5 phrases that are worth throwing out of your head to learn how to help

the Ufond Blog Archive

Who among us has never dreamed of giving all the riches of the world to the poor and needy in a "Robingwood" way in our deep childhood. So that there is not a single unhappy, destitute person left in the world, and the drunken, in moderation, well-fed rich people all drowned in flight. That there were no sick people, no hungry people and no such unfortunate 1% of the population, whose wealth exceeds the fortune of the other 99% of the inhabitants of the planet Earth.

Fools live with this thought all their lives. The vast majority of this population becomes one percent of the world’s population or helps the needy, not "robbing", but sacrificing for people their life resources - material goods, their work and, importantly, personal time.

However, anyone can always find excuses not to do something. In terms of charity, they sound about the same. We in Ufond know for sure: such excuses never lead to a willful decision, and in order to do good, they should be abandoned once and for all. If you really want to help, for one reason or another, get rid of these statements once and for all:

· I don’t know how I can help.

In today’s world, the opportunity to help other people is so wide that everyone can choose a good occupation in their own pocket and spirit. There are so many intermediaries between “giving” and “receiving” that the potential “giving” will inevitably face the problem of choice. However, the fact that you do not need to be a wealthy person to do charity is a well-known fact, and to compare your ability to sacrifice with your earnings is a way that is not adjacent to the real situation.

· Charitable foundations are involved in fraud.

Good intentions and professionalism of "intermediaries" - charities, foundations, etc. - This is something that is easy to check today. If you want to help a real person, but not a character invented by fraudsters, study the experience of the organization, the medical history of a person in need of financial assistance. Only by making an effort and receiving answers to all questions directly from the staff of the charity, after consulting with "experienced" acquaintances in this case, you will be sure that your contribution will be sent to the destination.

· I can’t sacrifice much.

"Many" is a purely personal concept. For some affluent people, charity is just a way to spend on PR and brand promotion, but not to get someone on their feet or raise money for surgery. If this is not your story, it does not mean that someone needs the so-called "much" in your view. Just don’t drink a couple of cups of street coffee. When you go home from work on Friday, go around the bar or restaurant and transfer the "saved" amount to the account for children’s surgery.

· My help may be insignificant compared to the amount needed.

Practice the above things with friends and relax at home or in the park with the thought that just ,You helped someone on the road to recovery. Imagine if not only you, but hundreds, thousands of people give up this idea.

· The state probably helps these people. Or should help.

The problem of so-called "state aid" in our latitudes is far from clear, and is unlikely to be resolved in the coming years. The state, like the first wording on the list, will never have enough money to provide material support to anyone who asks. However, the responsible "giver" always remembers - The state is me !

Did you manage to discard all the reasons and excuses? Then, now you can help Ufond’s wards , because it’s that simple . The main thing to remember is that any, even the smallest help is important!