Good advertising. A selection of the strongest videos

Beautiful advertising is not always commercial, good advertising is not necessarily social. As proof of this, we have made a small selection of videos, both advertising and social, which harmoniously combine eternal human values ​​and their aesthetic visualization.

Thai Life’s "Unsung Hero" has garnered more than 26 million views on YouTube and continues to be a social media hit. This video, shortlisted for the 2014 Cannes Lions Festival, reminds us how important it is to do good without expecting anything in return:

In 2014, at the Cannes Lions advertising festival, one of the main prizes went to a social video called "Dear Future Mother". In it, 15 young people with Down syndrome address their future mothers as if on behalf of unborn children. They say that the life of such a mother will be very different. Sometimes sad, sometimes cheerful, sometimes very hectic. But it will definitely be complete, because can the life of a mother raising a beloved child be empty ?:

Video from the same advertising agency from Bangkok - Ogilvy & Mather - for the mobile operator TrueMove. The video titled "Giving is the best communication" tells the story of a cafe owner who helps the needy all his life and eventually receives an award:

The Swiss charity Pro Infirmis, which works to protect the rights of people with disabilities, has released a series of social videos reminding that people with disabilities are full members of society and need the support of others:

Swiss charity Pro Infirmis has launched a social advertisement for people with disabilities . In one of the shops in the center of Zurich, Pro Infirims replaced the usual "perfect" mannequins with specially made figures of real disabled people. Another video from Pro Infirmis, which garnered millions of views:

Caring for the sick is not just pills: a video from the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc:

Social experiment: how many people are outraged by the neglect of the poor - and how many people are willing to help them:

Video from China - that parents can hurt children hotly, but willing to do anything for their happiness:

British shopping center chain John Lewis has created another subtle and an insightful video about human relationships and real feelings, not forgetting, of course, to mention that the company has been helping people achieve their goals and upholding traditional values ​​for 90 years. Well, their right! And we have a beautiful video series and thoughts about the eternal:

The frosty and kind advertisement of the famous director Bruno Avejan about the Shahgri-La hotel chain is an unconditional masterpiece of its kind. Under the slogan "To embrace a stranger as one’s own. It’s in our nature. Yes, there are no words or shots about the hotel here, so we just watch the story and make handkerchiefs:

Eight years ago, GreenPeace made a terrific emotional video for Earth Day with the slogan: “This fragile Earth deserves the right to vote. She needs solutions. It needs change. She needs you. ” Comments seem redundant:

McCann Erickson Oslo has made a heartfelt and beautiful advertisement for the local airline, in which the pilot of the planes is not some pilot there, but an ordinary grandfather, well, like ours with you. Cute, uncomplicated and very touching - in general, just what the doctor wrote:

"Your family is perfect. Your home should be the same. To convey this message, Promart Homecenter shot a video about a father caring for his deaf-mute daughter. Almost forbidden reception, but hits the target. We look, relax with tenderness and urgently think about how we can improve the lives of our loved ones. Yes, such videos - the road:

Thirteen videos - and how much beauty and kindness. At least, the existence of such mini-stories proves that advertising is not always a way to aggressively pump money. It is also an art, an opportunity to tell and remind us in two minutes about those important things that so often and undeservedly go into the background or even fall out of our attention. And even if units raise advertising to the level of art, we always have the opportunity to prefer such single mini-masterpieces to media fast food. At the very least, we will be sure to find and publish these rarities for you.