Life. To be continued. Mistress of destiny.

Life. To be continued ...

There are five children in this Kiev apartment. Seven-year-old Sasha Pritula has older children - two sisters and a brother, and a younger brother, a foster child. All this big children’s company is run only by my mother, also Alexandra. Her daughter Sasha recently had heart surgery. You, the readers of Ufond, helped raise money for the treatment.

Alexandra, Sasha and I are sitting in the small kitchen. Sasha, strictly speaking, does not sit for a minute, every now and then he jumps up, remembering various important things. It is necessary to feed the dogs, there are two of them in this house, they are spinning right in the kitchen - suddenly, something delicious will fall apart. Sasha herself wanted hot sandwiches, and she quickly cut bread and cheese and put the sandwiches in the microwave. Everything is ready, and Sasha runs to the room, the dogs follow.

- What an active girl!

- Yes, she is my atamansha, - confirms Alexandra. - Now, after the operation, my daughter has to be restrained. She should go out into the yard, immediately gather around the boys and girls and come up with something.

Sasha recently had serious problems. In the spring of this year, she became seriously ill with pneumonia. Shortly afterwards, the girl began to complain that her legs and arms were numb. When Sasha got tired, her nose began to bleed.

Mom took the girl to the clinic. Doctors heard Sasha’s heartbeat and sent her for examination to the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. NM Amosov. There, the girl was found to have a congenital heart disease - a defect of the atrial septum. Urgent surgery is needed, experts said. It can be done in a gentle, endovascular way, with the use of a special "patch", the occluder - with its help closes the hole between the left and right atria. The operation itself will be performed at the expense of budget funds, but you must pay for the occluder.

Where to take Alexandra for the occluder 85 thousand. UAH? .. She raises five children alone, works as a taxi driver. And the daughter’s operation cannot be postponed. And Alexandra turned to Ufond for help. It was late summer. And already on September 30, Alexandra received a call from Ufond and was told that the money for the occluder had been collected.

- The operation was successful. Thank you very much to everyone who responded, who helped us! Sasha still can’t run and jump. But I think she will recover soon, and doctors will allow her daughter to dance. Before her illness, Sasha went to ballet, and now she is going with her older brother - to "street dances", - says Alexandra.

- And if the operation was not done?

- Doctors said that Sasha could start complications - heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and in 20-25 years - could have a heart attack, - says Alexandra.

At this moment, Sasha runs into the kitchen, for her, never tireless, life is a series of fun adventures.

And her mother knows that life is difficult and unhappy. Alexandra has been working as a taxi driver for 14 years, she got a job immediately after her divorce from her first husband. She did not apply for alimony. She did not stop working in a taxi, even when she was pregnant with Sasha.

- Now I have a rented car, it was "my", it was in a terrible accident, Sasha’s father, my second husband. He died. And the car could not be restored, - recalls Alexander. - At first it was so hard for me… I was also in debt. But I quickly realized, you can not relax. There is no other way out: children, we have to work. If you relax yourself, you will have to work twice as hard tomorrow.

I am amazed at her strength, her patience. And how everything is clearly arranged in this family. Alexandra works the night shift. In the afternoon - at home, get some sleep, then cook lunch for the younger ones, clean up, meet the older children, feed them dinner and go to work.

"It’s so hard every day." How are you doing?

"We have a close-knit family," Alexandra explains. - Everyone helps each other.

After talking to Alexandra, I understand that in any circumstances a person can be the master of his own destiny. And he can teach his children that. The column is led by Sergey Semenov Photo by Roman Betsenko

Life . To be continued ... STEP BY STEP. The main thing is not to give up, and then the disease recedes. Olga’s birth was difficult. Bogdan was born weak, he was put in intensive care. He was then transferred from the maternity hospital to the hospital, where the boy was kept for a month. Doctors diagnosed "hydrocephalus", hydrocephalus, which develops due to excessive accumulation of fluid in the cranial cavity. The mother was told that the boy had the consequences of a birth injury, and was reassured that in time the disease would pass. However, it turned out differently.