
Special report: other people’s stories. Sunny mom
We continue a series of publications dedicated to special children - children who for various reasons are called just that. It does not matter which child is gifted or, conversely, with limited development, but he will always be special to others… Have you ever wondered what the world looks like in the eyes of a child with Down syndrome? Maybe it’s something that is moving incredibly soon with an unknown purpose? ... And lost in this chaos,...
Daria Gerasimchuk: "Ukrainians have finally begun to recognize deaf people as members of society, not a separate caste"
Every day, Ukrainian society is moving towards the inclusive development of all spheres of life. One of the problems that is increasingly "breaking through" to the stagnant post-Soviet space is the lives of totally deaf people. Darya Gerasimchuk, executive director of the Vidchuy public organization, told Ufond about how people with hearing problems face today, what difficulties a totally deaf person faces, why Ukrainian society is ready to...
What is endovascular treatment (surgery)?
As part of the campaign to help children with heart disease, we continue a series of publications on the following topics: What is congenital heart disease (CHD)? What variants of the Air Force exist or the Air Force classification? What is endovascular treatment (surgery)? And also stories of children with heart defects who will be helped within the action. Today, we will tell you what is endovascular treatment (surgery)? What is endovascu...
A unifying playground has opened in Kyiv.
How often do you meet children with special needs on the street? And how often can these children play, communicate and spend time with their peers? We rarely see them on the streets, as if they don’t exist. But about 12,000 children with disabilities live in Kyiv and there are only 2 specialized playgrounds! It is impossible to build a mature society of equal rights and opportunities by limiting the lives of 12,000 children. These children...
Special report: other people’s stories.
We are starting a series of publications dedicated to special children - children who are called that for a variety of reasons. It does not matter which child is gifted or, conversely, with limited development, but he will always be special to others… Children are the most valuable thing that can be in our lives. They are so different, but they have one thing in common - the need for parental affection, love, development and self-improvemen...
Life. To be continued. Kindness saves the heart.
The bad passes, the good is not forgotten… Is there anything that can measure goodness? Is there a measure that is applicable to the concept of sincerity and compassion? I asked myself all these questions while talking to the parents of three-year-old Maxim Sherstyak . Now this family is happy. Parents laugh at the pranks of their firstborn. Three-year-old Maxim himself is already running on the tracks, he is riding a scooter at high speed....
What is a congenital heart disease?
to help children with heart disease, we have prepared a series of publications on the following topics: What is congenital heart disease (congenital heart disease)? What variants of the Air Force exist or the Air Force classification? What is endovascular treatment (surgery)? And also stories of children with heart defects who will be helped within the action. What is congenital heart disease (congenital heart disease)? Congenital heart di...
Why is charity so important?
Many people ask themselves almost every day, is it worth helping others or still living completely for yourself? Of course, we do not always have such an opportunity to help someone financially, because "we live in difficult times." On the one hand, yes, on the other - not quite. If you think about the fact that you can help a needy person by buying one package of food for a stranger, it becomes much more pleasant and the realization comes ...
Hear me!
According to the WHO, more than 5% of the world’s population - 360 million people - suffer from hearing loss, including 32 million children. In Ukraine there are about 100 thousand. such people, about 20,000 of them are children. Hearing disorders are the most common congenital pathology (found in 3 out of 1,000 newborns). Early detection of the disease and timely medical care are critical, because without hearing the child can not begin t...
"Steve Jobs in a Skirt": Elizabeth Holmes and her breakthrough in medicine
Elizabeth Holmes is a tall blonde with a sloppy hairdo. She is 31 years old and the youngest billionaire woman in the world. Holmes is often compared to Steve Jobs. Both spent a lot of time alone as children. They both dropped out because they believed there were things more important. Like Jobs, Holmes believed from the beginning that her company would change the world. Jobs became a billionaire by the age of 40, and Holmes - much earlier....
59 inclusive schools and kindergartens in Kiev
problem of inclusive education in Ukraine, and in Kiev in particular, is receiving more and more attention. Education is one of the most important issues facing young parents. This issue is especially important for parents of future first-graders with special educational needs, for whom the issue of active search for school for the 2017/18 and 2018/19 school years is already acute. According to the experience of families who have undergone ...
