From the bottom of my heart: 8 actions of employees that the world has learned about

Today, it is difficult to do anything secretly: any deed, noble or not, is easily captured by the camera of a passer-by, and everyone has a chance to wake up famous thanks to the "viral" video. This also applies to employees: a habitual act can both cause great damage to the company’s reputation and resound to the world with a laudatory ode: "Look at the people behind this brand."

Watch a selection of videos in which the employees involved (and just good people) do the right thing and inspire others.

1. Communicate on equal terms.
The barista of the Starbucks coffee shop noticed one of the regular visitors - a guy who can’t hear. And she decided to learn sign language so that he could place orders on an equal footing with others. The girl spent several hours of her time on it - and, in his own words, made the man happy. The guy framed and saved the note in which the barista said that she had learned sign language. The coffee shop’s emotional employee was reported in the news, and a video of her attitude to customers quickly spread on the Internet.

2. Fulfill the dream… boss.
The founder of Gravity Payments has announced a decision to give up its impressive annual income of one million dollars, and thus - to set all employees a minimum salary of 70 thousand dollars. Grateful employees decided to repay with the same coin: to fulfill the dream of the boss, which he abandoned by making such a decision. People spent a whole year saving money to give him a Tesla car.

3. Reach out.
The story of how an employee of the Apple store supported the boy and his mother in a difficult moment. In return, the woman, grateful for her seemingly ordinary human behavior, wrote a letter to the boy’s management, calling his deed great, and shared the story with society.

4. Break the bread.
In this case, the hero of the story was not an employee, but the owner of the business, pizzeria Rosa’s Fresh. He came up with a special "currency" valid only on the territory of his institution: the client can pay an extra dollar, get a bright sticker in return, write some kind words and attach it to the wall near the entrance. Anyone in need can go to a restaurant and pay for a slice of pizza with this sticker. All the walls of the restaurant are covered with hundreds of colored stickers, like wallpaper.

5. Be patient.
The hero of this video at first glance did not do anything unusual - he just helped an elderly customer of the Target store to count her little things. And so it happened that the other customer in the queue was not annoyed, but inspired: she saw in this act a great example for their children, thanked the head of the employee - and now the attentive cashier is already shown in the news.

6. Encourage.
Another story about Target. The guy came to the store to choose a tie for the first interview in his life. Employees, noticing his confusion, not only helped to make a choice, but also supported, armed with advice from their experience before an important meeting. And a passing customer took a few photos.

7. Share your own.
The manager of the Dairy Queen restaurant witnessed how a woman in line stole $ 20 from a blind customer. And he insisted that she return the money. A scandal broke out, and then a restaurant employee decided to give his own money to the robbed man. One of the customers saw what had happened and sent an email to the company’s management. The story became "viral", restaurant sales increased significantly, and Warren Buffett called to thank the guy for his kindness. People who were inspired by the hero’s deed began to send him $ 20 bills - the guy spent the money on charity.

8. Give a smile to a child.
An employee of the store took the baby in her arms and showed him how the cash register works. And his grateful mother, who is going through a difficult period in her life, took a photo and shared it with her friends on Facebook.

So the usual actions of ordinary workers do more for the company’s reputation than pompous advertising campaigns. And what kind of good deeds did you and your colleagues do? Share your story with us on the foundation’s Facebook page and we will definitely tell you about it.