Daria Gerasimchuk: "Either we do everything for free or we do nothing"

It’s not so often that you meet people on your way who are really passionate about what they do. For whom work is not employment, but real life. People with whom communication causes a smile, admiration and confidence that each of us can do absolutely everything. It was with such a person that I was lucky enough to communicate recently . This is Daria Gerasimchuk, executive director of the public organization Vidchui, which helps people with hearing impairments.

- Daria, where did your work with hearing-impaired children begin?

- The fact is that this is not just a job for me. I am the mother of a child with hearing impairment, my daughter has total deafness. At the time when I was invited to work in the public organization "Vidchuy" (2013), she was already undergoing rehabilitation after implantation (for this I had to sell the apartment and go through very difficult times). After going through absolutely everything, I understood perfectly well how much money it costs and what hard work it is for parents - to go through rehabilitation, find a teacher, etc.

"And what did you decide?"

- I suggested to Andrei Pyshny, the head of the Vidchuy organization, to create a Children’s Center under the organization, in which we started consulting with parents and children with disabilities. We did not give any advertising. In the beginning, we had deaf educators among our mothers, who began to advise parents, and then the requests began to grow.

- How much is rehabilitation for children with hearing impairments?

- To date, both pre- and post-implant rehabilitation costs about 5-6 thousand hryvnia per month. This is not taking into account the various "developers", circles, etc. (one lesson - 250-300 hryvnias. And for rehabilitation of the child 2-3 lessons with the deaf educator a week plus employment with the psychologist and with the speech therapist are necessary).
This is very difficult and expensive for the average family. I understood what needed to be done here and now. After painting the whole picture for Andrei Grigoryevich, we hired the first deaf educator. And then… we couldn’t stop. More and more children came, the staff was expanding… Now we have 10 teachers, we accept 60-70 children from all over Ukraine a week. Feeling the potential for such work, we realized that if we are doing well, then we should not stop.

- Who else in Ukraine is doing this?

- There are state rehabilitation centers, offices at ENT hospitals in different regions (we will not discuss whether it is paid or free), but if we talk in terms of civil society, we are the only such organization, such a center that accepts so many children for free.

- What programs do you work with children?

- We are developing a program for each child. If one child needs a teacher to sit under the table with him, then they will work under the table. If you need to lie on the floor - then it will be so. We have developed our programs and approaches, because the teaching staff is young, very creative, we are constantly encouraging them to do something new.
We have identified 10 programs in our work and are working in these areas.

- How is the procedure?

- I would like to note that since we are a free organization, many parents do not take us very seriously (wanted - came, no - no). When they pay for services, the attitude is completely different - respectful and conscientious.
That is why we resorted to rather strict measures. In our work, we have identified such an algorithm: the child is registered for diagnosis, comes to a deaf educator and a psychologist, who together conduct the diagnosis. After that, without announcing anything to the parents, we meet once a week with an expert group and discuss each newly arrived child. We determine if there are any concomitant diseases (we work exclusively with children with hearing impairments). After diagnosis, if we can not help (if the child has other disorders), we advise parents to other centers and partner organizations.
The team decides that we can offer each child what he should have a plan, what request we make to the parents and vice versa, choose a team that will work, and only then call the parents and talk about their proposal. After all, our task is to teach the family to live properly, and not to rehabilitate the child in a family that does not understand what to do with it next.
We give our request, if the parents agree, then they are put in the schedule (each child can practice no more than 2 times a week with a deaf educator. The psychologist and speech therapist - once). We put the child on the schedule, and he is determined by a specific program.
If the child has a cochlear implant, it is an auditory-speech rehabilitation program in a cochlear implant. If in the hearing aid - then in the device.

-What other areas does Vidchuy Children’s Center do? Early intervention is a program that involves an integrated approach to family preparation. As soon as the parents find out the diagnosis (screening should be carried out in the maternity hospital, then - other examinations), the child should immediately enter the system of early intervention. As a case manager, a team of teachers and psychologists, I work with all family members. When we see that the family is ready and understands what to do next (usually this program lasts about two years, but if someone gets at the age of 2.5-3 years, the program lasts only six months), we transfer the child to the next program. - You said that you work with families from all over Ukraine. How does this happen?

