BrainyTrain is a mobile simulator that will help children with ASD and ADHD

Oleksandr Kostev of Aytivets created an application for children with autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

«BrainyTrain is a fun mobile simulator that will help children with ASD and ADHD develop their cognitive skills in a fun and engaging way! At the moment, 2 mini-games are available in the application: Memo and Schulte tables, with the help of which anyone can improve memory, concentration, and attention», Oleksandr wrote on his LinkedIn page.

They decided to test the application and here are the conclusions from BrainyTrain:
1 - the application is available in Ukrainian, English and Romanian;
2 - extremely accessible and intuitive to use;
3 - there are no ads in the application;
4 - it works offline without connecting to the Internet;
5 - you can choose the level of difficulty of the games;
6 - you can change the colors of the application.

This app is free and is actually a charitable non-commercial project. Oleksandr Kostev said that if the application receives attention, it will gradually add new games and improve its functionality.

To download the application to your smartphone, use the links: Google PlayMarket і AppStore.