Interview. Private business.

PRIVATE business.

PrivatBank is a long-standing partner of the Ukrainian Relief Fund. The bank has the largest network of branches and ATMs in Ukraine. And it makes charity accessible and convenient for each of you. Whether you withdraw money from the card at the terminal, or pay the bill at the box office, you can transfer funds to a sick child. Ufond correspondent Svetlana Hisamova talked to the head of PrivatBank’s charitable projects Anna Pavlova about the opportunities and prospects of our joint business with you.

- What are the results of cooperation between Ufond and PrivatBank? What can be said about the "Immaculate Heart" campaign?

- Ufond is one of our permanent partners with whom we cooperate. The first joint project was implemented in 2011. Then it was possible to collect almost 300 thousand. UAH With these funds, heart operations were performed on 19 young patients. In 2015, we resumed this campaign: a fundraiser was opened to purchase occluders. The action continues now. The amount of funds raised exceeded UAH 1.1 million. More than 30,000 people have already taken part in the action. residents of Ukraine. The Bank provided its customers with the opportunity to use all existing channels of communication for donations: ATMs, self-service terminals, Internet banking "Privat24", secure payments LiqPay. Thanks to coordinated work, it is really easy to help.

- What other charitable programs does PrivatBank implement? Why is this important to you?

- The programs are different, but children’s health is a separate big area that our team is working on. In addition to the joint assistance program with the Fund, funds are currently being raised for the purchase of medical equipment in the oncohematology department. We have to buy diagnostic systems by the end of the year. Another permanent area is assistance to orphanages. We have taken over the patronage of educational institutions throughout Ukraine: we buy furniture, medicines, stationery, in some we have repaired heating and water supply systems.

- How is the attitude of your clients to charity changing, can you assess this? How active are they?

- Over the past year and a half, the activity of our clients’ participation in charity programs has grown significantly. Representatives of other funds also note the same. We receive many calls not only with requests for help, but also with offers to help. And still call with gratitude. The average amount of donation, depending on the program, ranges from 50 to 100 UAH. At the same time, we are sure that even a very small fee can help.

- What is the portrait of the "Privat benefactor"?

- A portrait of a philanthropist is a portrait of a Ukrainian. Businessmen, students, retirees, housewives, economists from all over our country. There are contributions from six-year-old boys and girls, there is even an 87-year-old pensioner who transferred 15 hryvnias.

- What modern financial instruments can contribute to the development of fundraising?

- Providing assistance should not take much time if we are talking about mass fundraising. And it should be convenient and transparent. Speaking of instruments, we use our payment services for charitable transfers, for example, in LiqPay and Privat24, as well as our ATM and terminal networks, we collect in the offices in the form of a transfer transfer. The customer saw an offer or request for help, made a donation in one click, and later received a report. So, in my opinion, a system of relationships between foundations and patrons should be built. Tools such as Internet banking, Privat24, are replacing money boxes in shopping malls.