Direct speech

Ufond began in 2010 with letters to Kommersant-Ukraine. Everyone had a request, and often a cry for help.
Since then, all our activities have been working with your letters of appeal. But if we publish requests for help on the site’s pages and in partner media, then here, in the "Direct Speech" section, the main topic is Ufond’s dialogue with readers, friends and partners who ask us questions, make comments, suggestions - in general, conversation on a variety of topics. Ask!

The state, foundations, patrons: from whom to seek help for the family of a seriously ill child?

In modern realities, parents who are struggling with their child’s illness receive not only progressive methods for recovery, but also colossal bills. The old medical foundations still support the myth of free medicine, but people who have faced a real problem understand that this myth has long since lost its content. New media messages have appeared in this industry: the state allegedly does not give a penny for treatment, there are a lot of swindlers on the Internet and on the street, appealing to the topic of children’s diseases, and to charitable foundations allegedly not to break through. We asked charity experts and doctors to what extent these opinions are erroneous and true.
We at Ufond have more than once encountered situations where parents felt hopeless not only because of the baby’s illness, but also because of the lack of funds for treatment. Often they did not have a clear plan of action, emotions prevailed over the ratio. Many do not even try to knock on certain doors, guided only by stereotypes about bad doctors, unscrupulous benefactors and the "greedy" state.
Such situations have increasingly prompted us to think: to whom, in fact, to turn in the first place to parents who do not have the necessary resources to treat the child - to the state, to charities, patrons? Or start fundraising through the media?

Ruslan Bakhtyev , author of the Educational Charitable Project "Selected Children":"When it comes to saving children, all means are good. First parents need to understand what the state can provide for their child, and then look for alternatives through foundations, media or the church. We must not forget that a huge resource can be obtained in volunteer centers. is a foundation that specializes in this issue. It can develop an effective fundraising map to raise funds in Ukraine and abroad, recruit specialists, draw attention to the problem of socially active people and the media. "

Natalia Onipko, President of the Zaporuka Charitable Foundation:"It is important to take matters into our own hands and understand exactly what help is needed and who can provide it. We are often asked for help on the day of diagnosis, when there is no prescribed treatment. The opinion that the state does not provide anything, Some medicines are available in hospitals and the help of philanthropists is not needed in all cases. if treatment abroad is simply the choice of the parents, then fundraising will fall on their shoulders, because charities and the media are only responsible for collecting treatment that is not provided in our well as complex operations that do not require the necessary equipment. "

Bogdan Cherpak, pediatric endovascular surgeon of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after N. Amosov: "Sometimes the costs can be covered by the state, sometimes by patrons. If you can’t get support from the budget, you should turn to charities, and social media is not a clear and uncontrollable tool for raising money, and in many cases it is fraudulent.
In our reality, one of the most effective ways for medical institutions to interact with charitable foundations is to purchase the latest equipment. In Ukraine, there are problems with this - the equipment is distributed among the regions so that in hospitals it is different. Accordingly, some types of operations cannot be performed within their area. Purchasing equipment with charitable foundations for clinics is a very successful practice that is welcomed everywhere.
If we talk about world practice, then in the West, as far as I know, you do not need to ask for help - there is insurance medicine.

""We need to start from the Ukrainian realities, the experience of colleagues from other countries can not always work in Ukraine. From personal experience I can say that if there is no time, and we are talking about large sums, it is right to apply to a reliable charity. availability of a website, annual reports, work experience of at least 2 years, positive feedback, open data about the organization’s management, recognition of the organization. social networks ".

Irina Gutsal, Director of the Ukrainian Charity Exchange: "What is the task of the fund? The main thing is to effectively distribute funds among people who need help in the first place."
The first thing that parents of a seriously ill child should do is to determine all the nuances of the situation: see a doctor, collect all the conclusions, choose a clinic. When it becomes clear that the resources of parents are not enough, you need to seek help from government agencies.
The second thing to do is to find charities that can not only help financially, but also provide advice, which is no less important. Gathering through social media and volunteers is also available all over the world, and it will not go anywhere. This method works well when you need to collect a certain amount. It is important to conduct the collection correctly, having all the documents on hand. Of course, when raising charitable funds, there is always a certain danger. People who raise large sums of money attract not only the attention of those who want to donate, but also fraudsters. In addition, there is a bad practice when people collect money for a long time. Unfortunately, parents often steal money from the ID cards of the parents of a sick child. On the other hand, a person who wants to help should not be guided by emotional impulses, but completely check the information. "

