Books to help. 13 fearless books on serious illnesses

In this article, we talk about the different fiction in which the main characters and their relatives faced a serious illness. These are difficult stories about struggle, fear, pain, overcoming. Be sure to read. Oscar has been in hospital for several months, but neither his parents nor doctors can tell him the truth about his illness. To somehow entertain him, Roz (his girlfriend) invents a game: each of the remaining days of his life can be considered ten years ... A wonderful film of the same name was made and a play starring Irma Vitovskaya was made. You can buy here "Princes in Exile" by Mark Schreiber

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt "Oscar and the Pink Lady"

The story is about a rehabilitation camp for children with cancer. In this camp, little is said about diseases, more - about life, hobbies, love, nature. And here they compete, swim, ride bicycles, argue and more ... But you better read.
Audio version of the book The American writer, schoolteacher and mother of a "special" child wrote a story about a girl with cerebral palsy who wants to prove to everyone what she is worth. Melody’s girl is not like most people - she does not speak or walk, but she has an extraordinary memory. The first-person story arouses admiration for the heroine’s inner strength. You can buy here Jean-Dominique Bobby "Spacesuit and Butterfly"

Draper Sharon’s

The story is autobiographical and tells the story of a hero who fell into a "waking coma." Outwardly, man can do nothing - neither move, nor eat, nor breathe. For him, all this is done by devices and specialists. The only connection with the world that our hero has is his left eye. But despite the situation and its full understanding, the hero does not fall into despair or tragedy. This book is a real anthem of life.
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R.J. Palacio "Miracle"
It is usually recommended for children (and rightly so), but adults will be very interested to read it. This book is about a boy named Augustus, who was born with a genetic abnormality. Such a genetic disorder occurs in one newborn per 4 million people. Avi’s face is so ugly that anyone who sees him for the first time instinctively averts his eyes. But the point is not only how the boy copes with the difficulties he has, but more importantly: the story of a boy with an ugly face is told on behalf of several characters. Different people talk about how their lives have changed since Augustus appeared in it. And it’s not that he transformed and decorated it ... But let’s not run ahead, read.
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Lyudmila Ulitskaya "The man was hospitalized"
"Eyewitness accounts of children and volunteers of the RDKB are a story of endless work, unbearable pain and indescribable joy. At the hospital, doctors are officers, nurses are sergeants, and patients are soldiers. The inaudible war - exhausting battles for the child’s life and, ultimately, for his happiness - is happening next to us. Every day. "
You can download Daniel Keys "Flowers for Algernon" here

A science fiction novel in which the main character Charlie Gordon, a mentally retarded cleaner in a bakery, voluntarily participates in an experiment to improve intelligence. First, the operation is performed on a mouse named Algernon, and then on Charlie. The experiment succeeds, the level of intelligence of the hero grows rapidly: Charlie becomes more literate, then he better understands what is happening around, begins to understand people. And soon Charlie becomes smarter than all the acquaintances, and most people are no longer ready to communicate with the hero after the change of his personality. But suddenly Charlie notices that the behavior of the mouse is changing: its intelligence is fading as rapidly as it once grew ... What happened next - read in the novel. This is a story about how, under different circumstances, someone else’s attitude towards us changes, how our views on life change.
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Katerina Gordeeva "Defeat Cancer"
A book by journalist Katerina Gordeeva on how to cope with despair and find the strength to fight the disease. The heroes of the book are those who have faced the problem of oncology, those who live next to us: Mikhail Gorbachev, Laima Vaikule, Emmanuel Vitorgan, Lyudmila Ulitskaya. The main character of the book is Marina Pak, a doctor who became a patient but managed to return to life after cancer.
Read online here

Renata Ravich "Hymn of Life"
Life stories of children who have beaten cancer. The book publishes life stories of children - former cancer patients - recorded 5-6 years after the end of their treatment. Interviews with children and their parents were recorded by Renata Ravich, who from 1997 to 2012 worked as the Russian coordinator of the Barrettown International Rehabilitation Camp in Ireland. The book also gives the impressions of the volunteers who participated in the rehabilitation program, gives an overview of international rehabilitation camps for children with severe illnesses.
You can download the book here

Анастасия Руднева «Чудик»
The story tells the story of a little boy Chudik, who was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. All stages of his path to recovery are described: examinations, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy. All this is set out in vivid, simple and understandable language, illustrated with vivid pictures, reading the book, you seem to be "treated with the Freak." The book helps children and parents to be in the right mood during treatment: not to be scared and not to despair, but to help doctors and fight. The author of the book is Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the Dmitry Rogachev Pediatric Hematology Center.
You can download the book here

Bernhard Clemens "What is leukemia"
Popular science book by a German doctor was written in 1988. Since then, it has been republished many times and translated into different languages.

Eva Morent -Grand, Daniela Willert "Anna, you will overcome everything !"
The book is addressed to children diagnosed with leukemia and their parents. This book was written by parents and psychologists. It will help the child to understand what is happening to him, teach him to live with the disease and fight it. Suitable for children 5-12 years. For joint reading and group work.
Finney Nancy "Child with Cerebral Palsy: Help, Care, Development"
One of the best Western guides on this topic. The book describes the disorders that occur with cerebral palsy, the difficulties in the daily life of the child and his family and ways to overcome them. A system of recommendations is given in order to form the correct postures and movements in the child. The focus is not on the physiology, but on the baby’s personality.
You can buy it here