A special mother
A photo exhibition dedicated to mothers of inclusive children is being held in Kyiv - "Special Mother" The exposition is organized by the Society of Special Families "We are together!" Ten heroines, ten stories of strong, brave and loving women who manage to be happy, socially active and successful, despite the difficult diagnoses of their children: autism, Down syndrome and rare forms of genetic diseases. Photographer Olga Latiy portrayed ...
Love people, use things, not the other way around
It is constantly rethought and reformulated - this is a good tradition. Every culture first of all tries to reformulate and correct this golden rule of ethics for itself. Thus was born the Christian : "Love your neighbor as yourself", as well as the categorical imperative of the philosophical ethics of Immanuel Kant: "Man should be only the goal of your actions and never - a means." That is, if I feed you, it is only because you are hungry...
A lesson in happiness
Project Hear and the Ukrainian Relief Fund conducted the first lesson of sign language for young children in the first grade. An open sign language lesson was held at Kyiv School No. 23 by Natalia Kravtsova, a sign language translator. The lesson was supported by the project Hear and the author of the project Alexandra Smirnova. It was a lesson in kindness, a lesson in sign language for 1-B students. The children took the lesson with a bang...
No restrictions
The guy with cerebral palsy conquered Hoverla thanks to friends. Last week, the Lviv team On 3 wheels made a special ascent to Hoverla - together with Ivan Maslyuk, who has cerebral palsy. With this ascent, they started a new project - "On 3 wheels La Joëlette". His goal is to travel in a special wheelchair for people with disabilities. Each trip will be a discovery of peace for a person with disabilities. Ivan Maslyuk climbed Hoverla with ...
Silent Ukraine. Are you ready to be silent?
People are so often scattered with words as things, completely unaware of their value. But we can hurt someone, or accidentally, in one careless word, ruin our lives. Yes, it is a reality, and I am sure that many have encountered this phenomenon. What we say: feelings, emotions, reasoning, arguments - is an integral part of our lives. And, it would seem, why talk about such things, if it is quite obvious. And if at one point all this does n...
A new chief physician, Okhmatdet, has been elected.
The main children’s hospital will be headed by Irina Sadovyak , who headed the Kolomyia Central District Hospital for 14 years. All members of the commission voted for her candidacy as a result of the repeated competition for the position . Irina Sadovyak has been working as the chief physician of Kolomyia for 14 yearsdistrict central hospital. Her declaration did not raise questions from the members of the commission: one apartment with an...
Iryna Lytovchenko: "Okhmatdyt needs a chief physician who will not only fight corruption, but also change the institution’s philosophy."
The tender commission of the Ministry of Health (MOH) will soon search for the second time the chief physician of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital (NDSL) "Okhmatdyt". A previous attempt by the Ministry of Health, dated March 2017, was unsuccessful. Oksana Melnyk ’s magazine and magazine told Oksana Melnyk about the specialist who is waiting for the chair of Okhmatdyt ’s chief physician, what corrupt practices he must overcome an...
5 phrases that are worth throwing out of your head to learn how to help
the Ufond Blog Archive Who among us has never dreamed of giving all the riches of the world to the poor and needy in a "Robingwood" way in our deep childhood. So that there is not a single unhappy, destitute person left in the world, and the drunken, in moderation, well-fed rich people all drowned in flight. That there were no sick people, no hungry people and no such unfortunate 1% of the population, whose wealth exceeds the fortune of the...
Our clinics. Kiev Institute of the Heart
We continue to talk about the clinics where Ufonda’s wards are treated. One of our regular partners is the Kiev Heart Institute. Our cooperation has lasted since 2010. The fund often helps raise funds for the treatment of children with congenital heart disease, including endovascular surgery. During this time we have helped 80 children with heart disease. The idea of ​​creating a high-level European cardiac surgery clinic was implemented at...