Ilona Sokolovskaya, editor-in-chief of TRK Glas:Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get directly to such a person, and one person can hardly help everyone in need. I know that the patrons themselves work with the funds, donating a certain amount on a regular basis. Of course, it makes sense to turn to media resources. But not all media can respond to the request of individual citizens, often TV, radio and the press cooperate with a charity or organization and provide their broadcast under them, because you can be sure that viewers will receive a report on the health of the child. donations ". it makes sense to turn to media resources. But not all media can respond to the request of individual citizens, often TV, radio and the press cooperate with a charity or organization and provide their broadcast under them, because you can be sure that viewers will receive a report on the health of the child. donations ". it makes sense to turn to media resources. But not all media can respond to the request of individual citizens, often TV, radio and the press cooperate with a charity or organization and provide their broadcast under them, because you can be sure that viewers will receive a report on the health of the child. donations ".

Valentina Domanskaya, mother of Ufond’s ward, Yulia Domanskaya ( diabetes ): "How it should be and how the process really goes are different things. Of course, the need to treat children should be covered by the state. Not only help, but at least a chance to seek it. Unfortunately, in our reality we can’t wait for this. Many items of expenditures are canceled by the state instead of being covered. On the contrary, our family sought help wherever possible. There is a heavy bureaucratic system in many instances. It is much easier to work with charitable foundations. Therefore, I am in favor of the idea that you should first turn to a reliable charity. "

Georgy Ostafiy, father of Ufond’s ward, Georgiy Ostafiy ( cerebral palsy ): "Over the past few years, my family and I have applied to various charitable foundations, both private and public. We have made written inquiries and received written answers. "Everyone - for their own reason. In Ufond we also did not immediately agree, helped in six months. We can periodically count on his help.
Our mother receives from the state on the card about 800 hryvnia per month. But this amount is incomparable with a real need for the treatment of a child once a quarter in the profile center named after Kozyavkin in Truskavets costs 10 thousand hryvnias.
However, help is theoretically possible. I recently met the mother of a child with the same diagnosis. She constantly padded the thresholds and achieved a course of treatment at the expense of the budget. But I will emphasize that it took her 4 years. "

Alexander Puzanov, head of the Kiev Opposition Bloc: " Unfortunately, there is almost no hope for the state - it now easily spends money on a senseless war and does not want to pay for children’s treatment. But for the parents of a sick child, it is still a little easier than for the relatives of an adult with a seriously ill person - charitable foundations are more willing to help children. Therefore, first of all, I would advise to turn to benefactors. It is important to choose proven funds with a solid reputation to get real help, not speculation on the child’s health.
The request should be as specific as possible: how much money is needed, for what exactly (for examination, treatment, flight to another country for treatment, etc.). If the benefactors for some reason refused or the money they collected is not enough, do not despair. You will be helped by social networks and crowdfunding sites - Internet platforms specially created for fundraising. Create an account on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube. It is desirable to create accounts not only in the native language, but also in English to expand the audience of those who can help. It is very important to make life easier for those who want to help you: the details of a local bank card may be enough for Ukraine, but for donations from abroad it is better to open foreign currency bank accounts, start e-wallets. Regularly report on how much was collected, what the collected money was used for, how much is left. Spending reports will confirm that you can be trusted.
There are many more good people in the world than it seems. Believe in the best, and your baby will definitely be helped. "

Ivan Krulko, People’s Deputy of Ukraine:"Each situation is individual, so there is no single effective recipe for finding money for the treatment of children. I know of cases where the state helped put children on their feet. I would not hope for state aid. There are many more cases when charitable foundations and patrons help to treat. And it is important not to make a mistake and turn to a proven fund, where you will not earn, but really help your child recover. I know that some have managed to raise hundreds of thousands for treatment through social networks.With the adoption of laws №3467 and 2297 (as soon as they are signed by the President) and the exemption of SMS charity from the "draconian" taxation, it will be easier and faster to find the necessary amounts for treatment.
I think everyone will want and be able to donate a small amount to charity and save a child’s life without drinking a cup of coffee a day, or saving on some trinkets. Moreover, Ukrainians have already shown that they are ready to help via SMS in 2008 and 2015, when the government manually removed taxes on charitable SMS contributions of citizens in the amount of 5 hryvnias per single short number. In the first case, 2,000,000 hryvnias were collected in 3 weeks to eliminate the consequences of the floods in Western Ukraine. In the second - 38,000,000 hryvnias for the needs of the Ukrainian army. Impressive, isn’t it? "

Read also: Direct speech: Is it moral to equate the expenses of the non-profit sector with the expenses of the commercial one?