"New" Okhmatdyt. What changes await patients, doctors and philanthropists with the arrival of a new chief physician?

OKHMATDIT is the largest national children’s specialized hospital in Ukraine. Up to 18,000 children are treated in her hospital every year, and almost 20,000 children receive emergency care at the emergency department. Every year 7,000 operations are carried out at OKHMATDIT.

Iryna Sadovyak in OKHMATDIT 2nd month. She used to run a hospital in Kolomyia. She is the first to be elected to this position through an open competition. Earlier the chief in OKHMATDIT was appointed in the Ministry of Health. From the very beginning, Iryna promised to fight corruption in the hospital, change the conditions for sick children and their parents and make OKHMATDIT famous abroad. However, the team did not accept the new person very happily. Since her appointment, Iryna Sadovyak has not made any cardinal personnel decisions. And the first thing I set out to do was to put the medicine in order.
The hospital should leave all the negatives in the past, says Iryna Sadovyak between meetings and conversations with patients in her office.

We have prepared answers to the questions that most concern the patients and doctors of OKHMATDIT.

When will the Linear Accelerator start working?

Expensive radiological equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of children with cancer has recently been finally installed in the new hospital building, which is being completed. Three-modal system AnyScan OFFECT / CT / PET, worth 35 million UAH, which should diagnose cancer in children and monitor the effectiveness and appropriateness of treatment. Who exactly and how quickly will be able to help the installed equipment. What operations are we talking about? -

This is the equipment on which we can treat children with complex oncopathologies. This is a very accurate device. There are not many of them in Ukraine, but it was very important to buy them for OKHMATDIT, because, in fact, those children who need such care now, it is provided in adult hospitals. Despite the fact that this equipment has been in storage for a long time, the company that supplied it made concessions and replaced many items that are obsolete. Today he is ready to receive patients, doctors have already been trained. But now we have to wait for a few things: handing over the first phase of the new OKHMATDIT corps and a license from the nuclear committee (for the use of equipment), which is what we are doing now.

Is this just a piece of equipment, if I understand correctly? What else is there, and is there a chance to get it all started?

-We have a mounted CT simulator. For the preparatory process for the linear accelerator (it is used to determine the problem and prepare for treatment), the device is also installed, we are at the stage of 90% readiness. The biggest problem was with PETcat. This is the diagnostic equipment that will help determine in the early stages whether there is cancer. Now you’ve seen those boxes in the warehouses. The builders have been given a month to complete the repairs and we are concluding negotiations with the manufacturers on how and when they should install it.

How many children need such treatment in Ukraine?

- I do not know the statistics. But if we hand over the completely new building, there will be an oncology department. We have experience in the treatment of children with oncohematological problems, there will be extra beds.

Are these the children who are being sent abroad today?

- Not always. These are children who are also treated in children’s hospitals (PETkate helps Feofania). As for the linear accelerator, we plan to open at least 5 beds even in these conditions to start working and for this treatment to take place in a hospital. The real situation is as follows: I hope we will complete the construction work by January and then we will talk about launching a linear accelerator, but there are still a number of medical equipment for which tenders are being held. There are problems, but according to all the best forecasts, by March 2018 we will fully launch the complex.

And what about living conditions? When will the hospital have normal conditions for parents who are forced to be with sick children?

-These are conditions that cannot be criticized: 6-7 beds in one room and parents sleep with children on the same bed. That should not be the case. We will be able to radically change this situation when the new building is handed over .
In addition, we are currently at the stage of signing a memorandum with the Ronald MacDonald Foundation. This is primarily needed by parents (rooms where parents can sleep, eat, wash things - Ed . ) . These are oncohematology and neonatology centers. I also think about the surgical complex, because it is the largest flow of patients. I know for sure that this should happen as soon as possible, but it is difficult to talk about deadlines.

About the situation with medicines and cooperation with philanthropists .

Irina Sadov ` as: «OKHMATDIT is one of the most drug-supplied hospitals in Ukraine ...