Restricted access
Blog Ufonda The descent from Pechersk to Druzhby Narodov Avenue, as always in the evening, was clogged with slow-moving cars. The radio in the cabin was torn by an explosive news story - the president banned the use of Russian services VKontakte and Yandex! The hand is tired of switching channels in search of good music for the evening traffic jam. I didn’t even want to open Facebook, imagining a stream of expert opinions and betrayal, whic...
The illusion of inclusion
Blog More and more often in our lives we are faced with such a concept as "inclusion". Moreover, the time is approaching when secondary schools will open the doors of classes that will be common to all children, including children with special needs. However, most of society still stays out of this process. Perhaps this is due to a rather weak understanding of the term "inclusion", perhaps due to insufficient ideological support, but rather...
Mom therapy
Ufond Blog Olga Valyaeva’s beautiful text about the magical power of the words that a mother says to her child. When we were just starting to fight for our eldest son, a psychiatrist - in addition to being very strange and not useful - gave us a great gift. He told about an experiment that was conducted somewhere in England (I could be wrong, because everything is from his words). Mothers of sick children performed a simple ritual every nig...
The Ministry of Health refused to disclose the names of participants in the competition for the position of chief physician of "Okhmatdet"
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has expired the deadline for submitting documents for the position of Chief Physician of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdet". 10 people have expressed a desire to participate in the competition, however, the Ministry of Health says that it is still impossible to know their initials. According to the Ministry of Health, on April 27, the department completed the submission of documents fo...
Our clinics. International quality
Our partner in Turkey is the Acibadem network of clinics. We continue to talk about the clinics where Ufonda’s wards are treated. The international network of ACIBADEM clinics became our partner in 2017 under the Ufond.Hearing program, namely performing surgeries using a cochlear implant. Modern equipment and methods of treatment, attentive attitude to patients, no language barrier, convenient location (due to the UIA partner program - "Und...
If a child gets sick ...
Ufond’s blog. Of course, the birth of a sick child or a serious illness at an early age is a great stress for the whole family. Parents and other family members spend a lot of energy not only to overcome all the burdens of treatment, but also to worry about the future of the child. Think about whether your current emotions help your child overcome the disease. How does he feel about you? And what does he need now? The confidence that all th...
Our clinics. Targeted diagnostics
Department of Endocrinology, Okhmatdet Clinic We continue to talk about the clinics where Ufonda’s wards are treated. One of our regular partners is the Department of Endocrinology of the OHMATDET Clinic. Our cooperation has lasted since 2011. The Fund regularly raises funds for the purchase of insulin pumps and consumables for patients with diabetes. The Department of Endocrinology was established in 1981 within the structure of the Natio...
Medical Reforms 2017: A Health Revolution or a Management Failure?
Medical Reforms 2017: A Health Revolution or a Management Failure? The Ministry of Health of Ukraine presented a package of legislative initiatives, which provides for a number of fundamental changes in Ukrainian medicine. Among them are the provision of a guaranteed package of medical services and medicines, which will be covered by public funds every year, personalization of payments, introduction of international medical protocols for tr...
Pavel Kovtonyuk: "Developing a list of paid services, the Ministry of Health does not cancel free medicine"
A new round of healthcare reform has started in Ukraine. The Ministry of Health is formingguaranteed list of services, according to hospital districts, are engaged in reference pricing, reimbursement of drugs, etc. Deputy Minister of Health Pavel Kovtonyuk told Ufond journalist Ofona Melnyk about what awaits the patient and the doctor in the new conditions, whether there is a massive reduction of doctors, who should count the money of hospi...
The Ministry of Health has announced a second competition for the position of chief physician of the Okhmatdet clinic
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has announced an open recruitment to fill the vacant position of chief physician of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdet". Submission of documents will last until April 27, the date of the competition is still unknown. According to the press service of the Ministry of Health, the deadline for submitting documents for participation in the competitive selection is April 27, 2017. Qualificat...
