23 ideas for a worthy end to the year

them easier. And the result is simply magical! For you, friends, children, parents, grandmothers and even ill-wishers.

1. Remember and write down in a notebook five of your main achievements during the year.

2. Call your parents and invite them to New Year’s shopping. Wander around the shops, choose for them something caring and warm (sweater, warm knitted scarf, plaid).

3. When you once again see a lonely grandmother in the store with a packet of milk and a loaf of bread, buy her something small but nice: pineapple, oranges, a box of marshmallows or just chocolate. Transfer the purchase to your grandmother’s basket after the checkout. You can add: “This is for you. Happy New Year! ” And you better leave at once, until the old woman began to ask why you needed it.

4. Make a list of cafes and restaurants that you and your loved ones or friends have visited this year, choose the best place and be sure to find time to go there again. Bring a thank-you card to the chef or waiter who was especially friendly.

5. Gather a New Year’s playlist, let there be Let It Snow, It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, and even Serdyuchkin’s "Fir-trees". Turn it on as often as possible, let the music create a festive mood for you and your neighbors!

6. Find out the addresses of three favorite virtual friends and send them nice little things as a gift.

7. Going to the supermarket for groceries for the holiday, look at an elderly neighbor, with whom you occasionally greet, and ask if you need to buy something for her at the same time.

8. Review the lists of friends on social networks - you will be surprised how many new and interesting people have appeared in your life this year. Make a rating of them and think of something to thank everyone for. After all, the "girlfriend" who showed you how to do tiramisu, and a friend who repeatedly pointed out spelling mistakes in the posts, taught you a lot. Well, maybe the first one is worth thanking a little sincerely ...

9. Rent Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costumes. On one of the New Year’s Eve parties, go to the apartments of your friends and acquaintances with congratulations and gifts. It doesn’t matter if there are small children in the house. Believe me, adults will read poems to grandfather with no less enthusiasm!

10. Sign the cards and put them in the mailboxes of all the neighbors - let them guess who it is from. Or print a poster with happy wishes and hang it at the entrance to the porch or yard.

11. Inspire your friends to build a snow town in the yard of your house. You - fun in the fresh air, children - happiness. Here you will see: the more complicated and insane the idea of ​​the construction you are building will be, the more genuine enthusiasm it will arouse in the male part of the company, because their duty to build a house is still in force!

12. Give your parents movie tickets or pay for a massage at the spa. Of course, they will not immediately accept a generous gift, but they will certainly tell their friends how they relaxed on the weekend thanks to the care of their children.

13. Surprise someone you don’t like: unobtrusively put a beautifully packaged cake on the table of a harmful colleague, buy a mother-in-law or mother-in-law a book about her inconspicuous cacti, notice in the porch. In the end, let the neighbor downstairs doubt that you are breaking the duty schedules that she is posting! (You will break the next schedule after the New Year.)

14. Remember how as a child you and your friends fell into the snow, making "snow figures"? Get your friends out for an evening walk, let them put things off and fool around with you again!

15. Write a list of all the "hangmen" - things that you planned last year, but never did. Look at it critically: if you haven’t knitted a sweater for your husband or you haven’t made a shelf for your wife, maybe you should just forget about it. Make a queue to complete the tasks that you still need or want to finish. What you do not have time, write in the diary for next year - the planned shortcomings automatically turn into future achievements.

16. Collect the best photos of friends from the parties of the outgoing year and make a calendar. And to come up with funny signatures, you can organize an extraordinary special party :)

17. On the weekend, go to the Christmas market and buy fluffy spruce or pine twigs. By the way, the sellers give them to the best-looking buyers for free! Come to work early on Monday and decorate the tables of colleagues with small coniferous twigs. The boss will surely appreciate the sharp increase in mood, and therefore, the efficiency of his subordinates!

18. Be wizards for each other - if you know (and you certainly know!) That your other half is secretly dreaming of a collectible figurine of Darth Vader or the Imperial Assault Fighter, forget that you were going to give him / her another tie or nail file !! However, there is a good idea - the search for a tie or nail file with the image of Darth, can be a real New Year’s adventure for you.

19. Wander in the evening on the central streets of your city. Just like that, without any purpose. Buy a roasting pie and tea, admire the shop windows, smile at passers-by.

20. Buy a beautiful notebook and write in it plans for next year. Add new ones and cross out the completed ones, of course with words of gratitude to the Universe. On December 31, be amazed at how much has come true!

21. Sit down all the house cut snowflakes. Believe me, this children’s fun can give you many fun moments. Then hold a beauty contest and stick the most creative creations on the window. Let them wink amiably at you from afar when you return home from work.

22. Make yourself a Snow Maiden manicure - with sequins, and decorate the beard of your other half with sequins. Then every look at your hands and his beard will delight, and not only you, and remind you of the approaching holiday.

23. On New Year’s Eve, make each other French toast and hot chocolate. Have breakfast in pajamas and with a fresh issue of your favorite magazine, dreaming of the most pleasant, while in the next room will be happy children’s laughter…

Author Lev Katkov