Content angels have appeared in Ufond

The team of the Ukrainian Relief Fund has been replenished with 12 content angels .

In December last year, we made an open search for all those who want to help the foundation in preparing content. Thanks to this announcement, we have been joined by 12 professionals who can write texts, take photos and record videos. Volunteers from different regions of Ukraine will prepare stories about the wards of the foundation and useful materials related to the social and charitable spheres.
We asked some of them why they decided to join the community of content angels and what they think about volunteering:

Iryna Ivanchenko, Zaporizhia:
It’s very simple - I saw a repost of a post on Facebook, in which they were looking for volunteers from all over Ukraine, and I am a journalist by profession, so the conditions of volunteering in that post were within my power. I didn’t even think about it - I immediately filled out a questionnaire because I think it’s necessary to help people and change the world for the better. I believe that when you help children, they form a friendly view of the world around them and believe in goodness and humanity. It is very important:)
If you can give something to others, you need to do it. Volunteering is one of the ways you don’t lose, you just gain. In a world where there is a lot of violence, discrimination, aggression, it is very important to remain human and do good deeds as opposed to negativity. Our country needs such volunteer organizations also because the state, unfortunately, does not have the ability to provide everything necessary and provide full assistance to those who need it. That’s why we need to do it together :)

Alyona Danylchenko, Kyiv:
If every inhabitant of the country allocates 3% of his precious time to charity for other citizens, the world will definitely be better! You can believe in karma, you can be afraid of a great court, or you can just get high by helping others.

Thank you to the caring professionals who are willing to devote some of their free time to helping others. Follow the site updates - you will see their interesting and useful materials very soon.

We emphasize that you can help not only with money, but also with skills.

If you also want to join the team of content angels (write texts, take photos, shoot videos), write to us here or call - +38 066 388 63 37.