterious Garden" - Francis Burnett

It’s hard to be without parents, especially when you’re only ten years old, those around you do not love, and you also hate almost all the white light. It seems that nothing good will happen in this life. But as if fate itself extends a saving hand to the heroine of the book and leads her to the path to the beautiful Mysterious Garden.

5. "Good Mayor" - Andrew Nicholl
"The Good Mayor" is a magical novel by aspiring writer Andrew Nicholl, a love story and about love. The action takes place in a small town called Dot, which is located in a forgotten corner of the Baltic Sea. The author tells us about the kind and honest Thibaut Krovic, the mayor of Dot, in love with his secretary Agatha Stopak - a beautiful, lonely, but also married woman. The city of Dot is too quiet and decent for Thibaut to allow himself to show his love in any way - but one day, when Agatha accidentally drops her lunch in the fountain, everything changes in an instant, and the lives of our heroes change - decisively and irrevocably. "The Good Mayor" is a book about love and loss, about magic and friendship, about culinary delights and a brass band, about an Italian witch and a very big lawyer, about the bride where the dog came from and the car chase at turtle speeds. This beautifully written novel is one of the best literary debuts in many years. Read "The Good Mayor" and remember what it means to love.

6. “Odette. Eight Love Stories "- Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt - philosopher and researcher of the human soul, writer and film director, one of the most successful European playwrights, a man who in his books" The Gospel of Pilate "," Sect of Pilate "," Sect of Egoists " Oscar and the Pink Lady "," Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Qur’an "," The Fate of the Other "asked questions to God and Pontius Pilate, Buddha and Mohammed, Freud, Mozart and Denis Diderot. This time he simply created eight love stories - amazing, touching, touching for life.

7. "Fly, May beetle!" "Christine Nestlinger."
The story of the Austrian writer Christina Nöstlinger "Fly, May beetle!" - a book-memory, a book-experience, written by the pain of a heart forever wounded by war. Unusually early spring of 1945. A Vienna crushed by a fascist boot is awaiting retribution. Vague, hard time, but the light came on. The end of the war is near and the time of hope associated with it. The poor district of Vienna. A family of less than modest means. Grandpa-watchmaker, housewife - grandmother, father - a wounded soldier of the German Wehrmacht, and then - a deserter, mother and sister. They are destined, after enduring the hardships of war, to survive the end of the Third Reich and the liberation of Austria by Soviet soldiers who saw them as enemies.

8. "March Cats" - Martha Ketro

The star of the RuNet, author of several successful books, editor of the JJout collection, Martha Ketro loves cats - because they make the house more comfortable and life more harmonious. In particular, she tells the following story: "Once God saw a mouse and threw a gauntlet at it, which immediately turned into a cat. I suddenly realized that a man who strokes a cat feels - he feels the warmth of God’s hand, nor a lot, not a little ". Of course, she is not alone in her addiction: millions of people also see the cat as a symbol of calm happiness. And for many, these animals have become a source of creative inspiration: they not only write about their pets with love and tender irony, but also write stories on behalf of cats and cats - as they could tell about themselves.

9. "Spring Fever" - John O’Hara

One of the brightest novels by John O’Hara, which formed the basis of a wonderful film with Elizabeth Taylor, who won her first Oscar for her role as Gloria. The story of the harassed, spiritually crippled beauty Gloria Wenders, whose only entertainment is casual encounters with unfamiliar wealthy men. This book still reads as if it was written yesterday - perhaps because John O’Hara does not embellish or romanticize his difficult, multifaceted characters and their complex contradictory relationships ...

10. "A Sip of Freedom" - Anna Gavalda

"A Sip of Freedom" is a story about a great weekend. About the brother’s meeting with his beloved sisters, about their merry escape from the family celebration, about a trip to the castle to visit his younger brother Vincent, about the adventures of the "magnificent four", about Loire wines, about mutual understanding, about the joy of life, creativity, love. Anna Gavalda is one of the most widely read authors in the world. She is called the "star of French literature" and the "new Françoise Sagan". Her books, which have captivated millions of readers, have been translated into dozens of languages, won a constellation of awards, staged plays and made films.

