30 questions to yourself on New Year’s Eve

There is very little left until the New Year. The scent of magic is already hovering everywhere. I want to close my eyes - and make the most cherished wish. We decided to help you feel the approach of a wonderful night and have compiled several holiday articles and an Advent calendar with a list of charming New Year’s affairs.

So, let’s start the countdown!

New Year’s Eve is a time to take stock and make plans. But almost no one seriously makes such a self-report. We are lazy, once, and why do it. In fact, the reason is that it is very difficult to be honest with yourself. This is work. But it is worth doing it to better understand yourself, to live more consciously and calmly.

To make it easier for all of us, we have selected 30 simple (but really serious) questions from the book " My 5 years.365 questions, 1825 answers. Diary ». We suggest answering them honestly, be sure to write down the answers and not show them to anyone. And in a year to return to them to understand how you have changed, what you have achieved and what is not yet possible.


1. The best moment of the year is ...

2. What especially inspired me this year?

3. The main news of the year.

4. Anthem of the Year.

5. The most important people in my life.

6. What was the hardest thing for me?

7. What color was this year?

8. What event this year would I like to remember forever?

9. What word did I say most often?

10. My most ridiculous purchase this year.

11. Perhaps it was not worth experimenting with ...

12. This year has been wonderful because ...

13. What internal problem have I successfully solved?

14. Who did I hug at night?

15. At whose wedding did I walk?

16. What was my average salary this year?

17. Did I have a conversation that turned everything upside down in my head?

18. What new business did I start in 2017?

19. If I could become a superhero one day, what would I do?

20. What do I dream about?

21. What do I consider my main achievement?

22. This year to this day in one sentence.

23. Last message I sent.

24. Quote suitable for this year.

25. Have I done everything I planned for this year?

26. How many new friends have I made this year?

27. Who did I help this year?

28. Where have I been?

29. What cases have I postponed to next year?

30. What do I want to achieve in the new year?

Inspiration to you, friends, for the whole year!

Author Lev Katkov

Read also: Calendar of anticipation of the new year. Countdown: 6 days before the magic day.