There was a lot of criticism of the Ministry of Health due to the fact that OKHMATDIT warehouses did not have the necessary drugs at certain periods, or the shelf life of these drugs was quite short. Instead, the Ministry of Health criticized doctors who made irrational orders. What is the current situation with the supply and redistribution of drugs?

- The state provides and supplies to warehouses, as a rule, medicines for oncohematology and the center of toxicology. The problem is that these deliveries are delayed, the order is shifted in time by a year.

Previously, there was probably a lack of closer cooperation (hospitals and ministries - Ed . ).After all, it is not enough just to prepare a letter for the redistribution of drugs. If we do not need a drug or consumable (for various reasons), we prepare a letter to the Ministry of Health requesting redistribution in other regions, and it can not just throw in the mailbox. We need to call, knock…

I can’t say with absolute certainty now that we don’t have such problems. We are currently preparing an order according to the method of calculation from the Ministry of Health. Most of the issues are met by public procurement, redistribution has taken place, there are drugs that are not needed, but for some reason they cannot be distributed, so there is a risk that we will not use them. But this process has already been established.

We had a meeting with UNDP, which buys drugs for oncohematology. They told us clearly when there will be deliveries, and we know what to expect. When we realize that public procurement is not in time, we turn to philanthropists, and they really help. There are months when philanthropists give medicines, sets, etc. worth up to UAH 3 million. In reality, all the needs for drugs in these state supplies are closed and there are no serious problems.

And what about hospital procurement?
- We have analyzed this issue. It happened that the hospital bought something because it did not know whether the state would buy it, and because of this there were leftovers. But now I’m analyzing: the amount of drugs and medicines that patients need, the hospital provides.
I have something to compare. When in the region where I worked, UAH 7 was allocated for bedding. for medicines, then here for a child about 1200 UAH. Earlier, some philanthropists complained that only some BFs were admitted to

OHMADTIT . Are there any requirements for them today? And how do you share the resources that come from them? - We decided that if someone wants to help, he gives money to the hospital. So that we can keep records. Because there was a critical time when the funds helped a particular patient, and we were not always sure that the patient had in stock, and sometimes there was a duplication of orders, but now these issues do not arise. Everything they buy, we put on the balance of the hospital, we understand the amount we have, and this process is established. About the medical staff


Who helps you change the hospital? Did you choose a team and who are these people?

-As for the change of staff, deputies or heads of departments, this has not yet happened. I study the team, employees, and I want to find them in the already formed team. There are employees who live in the hospital, they are active, communicate, make suggestions. There is a part that is completely inert, and I don’t like that part. I really want to find active and those who will not be afraid of change. After all, many are satisfied with the current situation: s / n one of the best in the country, medicines in full (when they are, there are fewer problems between the doctor and relatives of patients). I believe that changes are needed in general and in the state, I hope the medical reform will be approved, because I can not change many things here, because that’s how labor and budget legislation works. In fact, there are more inert people here, and I’m looking for active ones. And when I find them, change will happen faster.

When and how can Okhmatdyt start earning?

We are not talking about the privatization of the hospital, you have repeatedly emphasized this. But at the same time, you said that you should start earning.

- We are talking about the fact that OHMADTIT is a specialized hospital. Children who have already passed all possible counseling options and are referred to us should be treated here. And when the child is not shown to a local pediatrician, neurologist, etc., and immediately brought here - it’s wrong. And, for example, when you do not have a special need, but really want a consultation in OKHMADTIT, you must understand that neither the costs nor human resources are not enough for everyone, but you can get the right to such a consultation, but not for free. This also applies to foreigners.
Today we have a problem in approving this paid service, we submit it to the Kyiv City State Administration and it is already approved there. This is absurd. Therefore, I am waiting for medical reform and changes to the budget code, so that the cost of the service was determined and it was clear that the state compensates for this, but not for it.
No one will privatize this hospital. But when we make a state-owned enterprise, we will have more opportunities both for salary growth and for earning money. We have unique laboratories where adults go, and we understand that people are willing to pay for it, because every reagent must be bought, etc. It needs to be developed, but this process is very difficult.

Written by Yevhenia Motrych , the video interview is available at etcetera.media.