Life. To be continued. Overcome silence.

Fate is deaf, but says what to do.

For people who were deprived of the gift of hearing from birth, to hear the first sounds means to discover the whole world, at first incomprehensible, but the further, the more beautiful .- a little girl from Nikopol, who recently underwent surgery to install a cochlear implant. Through the joint efforts of Ufond’s partners and friends , we managed to raise the necessary amount and carry out the operation. Thanks to the indifference of those around her, Maria learned that it is possible to touch the world around her not only by touch, but also by hearing.

Katya could not get pregnant for a long time. There were even thoughts that she would never be able to become a mother. In November 2013, changes began to occur with the body. A visit to the doctor, finally gave the long-awaited news - Katya had the fifth week of pregnancy. She flew out of the office like on wings, with one thought: “Hurray !!!!! I will become a mother. "

Katya calls the night from May 3 to 4, 2014 scary. But it is difficult to even imagine what a mother whose child is born in the eighth month puts into this concept. Of course, the relatives were nervous, everyone thought what and how will happen next. Alas, the fears were justified - Masha was diagnosed with sensorineural deafness of the fourth degree. Of course, the girl was given a hearing aid so that she could hear at least something. But it didn’t help much. Maria heard, but the sound was as if a healthy person had clamped his ears against a passing train. She could not distinguish and identify sounds. But this problem was not the only one. She could lead another. If the girl hadn’t started hearing, she wouldn’t have been able to speak. After all, she would not even know what verbal communication is.

The father soon left the family. My mother had no way out. She was determined not to leave the child. This is probably the truth of maternal love. Love is huge and all-conquering. That love that helps us overcome everything. Katya, in the struggle for health and a full life and the future of her daughter did everything possible and impossible. After all, "Magic Ear" was not cheap - 500,000 hryvnia. For a single mother, the amount is simply sky-high.
Katya will remember this date for the rest of her life - January 17, 2018. It was on this day that the baby managed to escape from the captivity of silence. The operation lasted three hours. And then the door opened, and they brought the baby. Masha was already conscious, crying. The doctors explained that you can’t get up yet, eat too. Although Mashulya cried, she showed that she was hungry. The doctor smiled and replied that the operation was successful, all the electrodes gave the answer, Masha will wake up and everything will be fine! And most importantly - the girl will hear !!!
Masha woke up cheerful, cheerful. She was disturbed by a bandage that the girl was trying to tear off. Reinforcing her strength, Masha was already rushing into the corridor - to walk. The nurse came and said that I needed to go for an X-ray. Marusya was put in a wheelchair and taken away. Then she did not move away from this wheelchair - she asked to be rolled.

January 21, 2018 is the day when Maria finally learned what hearing is. The tuner turned on the device, began to make sounds, quieter, a little louder and… Masha reacted to the sound. However, initially she was scared and rushed to her grandmother. But she soon realized that no one was going to offend her, and just sat there with her eyes wide open. Then the tuner began to clap his hands, knocking on the table. In response, the girl with a smile began to clap back. Naturally, this caused a storm of delight and emotions in loved ones. When everyone calmed down, Masha clapped her hands again, forcing her grandmother to do the same.
Now the baby is learning to fully hear. Every once in a while she turns to her name or knocks. My mother deals with her in the same way as before, with the voice of everything that is happening. Now Masha is feeling well, she even started laughing differently. When she hears the sound, she smiles. Usually when journalists use the phrase "life is divided into" before "and" after "- they mean the transition to the black band of life. Fortunately, in relation to Katya and Masha, this phrase takes on the opposite context. "Before" was a black stripe, from which they tried their best to escape. This was the period when the mother, looking at the baby, said something to her, and realizing that the girl could not hear still continued to talk to her. It was hard and painful.
And after the operation, life changed for the better.

Even greater happiness is to wait for Masha to finally say the cherished "Mother". Next, the mother and daughter, of course, await rehabilitation! My mother plans to take Masha to a speech therapist, because, alas, there are no deaf educators in Nikopol…. So far, it’s time for Katya and Masha. In their free time, they look at books, pictures, and collect wooden inserts. Mom tries to take the baby to all the events so that Masha socializes in society! After all, she has not yet fully realized that she can HEAR!

Katya plans to put an implant on the baby’s second ear, but for now - this is a prospect. And now Katya and Masha from the bottom of their hearts thank everyone who did not remain indifferent to their plight !!! With your help, we managed to break Masha out of silence and give her a full life in the world of sounds.

AuthorEvgeny Levchenko
Photo by Maria Yukhno

Read also: Life. To be continued. Happiness