Personal experience: how to find out how the school "spends" money on children with special educational needs?

The state has allocated additional money for the education of children with special needs. How much? How to control what they are spent by the school administration? What products are purchased and does your child really need them? The answer to all these questions was helped by our mother, who can rightly be called "one warrior in the field" - Oksana Fedorova.

Hello, Oksana! You are the mother of a special child. Please tell me, did you have any problems with entering school? Does the law on inclusion work? Were there any obstacles?

We study in a special class for children with visual impairments in the second grade. That is, the child was adopted before the law was passed. This is a regular school with inclusive and special classes. Since we territorially "belong" to this school, we can say that we are lucky. After all, she approached us both territorially and in profile.

What other special children study at school?

Children with cerebral palsy, musculoskeletal problems, visual impairment, speech therapy problems and others study at our school.

Does the school have all the necessary facilities for such children?

There is a ramp, no elevator. Since the primary school is on the second floor, children in wheelchairs are not very comfortable, but they are helped to move by both adults and children.

How much has the state allocated for children with special educational needs?

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 14.02.2017 №88, in 2017, the state allocated financial aid for each child with special educational needs who studies in an inclusive or special class of a general education institution. After conducting an average calculation, we get the result: for each special child allocated about 23 thousand. UAH

What exactly is this amount allocated for?

The subvention is aimed at: conducting (providing) additional correctional and developmental classes (services), as well as the purchase of special means of correction of psychophysiological development, equipment, teaching materials and special visual aids that give the child the opportunity to master the curriculum.
No more than 20% of the total amount allocated for each child, ie no more than UAH 4,600, should be used to purchase the above-mentioned funds.

And how in fact?

I can talk about my own example. My son is a student of the second special class for children with visual impairments (Kiev, school №275). During the parents’ meeting before the beginning of the school year, a teacher of correctional and developmental classes spoke. And, by the way, she made a very good impression. There was no talk of an educational subvention at the time. When asked by parents whether it is necessary to buy printed materials for classes, the answer was: “We will do as usual. I’m buying one copy - and you’re copying. "

But, apparently, you "dug deeper"?

Absolutely true. Using the services of the public finance site , I discovered 19 transactions of our school to pay for goods under the subvention for children with special needs. Toys, deductive material, visual aids and a music center were purchased.

And what is suspicious about this? Children need all this ...

The fact that the school paid more than UAH 73,000 to one of the suppliers was suspicious, but not in one transaction, but in sixteen (each up to UAH 5,000). At the same time, a separate contract was drawn up for each calculation. In fact, this means one thing - the unwillingness to hold a tender. Contracts with suppliers have not been published on the Prozorro portal, and this is a violation.
But in order not to jump to conclusions, I sent information requestat the expense of the use of the educational subvention in our school and received an answer to it: that the school has 33 children with special needs, 11 of whom have vision problems. The school received UAH 156,400 for these children. According to the decision of the correctional council of the school, deductive and visual accessories for the office of correctional and developmental classes were purchased.
I requested copies of three of the nineteen invoices. I was interested in what are the "deductive" materials and "visual" tools, which, among other things, are designed to teach my child.

And what is the result of the query?

These are large BINO bills (price 438 UAH), designer "Young Architect" (420 UAH), designer "Dice-trees" (420 UAH), small fractions "Square" (180 UAH), books, games and details to them. These and other goods were purchased in more than one copy.

What confused you in such a choice?

The fact is that these toys are designed for children from 1 to 3 years, and not for school students. Such goods may be useful for older children, of course, but only if the children have impaired mental development. Sending a second information request, I asked what was specifically purchased for the class where my son is studying. In the answer it was specified: that for children the equipment and tools for an office of correctional and developing occupations in which after a complete set KRZ will be carried out were bought. Only now I wanted to see for myself.


When I came to the reception to the director with a request to show the goods that were purchased with the funds of the subvention, I was asked on what basis I have the right to exercise control. I had to return home, write an official letter, prescribe legal grounds, etc. After lunch, I returned to school, where a whole commission was already waiting for me.

And how did it all go?

Not easy. During the conversation it became clear that we understand different things under the same term. For example, the school principal believes that "didactic materials" (more than 73 thousand hryvnias were spent on them) means a designer, games, books, and workbooks are not considered didactic products. Regarding the equipment, the school principal believes that these are only devices for diagnosis and vision correction.
After talking to the commission, in the director’s office, I was still allowed to see the goods purchased for the KRZ office. There was a "Game Room" sign on the door, and some members of the commission said that the goods had been delivered recently. Although, according to tax invoices, the first part of the goods was to be delivered in July (and at that time it was already October 3), the second - by August 10. The room was more like a boxed warehouse than a classroom. I wonder if these goods would have been imported at all if I hadn’t started "pulling" the administration? The question is rhetorical.

Were there any "consequences" of your intervention?

I was promised to do me a "bear service" - to select goods for my son personally in the amount of 4 thousand. UAH, so that he used only them until the end of the 11th grade. My son’s teacher, together with the school principal, promised to request another re-examination of my child ( "What does your son do in the classroom for children with visual impairments if he has speech problems?"). As you can see, teachers are already diagnosing children, and questioning the competence of the staff of the Department of Education and Science, in particular the Kyiv City Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Consultation (PMPC).
And, of course, the psychological pressure - that I offended and humiliated the director, that she regrets the opening of inclusive and special classes, that I am an ungrateful mother, etc. etc. And all this, at the usual request to explain what the money that the state has allocated was spent on, including my child.

And is there a list of goods that should be purchased by schools for children with special educational needs?

For children with special educational needs who study in inclusive classes, those goods that are registered in the Individual Child Development Program should be purchased. For children of special classes there is a list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. This list is not new, 2006, but we do not have another.

You followed an untrodden path. And not everyone dares to do so. What helped you not to retreat? After all, usually parents, not wanting to climb on the rojon, let everything flow.

It is no secret that corruption is rampant in our country, particularly in the field of education. Considerable money is allocated for repairs and household chemicals for kindergartens and schools. But these finances reach children in part or not at all. In this case, we are talking about a subvention allocated to children who are not so sweet in life. And it must be used exclusively, efficiently and purposefully. I cannot tolerate the slightest hint of illegal schemes under this subvention.
It would be desirable for the Ministry and the Department of Education to exercise strict control over the use of this subvention, without waiting for complaints from parents.

What was purchased for your class?

There are four "pear" chairs in our class, which, by the way, are not on the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. Eleven children in our class received a total of 50 thousand. UAH And with these funds it was possible to buy something much more useful for the learning process. For example, a multimedia projector to enlarge the image or an interactive, light, developmental panel, the same printed notebooks, which for some reason in the presence of a subvention must be financed by parents, etc. I would like parents’ opinion special educational needs through the subvention.

Thank you, Oksana, for an interesting conversation and for your principled position. I think you will become an example for many parents and instill in them the courage and confidence that everything is in their hands.

Author Ulyana Lysak