Our clinics. Our partner in the Czech Republic
Brothers and Protons About the Proton Therapy Center in Prague (Czech Republic). We continue to talk about the clinics where Ufonda’s wards are treated. The Prague Proton Therapy Center became our partner in 2014. One of the most modern methods of treatment, accompanying treatment by pediatric oncologists, convenient location, attentive attitude to patients, the absence of language barriers - all this made possible our cooperation with the ...
The Ministry of Health continues to search for the chief doctor of "Okhmatdet"
The Commission under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine held a competition for the position of Chief Physician of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital (NDSB) "Okhmatdet". Of the nine participants, only four were admitted to the interview - two representatives of the current hospital management, the former head of the district health department in Kiev, as well as the former chief physician of the Crimean Center for HIV and AIDS Preve...
International Day of Happiness!
It is customary to remember the happiest moments in life today. March 20 was declared the International Day of Happiness by the UN General Assembly. This is a day when you can and should remember the happiest moments of your life. Tune in to a positive mood, discard bad thoughts, smile and hug your loved ones, because we are all happy because of them. What is happiness? Rhetorical, eternal question ... Few people can give an accurate, clear...
Ufond Blog. 10 alarm signals of our body
"My head is splitting in pain", "I eat everything, but I still lose weight", "I’m so tired that I can’t even move my hand"…. Many of us complain of such ailments, but are in no hurry to see a doctor. Although these symptoms, which at first glance seem insignificant, can be a harbinger of very serious diseases, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism and even cancer. Below, we list 10 vital signals of our body, which must be paid attention to. 1. ...
It’s easy to help! Ufond mobile application.
In April 2015, the Ukrainian Relief Fund announced the release of a mobile application for collecting online donations for smartphones with all types of operating systems. This application was the first Ukrainian experience of launching a mobile service by a charity. With the help of the application, smartphone owners can make donations from a bank card or phone account. Donations go to programs to help seriously ill children, wards of Ufon...
People’s philanthropist
There are people we love! There are people who encourage other people to do good by their own example, and with great difficulty unite wonderful people around them, thus helping to save the lives of children ... Friends! Let’s support Kateryna Kisten in the "Charitable Ukraine 2016" contest in the "People’s Philanthropist" nomination. ... a good man, a beautiful woman, a talented actress and a reliable friend of Ufond - Katerina Kisten. How...
Charitable Ukraine National Competition
Applications for the National Charitable Ukraine 2016 Competition continue, which aims to develop effective social orientation, charity, philanthropy and volunteering in Ukraine through public incentives for the best philanthropists, philanthropists and volunteers, their organizations and practices. Winners at the national level are determined in fifteen main, three individual and four special nominations. We invite you to participate in th...
The voice of charity.
More than words - is the work and vocation of journalists who talk about charity, attract benefactors and motivate charity. Professionals who know the value of their word received the "Voice of Charity" award. On February 16, 2017, 15 journalists from national and regional media for the third time in the history of Ukraine received an award for active and professional coverage of charitable activities. The award ceremony took place during t...
Ufond Blog. The path of struggle.
On February 15, the world celebrates the day of a child with cancer. And the main task of this day is to convey information about the curability of cancer. Both in the world and in Ukraine. Every year the number of cancer patients grows, moreover, cancer is "getting younger". Of course, everyone thinks that this cannot happen to him or his relatives. But, sadly, this sometimes happens. Psychologists have concluded that on the way between di...
Ufond Blog. The formula of love is the formula of health.
Today it is widely known that the feeling of love and passion cause chemical reactions in our body. There are many hypotheses about love, and many of them at different times were given "responsibility" for romantic feelings. Among the many hypothetical "formulas" we can distinguish three chemical elements, the influence of which on our emotions and feelings towards loved ones is scientifically confirmed. Due to the effects of these chemical...
Ufond Blog. The energy of charity. How to make yourself better.
The words "charity," "donation," "almsgiving" are not pure and bright for everyone. There are people in the world who honestly do not understand why they need to give someone their money, then earned in blood? Or things bought on them, food, and much more? After all, not much yourself, right? Are there people who do not understand what good they can get by sacrificing to those in need? That is why they never sacrifice. If you are trying, as...
