Life. To be continued. Step by step.

Olga and Bogdan Kozlov together with Olga’s mother now live in a small two-room "Khrushchev" on the outskirts of Kiev. Bogdan is very thin, small, and you can’t say that he is five years old, he likes to sit on his mother’s lap and sing "his songs". So far, the boy can only pronounce syllables.

- When we came from the hospital, at first it seemed that my son was recovering, he was gaining weight well, began to roll over from back to stomach, raised his head, - says Olga. - But a month later everything changed, Bogdan stopped holding his head, his eyes began to roll, he cried almost all the time.

And two months later, Olga’s husband left. The first time I called, learned how things were, and then stopped. Olga’s mother moved in to help her daughter.

- How I endured all this, to be honest, I do not know… - Olga admits. - And, on the other hand, what was left for me to do? I had to endure. In a year Bogdan was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. And then it turned out that I also had health problems: they found a tumor of the thyroid gland, I had to have surgery. But all these five years my main task, my goal is to cure my son.

Every morning Olga and Bogdan, he is on his mother’s chest in a special backpack, leave the house and go for procedures and treatment. First on a minibus for a massage, then on another minibus - for physiotherapy, then - in the pool, then for classes with a speech therapist, psychologist or neurologist.

And this daily heroism bears fruit. Bogdan became interested in toys and can hold them in his hands, he became more attentive and even took a few steps, holding the stroller. He also likes to listen to music and fairy tales when his mother reads them.

- My son is very helped by treatment in a specialized sanatorium in Truskavets. We went there three times already, now we are going for the fourth time. Ufond readers helped us raise money. I myself would not pay. Thank you very much to everyone who responded! Doctors say that Bogdan needs to go for treatment every 3-4 months. - Olga tells.

That’s how, step by step, Bogdan is moving towards a full life. Olga hopes that her son will go to school.

- We will most likely have to start with individual training at home, - says Olga. - And then, I think, Bogdan himself will be able to go to school, will look after other children, and will try to keep up. The column is led by Sergey Semenov Photo by Roman Betsenko

Life . To be continued ... FELL - RISE. You defeat disease when you are not afraid of it.