11. "Manyunya" - Narine Abgaryan (trilogy)

The first of three, bright, soaked in the sun and the smells of the southern bazaar, amazingly funny stories about the childhood of two girlfriends Nara and Manyuna, about the formidable and kind Ba - grandmother Manyuni, and about a bunch of their relatives who constantly get into incidents. This is the warmest, mischievous and full of fun adventures of childhood, which makes a person happy for life. The book is the winner of the Manuscript of the Year Award.
"Manyunya writes a fantastic novel" is a long-awaited sequel to "Manyuni". A book for everyone who has already managed to get to know and love funny hooligan girlfriends, their charming Ba and a pile of noisy awkward relatives. If after reading the first book you think you have learned what two girls are capable of, who do not sit still and want to spend their childhood so that not a single minute of it is boring, you still do not know anything… Read the sequel and enjoy!
But there is a third, and, according to the author, the last book about the adventures of Manyuni, Narka and other wonderful inhabitants of the small town of Byrd. It is a great happiness when the story of one family finds a response in the hearts of so many people.
“You go somewhere, to a bakery, for example, and a worm slowly crawls along the road. You just want to step on it, and the heart rrrrrraz - and falls in love. And all, goodbye, quiet life! "

12. "Provence Forever" - Peter Mail
Peter Mail became famous all over the world when, leaving a balanced life and a successful advertising business, he moved to the south of France, to a land he loved with all his heart and to which he dedicated many wonderful books that became international bestsellers. He created a unique history of Provence in novels, art guides and encyclopedias. "Provence Forever" is a touching, funny and fascinating story in which the author shows the life of the blessed French province with humor and love. This is a charming portrait of a hospitable, good-natured and generous area, which is able to delight not only with gastronomic delights, but also to give an unforgettable warmth.
“I have always considered Provence to be one of the healthiest places in the world. The air is clean, the climate is dry, fruits and vegetables are in abundance, they are cooked here in olive oil, the words "stress" do not know what it is, they do not know - it is difficult to find a combination of more favorable factors in such abundance. "

13. "Baker and Spring" - Olga Pokrovskaya

The book is amazingly soulful. With touching, sometimes desperate sincerity, the hero shares the story of a breakthrough from loneliness into the world of understanding. His confession is full of sympathy for those who have fallen into a trance. The book invites you to walk through a flowering meadow, look into the house, where it smells like pancakes, and join the cordial conversation.

14. "Night Watch" - Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett’s book will appeal to fans of humorous fantasy, the benefit of the abundance of adventure and turmoil in which the characters get will not be bored, and those who want to think. The author does not change himself and writes in a unique style, incredibly attractive and fascinating! There is no cruelty in the book, so it can be read by both teenagers and adults.
"It takes a person to break, everything breaks. This is how the world works. Yes, circumstances can bend you, and if it burns well, it can twist into a ram’s horn. But they can’t break you. Because you will break - and everything will start to fall apart until there is nothing left. Everything is decided here and now. "
"Do the job right in front of you."

15. "17 stories" - Anton Chekhov

Chekhov lived a short but wonderful life, leaving a big mark in Russian history. More than one generation has grown up in the works of the writer, they are relevant to this day, and give us many reasons and reasons for reflection.
The book "17 stories" is amazing, especially because it combines well-known stories - "Lady with a dog", "House with a mezzanine", "Ionic", and not the most popular works, including "Student", " Nalim », and others. The emotional charge of each of them is very diverse and unique, immersing the reader in joy and fun, then in a terrible spleen and longing. Anton Pavlovich’s plays are popular in many countries around the world and theaters are lucky enough to stage a play based on them, thus paying tribute to the great Russian classic.
"... as, in fact, if you think about it, everything is beautiful in this world, everything except what we ourselves think and think when we forget about the highest goals of existence, about our human dignity."