Ufond Blog. Why do charity work?
Charity is the act of helping those who really need it. Only a person with sanity can distinguish real help from bear service, and sanity increases as wisdom is studied, applied in life, and its consequences are observed. There are a total of twelve types of charity: planting trees, digging wells, providing medical care, lighting dark public places, feeding the needy, providing shelter, providing education, building bridges, sharing food, h...
Direct speech
Ufond began in 2010 with letters to Kommersant-Ukraine. Everyone had a request, and often a cry for help. Since then, all our activities have been working with your letters of appeal. But if we publish requests for help on the site’s pages and in partner media, then here, in the "Direct Speech" section, the main topic is Ufond’s dialogue with readers, friends and partners who ask us questions, make comments, suggestions - in general, conver...
Results of the year.
Thank you for your trust! Traditionally, we summarize the outgoing 2016. The next results, we summarize for the sixth time in a row. During this time we managed to raise 21,076,047 hryvnias and provide comprehensive assistance to 693 children. In 2016, with the help of our readers, we raised UAH 1,326,147. And although these figures are lower than last year, the year was difficult. We haven’t had much in the past year. But the main thing is...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Friends! New Year’s holidays mark the birth of a new time, inspire everyone with hope and hope for a better future, faith in new successes and prospects. The Ukrainian Relief Fund (UFUND) cordially thanks you for your kindness and mercy. Congratulations! These congratulations are special: they were passed on by those you helped. Let dreams come true, a fairy tale turn into a fairy tale, miracles become best friends, thoughts and deeds are i...
Ufond Blog. Good is not a currency.
In today’s world, helping marketers, both children and adults, has been transformed by skilled marketers into a means of settling accounts with the universe. If you live a little, you can see that the notorious boomerang principle really works: the bad comes back, the good - too, but in ten times the size! The benefit is obvious. Some "successful" people, according to many business coaches, earn money in karma with 10% of monthly income don...
Life. To be continued. He survived.
Life. To be continued ... HE SURVIVED. If there is no faith, then nothing will happen ... Life is beautiful, but too rude to a person - this is the exact formula for an incurable genetic disease. For example, the term "butterfly baby" sounds serene and fabulous, but in fact the disease is called "bullous epidermolysis". With such a diagnosis, a rare, unseen child is born, a sensitive being, and here are his rewards for meeting reality - bli...
Results of the charity master class of Martha Kholod.
On Saturday, December 17, a charity master class on making hats from the talented Martha Kholod took place in the capital’s Fisher restaurant. Thanks to the master class, the children learned from the master to make beautiful and bright accessories with their own hands, and then arranged a photo shoot and a drawing of a hat with a bullfinch from Martha Kholod. Thanks to the participants of the master class and anonymous help, we managed to ...
The results of the charity evening.
On Monday, December 12, a charity creative evening of the writer Irina Govorukha took place in the New Theater in Pechersk. The author’s new novel, The Gynecologist, was presented. The new novel "Gynecologist", which has just appeared in bookstores in Ukraine, is based on the real story of women’s friendship and the impact on human destiny by people who meet us on the path of life. Thanks to the guests of the evening, they managed to raise ...
Charity instead of souvenirs.
Friends, we invite you to join the action "Charity instead of souvenirs!" On the eve of the holidays in the offices begins the excitement: you need to congratulate partners, customers, colleagues. Usually the most common gifts are used: calendars, diaries, candies, stationery, mugs. Unfortunately, these are not always useful and necessary things. Having received the fifth diary, your partner will most likely just put it on the table and for...
The results of the charity evening.
4, a charity evening-performance based on the collection of poems "Dolls" by Oksana Rozuk took place at the New Theater in Pecherskand the Contemporary dance festival "Zelyonka Fest". Thanks to the guests of the evening, as well as sent SMS messages with the word "Lyalya", we managed to raise UAH 1,600 for the treatment of Nastya Dubyuk. Thank you for the cozy atmosphere and stunning staging of the band "Zelyonka Fest", for the heartfelt po...
World Heart Day.
