Life. To be continued. Kindness saves the heart.

The bad passes, the good is not forgotten…

Is there anything that can measure goodness? Is there a measure that is applicable to the concept of sincerity and compassion? I asked myself all these questions while talking to the parents of three-year-old Maxim Sherstyak . Now this family is happy. Parents laugh at the pranks of their firstborn. Three-year-old Maxim himself is already running on the tracks, he is riding a scooter at high speed. Movement is the basis of his little life. After all, in his world , now , everything is flying and spinning somewhere. Fortunately , he had n’t realized what danger he was in until recently. A serious illness could ruin his whole life.

At birth, doctors were not alarmed by the two-millimeter hole in Maxim’s heart. They decided that in a year it would heal. But a year later it not only did not overgrow, but also became more. Only the operation of installing a small patch - an occluder - could solve the problem. But this required money that the family did not have. That is why the parents turned to all, not indifferent, calling for human kindness and compassion. After all, if the operation had not been performed, the boy would have been very limited in movement all his life. The further he grew, the bigger the hole became, and the harder it would be for him to live. Concomitant diseases would gradually join. The benefit of these consequences was avoided precisely because of human responsiveness. To the parents’ surprise, the money for their son’s treatment was raised very quickly. And in April Maxim underwent surgery.
Several months have passed since the operation. We talk to parents Dmitry and Larisa on a summer, sunny day. Maxim at this time, spins on carousels, and in a second is already running on a swing, and in a few minutes, is already riding a scooter. He does all this with such desire and mood, as if trying to make up for everything he could not do when there was a hole in his heart that threatened his life. But now it’s all in the past…
Maxim is ashamed to communicate with me. And a few hours ago, I ran around a small apartment and shouted to my parents: "Come on, get ready soon, a journalist will come to me soon."
Now the parents are looking at the baby, at how he is having fun, and with a smile they remember their experiences during the operation, although they were clearly not laughing that day. Every ten minutes they ran to the floor where the operating room is. And the doctors did not come out. Later it turned out that the hole was a little bigger than originally thought, and the operation became a little more complicated. But thank God everything went well.
Parents remember with great gratitude all those who did not remain indifferent to their plight, and responded to the request to help their son.

- Many thanks to the people who showed kindness to us, showed that there are good people in the world and there are many more good people than bad ones, - says Dmitry Sherstyak. - Different people called us. I would especially like to thank the person who helped us with all the missing money. Unfortunately, we cannot name him, but if he reads these lines, let him know that we are very grateful to him.

Maxim will find out later what happened to him. And perhaps in difficult moments of life, in moments of despair, he will remember that once he was helped by good people.
There is a huge world around him now. You can even say the whole universe, which he is trying to learn better. Already in his three years he showed a penchant for the exact sciences. Excellently oriented in geographical maps. He can easily show where the house is, where his grandmother lives and how to get to his favorite aquarium. But most importantly - Maxim can and loves to count. And counts everything that comes to hand. He even tries to add numbers. And this is in his three years ... Parents see their son’s talents, but believe that he will choose his profession himself.
The most important thing is that he grew up a good person. Everything else will apply. Looking at this cheerful nimble boy "cutting" on a scooter on a shady alley, I thought, after all, it’s good that there is good. After all, it is thanks to the kindness of human hearts, the warmth of human souls, this little man will develop together with his peers, not only intellectually but also physically.
After all, he will not know what it is often sick and constant shortness of breath when running. If he wants to climb the trampoline, he can jump on it indefinitely. In the future, he may realize that his life is divided into before and after surgery.
We are sure that he will grow up to be a wonderful and smart person. After all, he will know firsthand what such good is.
Life goes on. And we continue to believe in the good, in the compassion of human souls. We firmly believe that our society is not as soulless as some skeptics claim. There is always a place in human hearts for responsiveness that can help one’s neighbor get out of a difficult situation.

Author Evgeny Levchenko
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