Life. To be continued. Dance of the heart.

The story of Evelina’s birth and salvation.

In childhood, everything seems easier, more fun. Problems always seem small, insignificant. During this period of life, the world around is huge, bright, and it shines with all colors, instilling a firm belief that all troubles and diseases will pass, and everything will always be fine. And you perceive these worries in a completely different way in adult life. You already realize that not everything is always good and wonderful. The difference is that the child, having fallen, can cry, complain, run to his mother for help. There is no one to run to the parents. Unless, when it becomes difficult, they turn to other people for help, relying on the kindness and indifference of human hearts. This is exactly what happened to the Opulski family.

The story of the birth and rescue of a girl namedEvelynIs the story of her dance, beautiful, difficult and unpredictable. You never know where the dance of life will take you. We told her story back in the winter. This little, pretty blonde won the hearts of many people. Everyone was touched by her shyness, and at the same time childish openness and dreaminess. Her world is dolls, books and many other hobbies. Evelina is fond of drawing, loves to solve children’s crossword puzzles, plays chess with her older brother, loves to embroider beads. She is interested in everything, she wants to know more about everything. Unfortunately, her ability to choose physical activity was very limited. And over the years, more and more prohibitions arose in her life: doctors forbade her to go to physical education, she was forced to leave the dance club. And the culprit was a serious illness - a heart defect, which she was discovered at 5 months.

Initially, the hole was 0.2 mm in diameter. The parents hoped that it would be delayed and the illness would pass by itself. But the miracle did not happen. Every six months, the girl was examined at the Heart Institute. Doctors suggested that surgery might not be necessary. But in the period from 5 to 6 years, Evelina grew up, stretched and the hole increased to 0.7 mm - 1 cm. This is quite a lot and it already needed surgery - the installation of an occluder. This is a special patch that closes the hole in the heart and allows the child to live a full life. Such a patch is not cheap. The amount of 100,000 hryvnias for a poor family of four was more than huge. So they turned to the Fund for help. Readers and partners of the foundation were not indifferent. The required amount was collected very quickly. The girl was operated on.

I was convinced of this when Evelina and her mother Ludmila came for an interview. Evelina took roller skates with her, and after a long conversation, put them on and started skating. She is still not quite sure about the videos, but she is trying very hard to learn. Of course, you can’t do without abrasions and scratches - constant companions of any child. Riding on rollers, Evelina could not resist and fell, scratching her knee. While my mother was making lotions, I noticed a bruise on her knee, to which Ludmila replied, smiling: "She got this" injury "earlier. She doesn’t sit still, now you can’t stop her, she runs relentlessly. "

This means that the girl is no longer limited by health. Her heart is functioning normally and she is ready to conquer new heights. And Evelina has a huge number of plans for the future. She plans to return to dancing. And most importantly - her parents plan to send her to acting courses to overcome her natural shyness. Evelina dreams of singing, conquering the stage and the hearts of fans. And looking at her, I thought she would succeed. And not least thanks to you, caring, responsive people who responded and helped this amazing girl to become healthy.

Author Евгений Левченко
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