Every year on September 29, the World Heart Day is celebrated all over the world. On this day, people are reminded of the importance of preventing cardiovascular disease. That is why from 26 to 29 September, we dedicated Heart Week, which aims to draw people’s attention to their health, raise public awareness of the causes of heart disease and promote a healthy lifestyle to prevent, build understanding that the onset and course of the disea...
Partnership with companies.
Charitable activities are one of the key aspects of the company’s sustainable development! Charitable activities of the Company, in addition to contributing to the solution of the most important problems - helping children with various diseases, will be an effective method of achieving the Company’s own goals. Recognition and support of universal values ​​is one of the most important elements of corporate culture. And the policy of socially...
Our clinics. I hear, therefore, exist.
Betterton Hearing Aid Center I hear, therefore, exist. We continue to talk about the clinics where Ufonda’s wards are treated. In 2015, our partner was Betterton, a network of hearing aids. The company’s specialists select and install modern hearing aids for children with sensorineural hearing loss. The fund, in turn, helps parents of wards to raise funds for the purchase of these devices. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health...
We have a new site!
| iOS ), which resulted in a user-friendly interface of the new version of the site, allowing any visitor to get acquainted in detail with the activities of the Foundation, learn about upcoming events, news and new projects to join, and how to help his wards who need support. In addition to good design and easy information retrieval, we have tried to simplify and improve the donation process. Now, thanks to modern payment systems, we offer...
Life. To be continued. And Sasha coped.
Жизнь. To be continued ... AND SASHA CAPTURED. When you do not give up, help comes from others. The house where Elena Lapina lives with her twelve-year-old daughter Sasha and mother stands right next to Kiev’s Vasilkovskaya metro station. By today’s standards - almost the city center. And the house looks, as they say, prestigious. That’s just living in one of his apartments trouble. Before going to first grade, Sasha Lapina went to her gran...
Life. To be continued. Fell - rose.
Sonya Yegorushina lives in Zaporozhye in a residential area, which its inhabitants call "space". However, my old high-rise buildings did not evoke any associations with interstellar travel. Is that a street called Space crosses the area. Yes, two-year-old Sonya, despite her age and illness, shows such disregard for the dangers around her, which could be envied by astronauts. "She’s brave with you," I tell Sonya’s mother, watching the girl,...
Life. To be continued. Step by step.
Olga and Bogdan Kozlov together with Olga’s mother now live in a small two-room "Khrushchev" on the outskirts of Kiev. Bogdan is very thin, small, and you can’t say that he is five years old, he likes to sit on his mother’s lap and sing "his songs". So far, the boy can only pronounce syllables. - When we came from the hospital, at first it seemed that my son was recovering, he was gaining weight well, began to roll over from back to stomac...
Life. To be continued. Mistress of destiny.
Life. To be continued ... THE MISTRESS OF FATE. There are five children in this Kiev apartment. Seven-year-old Sasha Pritula has older children - two sisters and a brother, and a younger brother, a foster child. All this big children’s company is run only by my mother, also Alexandra. Her daughter Sasha recently had heart surgery. You, the readers of Ufond, helped raise money for the treatment. Alexandra, Sasha and I are sitting in the smal...
Life. To be continued. A firm step.
Life. To be continued ... WITH A STIFF STEP. Little Bogdan still has a long way to go to recover. Borispol is known to most Kyivites and guests of the Ukrainian capital as an international airport. But it is also a city with a population of 60,000 people. In the center are high-rise buildings, shops, cafes, banks. But if you walk a little from the final stop of the bus Kyiv - Borispol, the provincial streets with one-story private houses be...
Life. To be continued. Body drawing.
Life. To be continued ... BODY DRAWING. Lera Papkova’s spine was straightened. Last summer we told you the story of Lera Papkova. An eleven-year-old girl with severe scoliosis, doctors suggested correcting the deformity of the spine with the help of Stryker metal construction. Lerina’s mother was unable to pay for the implant. You, Ufond readers, collected 139,050 hryvnias for the girl. At the end of 2015, Lera underwent surgery at the Khar...
Life. To be continued. Save the savior.
