New discoveries: T-lymphocytes that kill cancer cells

Researchers from Cardiff University (UK) have identified a previously unknown type of T lymphocytes. Unlike already known T lymphocytes, it is able to detect and destroy various types of cancer. The study is published in the journal Nature Immunology.

The discovery was made by accident: a new type of T-lymphocytes - cells responsible for the body’s immunity - scientists have discovered in search of cells capable of fighting bacteria. The new type of T-lymphocytes has an unknown type of T-cell receptor, which recognizes cancer cells and distinguishes them from healthy ones, killing only the first. During laboratory studies, cells with this receptor detected and killed various cancer cells: in the lungs, breast, skin, blood, uterus, kidneys and other organs. It was also found that already known T-lymphocytes taken from patients with skin cancer and modified so that they have a new type of T-cell receptor capable of destroying cancer cells not only in the person from whom they were taken, but and in other people. According to the authors of the study, this discovery gives a real chance to develop a "universal cure" for cancer. "There is a chance that it can cure all patients. No one thought this was possible before, ”said Professor Andrew Sewell of Cardiff University.

T-lymphocytes are already used to treat cancer, but so far they have been made for each patient individually.

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