Life. To be continued. Vice and faith

Faith, love, children and atrial septal defect.

Heart affairs are affairs of the heart. Only the heart knows where it will begin, where life will lead a person. Well and also to the second - that goes towards. He is from Kamchatka, she is from Uzbekistan, and they met and got acquainted here in Ukraine. And it knocked, crashed, pounded so hard that everything around came into motion. In the end, they ended up in Brovary with five children. When Ilya fell ill in the family, one of the five children, the child’s father, did not hesitate to make a decision. Doctors said you should think: if you operate on the heart in the usual way and manually suture the hole in the atrial septum, the chances are fifty to fifty. If you do nothing, there is also little good - the child will suffer. But Vitaly Skritsky did not think and doubt. Went to church. He prayed. Sprinkled with holy water. And here, please: Ufond was found, helped to pay for the occluder, in forty minutes it was inserted into the guy’s heart through the circulatory system, the hole was closed to him and he was saved from vice forever. Forces much more obscure and omnipotent than the common man have done their job. We are talking about them with the Skritsky family:


"How we met is a scary story. Confused. That is a terribly confusing story. I was born in Uzbekistan and my husband was born in Kamchatka. When the Soviet Union began to fall apart and unrest and unrest broke out in Central Asia, my father took us to Ukraine. Many left then. Who is in Israel, who is in America - as they say, who has what opportunities. And I had a lot of relatives in Ukraine then, so we went to Ukraine. He settled there. I graduated with honors and went to work in the Ministry of Defense.
At one of the club evenings, then called, we met with a group of men, among whom was Vitaly.


“My father then worked for Antonov, he had a friend, a familiar military journalist. He introduced us. Well, I tell him we need to go for a walk together. Gathered one evening in the company of men and women. I immediately noticed Luda. I didn’t think for a long time, I immediately approached and got acquainted. Towards the end of the evening he took his phone number, and the next day he called and invited me for a walk. I was fishing in Kamchatka back then, and Lyudmila told me then, at the first meeting, that she has loved fish since childhood, and I thought that now it will work out. I already had my first marriage at that time, but something didn’t work out. "

"Yes, I got caught like a fish on a hook," laughs Lyudmila and Vitaly. "I was his friend’s girlfriend then." But he was not particularly shy, came up and picked up the phone. Well, the next day I called, called the theater. Well, it worked. Three months later we got married. Everything happened to us somehow quickly. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t scared then that Vitalik already had one marriage. Apparently, up there in the heavenly office, they saw our real feelings and emotions, which overwhelmed us, and decided that this should be the case. "


“Yes. We know the heavenly office well. She took us to different parts of the country. And she gave us five children, girls and boys. Valentina, Mikhail, Kirill, Ilya and Elizaveta Jr. With Ilya as it turned out. We didn’t know anything until we were seven. And then he got sick. We have a small hospital, there is a pediatrician we know. She listened to him - breathe, do not breathe. Something is wrong. We went to the regional hospital. ECG passed - definitely not. I was quickly sent to Amosov. On the ultrasound there, I saw the heart for the first time, as it spews blood and it goes on. And Elijah - once! - and back, because of the hole in the partition. Doctors said it all healed, and he, on the contrary, grew to six millimeters, and then to seven.

And here doctors say: we can make a classical method. What is this? Cut, cut and cut. But the odds are fifty to fifty. I say: is it possible to live without surgery? It is possible. But will suffer. Then one young cardiac surgeon says that you can fix everything with an occluder, but to buy it, you need a lot of money.

So what to do? We always look at life with optimism, there are so many of us, and everyone is happy. Our whole family is a believer, we always turn to God for help. Well, how else? Here and this time, we prayed to God, drank holy water and went home. And then we were advised to contact the Fund, maybe they will help. We turned. And suddenly they call, say: go to bed for the operation, they paid you for the occluder. We quickly did the monolysis tests, went to bed, and please: we did the operation at 10 am, and the next day he was already walking down the corridor. "

"We are, of course, optimistic. By the way, a journalist from Ufond came to us, in my opinion, when this story with Ilya began. He filmed us, and then suddenly he said: listen, can you make a sad face? I say no. We can’t. We can’t. Such is our heart, such is our family. That’s life. "

Author Roman Betsenko
Photo Anna Zagorskaya

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Life. To be continued. Overcome the silence