Hear me!

According to the WHO, more than 5% of the world’s population - 360 million people - suffer from hearing loss, including 32 million children. In Ukraine there are about 100 thousand. such people, about 20,000 of them are children. Hearing disorders are the most common congenital pathology (found in 3 out of 1,000 newborns). Early detection of the disease and timely medical care are critical, because without hearing the child can not begin to speak and fully socialize.
To combat deafness and severe hearing loss in the case when hearing aids can not help, the method of cochlear implantation is used- installation of a special medical device to restore hearing. There are more than 400,000 in the world. patients who have undergone such implantation. In Ukraine, surgery for children is free, but due to the high cost of the device, it is performed in limited quantities and does not cover the real need. Today, more than 300 children are waiting in line to receive a cochlear implant. However, they can not wait: the operation must be done at 1-2 years of age. This will give the child the opportunity to best rehabilitate and develop speech skills.

The consultation of Professor Mehmet Ziya Ozuyer will be held at: Kyiv, st. Leo Tolstoy, 57, BC 101 Tower . Tel. 044364 10 16

Cochlear implant -it is a unique medical device that allows you to restore hearing to patients with severe or severe manifestations of sensorineural deafness (hard of hearing). The inner, subcutaneous element of the implant consists of a "receiver" and an electrode, which is implanted by surgery directly into the area of ​​the inner ear, where the damaged "hair" ends. The external component is a minicomputer, or speech processor. This processor captures ambient sounds, converts them into electrical impulses and sends them to an internal component, which in turn transmits impulses to the auditory nerve through the implanted electrode. Auditory nerve signals are transmitted to the brain, where they are perceived as sounds. The whole process, from the receipt of sound to its processing in the brain, is so fast,
Professor Mehmet Ziya Ozüyer is a leading otolaryngologist in the ACIBADEM network of clinics, which specializes in cochlear implantation. Work experience - 24 years. During this period, the doctor has gained extensive experience in cochlear implantation for children with congenital hearing loss, as well as for adults with acquired severe hearing loss and people who could not help the hearing aid.