- We are the only ones in Ukraine who are engaged in early intervention for children with hearing impairments. The program has been running for two years, twelve children have gone through it. At this stage, there are five such children (from 7 months to one and a half years).

- We have a remote counseling program. Non-residents come to us for 5-day sessions. Every day they attend classes with a deaf educator, psychologist and speech therapist, get homework, go home, contact the teacher by phone or Skype and, depending on the possibilities, come again once a month or two months.

- What are the problems in the field of rehabilitation of children with hearing impairments?

- The first problem is teachers, staff. Unfortunately, 95% of graduates of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy go to work outside the profession. Because it’s scary, because they don’t feel confident, because they don’t think it’s an important and profitable profession. Although in fact deaf educators now receive not so little, this specialty is quite competitive.
The second problem is the lack of a rehabilitation system. We do not have modern rehabilitation programs that everyone would work on, that would train deaf educators and then they would work according to modern methods. They usually work according to old methods or instincts: as the teacher feels, so he works. But I would like to formalize it in a modern rehabilitation program.
There are scientists at the Grinchenko Institute who work with teachers-practitioners (including ours), who are now creating a rehabilitation program and trying to bring it to the state level.
The third problem is the general development of the child. Even I, as a mother who has faced this, understand perfectly well that parents put all their efforts into making sure that the child learns to speak, hear and try to pull him to the zone of normativeness. And, unfortunately, in this race they forget about the inner atmosphere in the family, the atmosphere of happiness. Children need clubs, sections, extracurricular education, reading books, motor skills classes. Unfortunately, our children do not have enough time for this, and our parents do not have the strength.
Based on this problem, we at the children’s center have done a number of classes that are aimed at the overall development of the child.

"Which ones?"

- This is a development group with a psychologist, sand animation, kinetic sand modeling, creative classes, a school for ladies and gentlemen.

- Are the children ready to study in regular schools after your programs?

- Yes of course. We even have a preparation course for school - imitation of the class: desks, teacher, blackboard, diaries, backpacks, lessons, children do homework and more. After such a course, children are ready to go to inclusive classes.

- What other projects can you "brag about"?

- We launched a music class "Big Bach". This is a free music space. We bought musical instruments, we even have a flute and a saxophone - a gift from the Cherkasy branch of the Institute of Banking. We have guitars, synthesizers, djembe and many other instruments. We have collected applications from amateur and professional musicians who are willing to spend a few hours a week volunteering with children with hearing impairments.
Classes have already begun - the guys play the synthesizer, guitar, djembe. We are looking for a teacher to play the flute and synthesizer.
Our project is called "Big Bach" for a reason. It is not only in tune with the composer’s name, but also with the sound of a big bang. We wanted to show that the explosion must take place within every family and person with a hearing impairment. That each of them can become a musician.

- It is difficult to imagine teenagers now without gadgets and communication on the Internet. How are your students doing in this regard?

- With the help of our partner IMPRESSION ELECTRONICS- the brand of the Ukrainian company "Navigator Corporation", we launched a project called "Intelligence". This is a computer class in which classes and lessons will be held for children and adults with hearing impairments and the totally deaf. For children, again, our partner helped to install the program "Smart men and smart women" on all computers. This is paid content, but for us it is free. We tested it for a year on one computer, now we have switched to group work. There are different programs: Ukrainian language, mathematics and others, but now they spend most of their time on rehabilitation work in the "Speech Therapy" section. This is a focused program, it is targeted for our children.
This is a program that will help us approach the issue of children’s rehabilitation comprehensively, with the help of digital technologies.

As part of the same project "Intelligence", we conduct classes for the teen club, which also works for us. Every Saturday, children aged 14-18 come to us, they even come from the Zhytomyr boarding school, and we conduct various complex classes for them. This is also rehabilitation work. And, in fact, within the framework of the Intellect project, courses on programming, computer literacy, and safe behavior on the Internet are also held for them, which is also very important, given the activity on social networks. The guys, unfortunately, are not trained, they do not know how to protect themselves, "fast" everything they can, their addresses, etc. The Intellect project helps us reach the level we want to reach among our "bad guys".

- Thank you, Daria, for a very interesting and inspiring conversation. I am sure that all your ideas will be realized, because what you do, without exaggeration, can be called a sacred thing.

Author Ulyana Lysak
Photo of Vidchuy NGO