Interview. By law good.

By law good.

March was rich in legislative initiatives in the field of charity. An important law has been passed that simplifies the work of volunteers and volunteer organizations. We talked about this with the director of the Ukrainian Forum of Philanthropists Anna Gulevskaya-Chernysh.

What restrictions on the activities of volunteers have been removed?

- The so-called licensing of volunteer activities was removed. Previously, if a person wanted to volunteer, he had to enter into a special agreement with an organization that has the status of a volunteer. At the same time, the organization also had to obtain a license from the Ministry of Social Policy. This rule was nonsense. It turned out that the permission of the state to do good deeds was required. Licensing is now revoked for both volunteers and organizations.

We also managed to reduce the age limit for volunteers from 18 to 14. In addition, we gave the green light to international volunteers.

The new law also solves the problem of volunteer insurance. Previously, the organization was obliged to insure its employee, but we know that philanthropists do not have the funds to do so. According to European practice, this norm is a recommendation, not a mandatory one. That is why this rule has been lifted today in Ukraine as well.

Does this law somehow regulate the sphere of false volunteers - unscrupulous figures who raise funds for victims? Fraud cases have become more frequent recently. How is the issue of control resolved?

- This area is regulated by the law on charitable activities, which has a special section - "raising public funds." We are working on amendments to this law that will tighten control over volunteer organizations. I hope that by the end of the year we will resolve the issue.

But here it is important to understand public opinion. Volunteering in Ukraine today has a number of features. In other countries, the responsibilities of volunteers do not include fundraising, as in Ukraine. Charitable foundations do this, but not volunteers. Today, when the sector has begun to develop actively, there are those who abuse and try to make money on charity. Therefore, we need to decide whether we want volunteers to continue collecting money for their cards, or whether we should still move to the civilized field.

In your opinion, how can this problem be solved?

- Fundraising should be done by official legal entities. We need to move to systematic work, which must be transparent and accountable.

The law "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine" caused a storm of outrage among market participants. What are the main claims to this law?

- The document concerns the tax exemption of those who provide charitable assistance to displaced persons. Today, any assistance that exceeds 1,710 hryvnias per year is subject to personal income tax. If the needy person received money, a wheelchair or other equipment, he must pay tax on the amount received or on the value of the purchased equipment. When the aid is provided by a charity, it, as a tax agent, bears these costs.

The Cabinet of Ministers has introduced amendments that would now exempt those organizations that are included in a special list from the tax. It is not clear to market participants on what principle it will be formed, and why other organizations are deprived of such preferences. This caused outrage from benefactors.

In June 2014, we proposed another bill that introduced systemic changes, but, unfortunately, the parliamentary corps did not support us. Unfortunately, the Soviet mentality still prevails in our system of government.

How widespread is charity in Ukraine today?

- I meet readiness and desire to help my neighbor at every step. I really want this to become our trend. I am often asked who is a volunteer in Ukraine? I answer: this is the one who is saving the country today. Today, many have felt and seen that charity can change the lives of thousands of people.