Charity unites

The action of the Fora grocery chain and the Dairy Alliance manufacturer allowed three children to have heart surgery. Last autumn, 174,000 rubles were raised

during the " Heart Beats Thanks ... " campaign. UAH This is the first charitable partnership action for both Fora and the Dairy Alliance. Oksana Perekupko, public relations manager of the Fora food network, spoke about how the management of the Fora network evaluated such an experience and what are its plans for this year’s charity events.

- Oksana, tell us about the action. What was it?

- The action was called "Heart beats thanks to« ". It was held in partnership with Yagotinskoye (part of the Dairy Alliance group of companies)»- ed. ) , which provided a line of its products under the trademark "Yagotinske for children". From each product sold in this line, UAH 1 was paid for heart surgery to three children of Ufond’s wards.

- How long did the action last and what amount was collected?

- It started on September 15 last year and was to last a month. During this time, we expected to collect about 100 thousand. UAH This is the cost of an occluder (medical equipment that closes a defect in the heart - ed.) necessary for the operation of three-year-old Mariyka. As a result, we helped two more children who needed less expensive heart surgery. The cost of each was about 30 thousand. UAH The fact is that by the end of the action we have collected more than 100 thousand. UAH After consulting with Ufond, we decided that we could extend the campaign to help , in addition to Mariyka , one and a half years old Nikita and Yula . Yagotinskoye supported us.
As a result, in five weeks we collected 174 thousand. UAH After three operations, there were 10,000 left. UAH We understood that in the framework of the action "Heart beats thanks to« "this is a small amount and it will not be enough for the operation. Roma (director of Ufond - ed.) Offered to send this money to the girl -Ivanna Karapuz , who has cerebral palsy, to undergo another course of rehabilitation.

- Did you choose which of the children, the wards of the fund, will receive money from the charity event?

- No. It was decided that this would be done by the Fund, taking into account those who urgently need help.

- How often do you hold charity events and in what formats?

- This is our first major action. In the past, they were point-based, for example, we transferred goods to the orphanage, collected things with colleagues and took them to the children on St. Nicholas Day or handed over food to the military who served in the anti-terrorist operation zone. We wanted to deal with the issue of charity systematically. We have been repeatedly approached by charities. But when we said that we do not transfer money directly, and we need to think about a joint project, often these funds disappeared. They were not interested in other formats.

- So they only wanted a direct transfer of money?

- Basically yes. There were those who considered other options. But when the process of discussing the format of cooperation was delayed due to the company’s internal procedures, then these funds disappeared. They could not be contacted.

- Did you go to the Fund yourself?

- Roma turned to us a year ago and immediately suggested: “Let’s do a joint project. We have many areas. " We were open. Of course, first we checked the transparency of the fund, and then we started cooperation. The first work with Ufond was that we launched their video on domestic radio in Fora stores. In it, people were invited to participate in charity by writing an SMS to a specific number.
After that, they started talking about the project. Initially, it was planned that we would raise money for equipment for Okhmatdet (National Children’s Specialized Hospital - ed. ). But after the change of management of the hospital (at the end of May 2017 - ed.) this project went to "no". Roma offered to raise money for the child’s heart surgery. Not even for the operation itself, the doctors were ready to do it for free, but for the occluder.

- What difficulties did you face during the preparation of the charity event?

- The main difficulty is finding a partner. Because we decided that from the sale of a certain product, a certain amount will go to charity. We have talked to many companies whose products are sold on our shelves. There was one partner who agreed, but at some point we realized that we would not be able to raise the required amount from the sale of his goods.
We continued our search. They lasted long enough. As a result, Yagotinskoye agreed.
Another complication was the timing of project approval. But this was an objective factor, we needed to clearly outline all the processes, because we did not have such large-scale projects before. At the end of the project, the management evaluated the action, calling it a success.

- How do you determine success?

- There was more moral satisfaction of me and the leadership. Yagotinsky and I went to see the children after the operation. This is the happiest time when you see the results of help. I want to tell you about Mariyka. Her mother said that she loved Fiksikov, so we came to her with animators. She immediately went to them for pens, and before that she did not want to get off her mother’s hands, she was ashamed of strangers.
If we talk about the numbers, then during the campaign more goods were sold "Yagotinskoe for children" than during the same period, but last year. But, nevertheless, such charitable actions are more of an image component, the way people treat the network. One action is not enough to see the result, as people’s attitudes change gradually.

- What are your plans for this year?

- We have decided to hold more charity events. We will not change the format and name. Of course, there is the question of finding partners. We are already negotiating with companies.

- How many actions do you plan to hold?

- I would like the maximum amount. I hope that we will be able to hold 3-4 actions.

- For what amount?

- It all depends on the partner, the period of the campaign and so on.

- Are you already negotiating with some fund?

- We have a positive experience of working with the Fund. We plan to continue working with them.

Author Veronica Gavrilyuk.