International Day of Happiness!

It is customary to remember the happiest moments in life today.

March 20 was declared the International Day of Happiness by the UN General Assembly. This is a day when you can and should remember the happiest moments of your life. Tune in to a positive mood, discard bad thoughts, smile and hug your loved ones, because we are all happy because of them.

What is happiness?

Rhetorical, eternal question ... Few people can give an accurate, clear, and most importantly - a short and at the same time capacious answer to it. For some it is the health of their loved ones, for others it is material well-being, for others it is love of the grave, for others it is the realization of natural, often creative potential and, as a consequence, fame and public recognition. The fifth considers happiness to be the totality of all the benefits listed above. And yet we can highlight one common feature, which, in fact, is the answer to the question: well-being. This is happiness, and it is for everyone. However, if you approach this problem philosophically, then everything turns out to be much easier. Happiness is life, the ability to breathe, see, hear, walk and enjoy every moment of your earthly existence.
Different sciences have their own definition of this phenomenon. Thus, one of the world’s religions - Christianity - teaches that happiness is not urgent, because in this world we are only guests, but in the union of the human soul after death with the Supreme Divine beginning. Buddhists see happiness in attaining enlightenment, so-called nirvana, which can be achieved while still alive. Psychology teaches: happy is he who has learned to love himself without any conventions. Ethics sees happiness in the good attitude of people to each other and coexistence in harmony and mutual understanding. Well, physiologists consider as an eternal concept the physical sensation of euphoria, which occurs at the time of release into the blood in a large number of "happiness hormones" - serotonin, dopamine and endorphins.

How to become happier?
Each of us, one way or another, dreams of this, because there are no people who are absolutely happy with life. What can you do to feel a little happier? Below are "working", according to psychologists, ways to increase your personal happiness.

1. Do sports.

It is important to do this regularly and with pleasure, then the results will not take long.
2. Get yourself a good night’s sleep.
Scientists claim that this factor plays a huge role in counteracting the body’s negative emotions and thoughts.
3. Communicate.
This means, of course, not just communication, but communication with nice people: like-minded people, friends, relatives and friends.
4. Help other people and animals.
Yes, good deeds done unselfishly, from a pure heart for the benefit of others, work real miracles. And do you know why? As a result of such actions, you will develop and strengthen over time a sense of self-importance. Spend only 2 hours a week helping people - that’s enough to make you feel happier.

But what is real happiness without ornaments and scientific explanations?
Happiness is when you rejoice in simple little things.
When you have family and best friends in the world.
When you are open to the world, when you can share with someone and help someone.
When you want and can fool around for no reason.
When you have a brother or sister and a pet.
Happiness is to love and be loved, it is to do what you like, to travel.
Spend time with children, and enjoy the sunset or sunrise.
Reread your favorite books and listen to a good song over and over again.
Eat chocolate, celebrate a birthday and get a good night’s sleep.
Happiness is the ability to remain a child, and grow old
with someone who is really dear!

Be happy!
