Charity - as the highest level of corporate social responsibility

This year, the Ukrainian brand "Yagotinskoe for children", the food chain "Fora" and Ufond held a joint campaign "Heart beats thanks to ..." . During the month, 147,142 hryvnias were collected for the operation of three girls. We interviewed PR-manager of the Group of Companies "Dairy Alliance" (it includes TM "Yagotinskoe for children") Svetlana Hinotskaya, who said what it means for the company to participate in such events and whether it is planned to hold such an event next year.

- Tell us more about the action
. When and with whom did you start? What was the goal and was it achieved?

- The charity event "Heart beats thanks to ..." was held by TM "Yagotinskoye for children" together with the trade network "Fora" and Ufond in the period from March 15 to April 15. During this period, 1 hryvnia was transferred to charity for every product sold under the Yagotinskoye for Children trademark purchased in Fora stores.

The goal of raising money for three girls with congenital heart disease was achieved. We collected UAH 147,142, which went to purchase equipment for endovascular surgery. It was performed by doctors of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. N.N. Amosov and the Kiev Heart Institute.
- How did the consumer find out about the promotion?

- "Fora" informed customers in its stores through internal radio and with the help of special substrates for price tags. Our company through its official website and Facebook page. Plus, the company’s employees, partners and subscribers made reposts, helping a larger audience learn about this campaign.

- Did you choose who to help? And why heart disease?

- The fund made a decision. We are not experts in this field of charity. So we relied on those people who do it and whom we trust. Regarding the disease. In our opinion, this area is not "popular" in Ukraine and little attention is paid to it, but the number of children with congenital heart disease, unfortunately, is not decreasing.

- Your company is participating in this campaign for the second time. So it was originally planned that there would be another action?

- The vector of assistance to children with congenital heart disease, we determined for ourselves last year. Then we together with the network "Fora" held the first stage, this year we implemented the second. We understood perfectly well that not every parent whose child has a congenital heart disease has the opportunity to pay for the operation.
Such promotions give the opportunity to participate in charity and our consumers. Because if they didn’t buy the products, we wouldn’t be able to help the children. Now, unfortunately, the level of distrust in some volunteer organizations is very low, for various reasons. But trust in companies / brands that have a good reputation for a long time, in this case more. So we raised money, transferred and reported.

- Did you go to the children after the operation?

- Yes, representatives of the Ufond and the Fora network and I visited the girls in hospitals after the operation. For us, it was a fundamental decision. We are not just buying equipment to make the operation possible, but we are also getting to know these lucky people! It was a very thrilling moment, not only the parents of the children held back their tears, but also us… Of course, we could not come empty-handed. From TM "Yagotinskoe for children" the kids received delicious products and branded kits (pillows and baskets for toys). It was very nice to see the happy and carefree faces of the children and the already calm faces of the parents.
- Who decided on this way of charity, and who approved which foundation to cooperate with?

- Last year, the Fora network came to us with a ready-made scheme of cooperation. And the retailer offered us to raise money for Ufond’s wards.

We are very meticulous in choosing the charity fund we plan to work with. Ufond has established itself as a reliable partner. In addition to this campaign, we also raised money with this fund for the operation of Zhenya Malnatsky , who also had a congenital heart defect.

- How do you assess the results of the action?

- Someone else should talk about the valuation of the action. Probably our consumer and the one we managed to help.

- Do you plan to continue this action and hold it next year?

- I will be able to answer this question later, when the budgets for next year will be approved. A certain amount will be allocated to each enterprise of the group, which he redistributes independently, deciding on a monthly basis in which segments of charity to send aid - either in cash or in kind.

Author Veronika Gavrilyuk