Life goes on… 13 films about people with disabilities.

We have one life. And when it seems to us that everything is over, life is unbearably hard, and every day is worse than the last… we need to see it differently. From another angle and side to understand - in fact it continues. And it only depends on us what colors to give it.

This is life for you.
The young pianist Luka, a laureate of an international competition, falls under a car on the day of his triumph and remains permanently confined to a wheelchair. While in a rehab clinic, he meets Roderick, his peer affected by the same disease…

My left leg .
The film is based on the story of Christie Brown (1932-1981), an Irish writer and artist born with cerebral palsy who was able to write and draw with only his toes.

And in my soul I dance.
Michael is 24 years old, and he spent most of his life in a home for the disabled, where he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. He meets a new patient at the clinic, Rory O’Shea. Like Michael, he can barely move, but that doesn’t stop Rory from enjoying life in his own way. His courage and indifference to the blows of fate become a great example for Michael.
The film is based on the story of the Irish writer Christian O’Reilly, who worked at the Dublin Center for Self-Residency, where he met Dermot Walsh, who had cerebral palsy.

Life is beautiful.
Young successful journalist Adam is preparing to publish a sensational article about volcanoes in Europe. He does not smoke, does not drink, leads a healthy lifestyle, does not drive a car because it is dangerous. The hero has everything for happiness: a beautiful house, a favorite girl, a good job. But here’s the trouble: Napoleon’s plans were thwarted by unexpected back pain. After a visit to the doctor, Adam learns a terrible truth: he has spinal cord cancer with a rare mutation in chromosomes that cannot be cured. What to do? How to live further? How not to go crazy? Is it possible to win a battle with a slow death?

Dr. Malcolm Sayer uses experimental drugs to "awaken" immobilized victims of a rare disease. The film is based on real events that took place in 1969-1970 with neurologist Oliver Sachs, who later wrote memoirs about it. An epidemic of Catanony’s lethargic encephalitis causing catatonia did occur in 1917-1928; L-Dopa is also real.

Spacesuit and Butterfly.
The script of the film is based on an autobiographical book by Jean-Dominic Bobby- Editor of Elle France magazine. In 1995, at the age of 43, he suffered a stroke that left him completely paralyzed. Winking at his left paralyzed left eye as the man sitting next to him called the right letter, Jean-Dominique told everything about his inner world, from the psychological torture of being locked inside his own body to the imaginary stories of the worlds he visited only in his dreams.

1 + 1
Having suffered as a result of an accident, the rich aristocrat Philip hires an assistant who is the least suitable for the job - a young resident of the suburbs of Drissa, who has just been released from prison. Despite the fact that Philip is confined to a wheelchair, Driss manages to bring a spirit of adventure into the measured life of an aristocrat.
Award-winning film "Cesar", "Georges", "Goya" and many others.

Correction class.
Warning - the film is not for the faint of heart.
After many years of home schooling, the girl in a wheelchair, Lena Chekhova, was transferred to a secondary school, to a correctional training class, which included children with various disabilities.
The feature film debut of 25-year-old director Ivan I. Tverdovsky. Is the correction class a ghetto for awkward teenagers? Or the best place in the world for the birth of first love… This film is a drama of growing up, a real story about the first teenage love.

Who created a miracle .
Helen Keller (June 27, 1880 - June 1, 1968) was a deafblind American writer, teacher, and public figure. She was born a normal healthy child. At the age of 19 months, after acute inflammation of the brain and stomach, Elena lost her sight and hearing. They wanted to enroll her in the mentally retarded, but she became the first deafblind person to receive a higher education. Many years after their acquaintance, Mark Twain had reason to say that in the nineteenth century there were two truly great men - Napoleon and Elena Keller.

Man of the rain.
Young businessman Charlie Babbitt suddenly learns that his deceased millionaire father left a legacy not to him but to his autistic patientbrother Raymond, who lives in a mental hospital. Charlie hadn’t known about his existence before. He decides to take his brother out of the hospital and not return him until half of the inheritance has been given to him.
4 Oscars , a Golden Globe and a Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival.

Door to door.
The film is based on the real life story of Bill Porter. The action begins in 1955 and ends today. Bill Porter has cerebral palsy. However, his mother managed to help her beloved son to his feet and did everything in her power to help him with his work. In fact, it turned out to be a very difficult task, but in 1982 Bill was awarded the prize as the best trader of the year. And then my mother died…, and he falls under the wheels of the bus. What’s next? Look. The film is worth it.

Children of silence.
William Hurt plays John Leeds’ teacher. Leeds is a special teacher: he teaches at a school for the deaf. He is an experienced and subtle psychologist, fluent in sign language, pauses and looks. He looks for an individual approach to each of his students. One of John’s students is a beautiful girl named Sarah, who lost her hearing as a child, fierce and stubborn. And here begins the most interesting…

Winner of several film festivals, the tragicomic road movie "Touched" tells the story of three friends, outwardly united only by the fact that they are very different from the others. A young man named Vincent suffers from Turret syndrome: sometimes he cannot control his body, which is expressed in numerous tics. His mother recently died, and then the father, not eager to communicate with his sick son, puts him in the care of the clinic. Here Vincent meets the anorexic Marie and her roommate Alex. Together, new friends steal a car and decide to go to the ocean to scatter the ashes of Vincent’s late mother over it. All connoisseurs of a skillful combination of humor and drama should watch "Touched".