Life. To be continued ... SAVE THE SAVIOR. Christina Kalytyuk hears again. How do people who have regained their hearing with the help of doctors behave? There are videos about this on the Internet. Everyone’s first reaction is the same - they start crying. Of course, tears of joy. So it was with fifteen-year- old Kristina Kalityuk , who was fitted with heavy-duty hearing aids at the Kiev Hearing Center. This moment is so intimate that I di...
Results. The first five-year plan.
The first five-year plan. In the final column, the Ukrainian Aid Fund summarizes the outgoing 2015. This year was special for us - the anniversary. Ufond celebrated its fifth anniversary in the fall. During this time we managed to raise 20,475,387 hryvnias and provide comprehensive assistance to 460 children. In 2015, with the help of our readers, we collected 3,593,420, which is 50% more than in 2014. Despite the difficult economic situati...
Interview. Charity is built on trust.
Charity is built on trust. The guests of the column will be public figures, priests, lawyers, cultural figures. Our first interlocutor was Olga Kudinenko - the founder of one of the most famous charitable foundations in Ukraine "Tabletochki", which helps children suffering from cancer. How did it happen that you started helping children with cancer? "By accident." It all started with the fact that I went to the site where I saw...
Interview. By law good.
By law good. March was rich in legislative initiatives in the field of charity. An important law has been passed that simplifies the work of volunteers and volunteer organizations. We talked about this with the director of the Ukrainian Forum of Philanthropists Anna Gulevskaya-Chernysh. What restrictions on the activities of volunteers have been removed? - The so-called licensing of volunteer activities was removed. Previously, if a person ...
Interview. SMS will help trouble.
SMS will help trouble. Why SMS charity is ineffective in Ukraine. We talked about this with Larisa Zhigun, coordinator of advocacy campaigns of the Ukrainian Forum of Philanthropists. - Is it possible in Ukraine to donate funds to charity via SMS? - Theoretically - there is, but in practice - no. From the point of view of the legislation - it is very unprofitable. The law does not provide that you can send a message to donate funds to chari...
Interview. Let’s start with the foundation.
Let’s start with the foundation. The Ukrainian Relief Fund and the Ukrainian Charitable Exchange (UBB) have a long history. Ufond shared its experience when it was the first in Ukraine to introduce an electronic payment system - acquiring. And today UBB provides its own platform where we can talk about our seriously ill children. Thanks to this cooperation, we managed to raise about 63,000 hryvnias in six months and help eight families. We ...
Interview. Private business.
PRIVATE business. PrivatBank is a long-standing partner of the Ukrainian Relief Fund. The bank has the largest network of branches and ATMs in Ukraine. And it makes charity accessible and convenient for each of you. Whether you withdraw money from the card at the terminal, or pay the bill at the box office, you can transfer funds to a sick child. Ufond correspondent Svetlana Hisamova talked to the head of PrivatBank’s charitable projects An...
Interview. The money will go to the patient.
The money will go to the patient. In December, the Ukrainian Relief Fund, together with our partners, sums up the year. In Ukraine, 2015 was held under the slogan of reforms, one of the most important was to concern health care. The Fund works very closely with domestic doctors and clinics, and is very well aware of the problems of the entire health care system. In addition, the interaction of charitable foundations and medical institutions...
Interview. A rare case.
A rare case. The Ukrainian Relief Fund opens a program to help children with orphan (rare) diseases. We started with a diagnosis of "bullous epidermolysis". Such children have extremely vulnerable skin, they need special care, special bandages, so treatment is very expensive. Ufond correspondent Svetlana Khisamova met with Tatiana Zamorskaya, head of the Debra-Ukraine Center and vice president of the Dermatologists-Children International NG...
Interview. About good deeds and the Christian soul.
About good deeds and the Christian soul. The story of a sick child is always a story of faith and unbelief. Parents are unable to pay for treatment, seek help from strangers, believe in a miracle to the last. And after receiving the money, they can’t believe for a long time that it’s selfless. Benefactors, in turn, doubt the sincerity of the petitioners. And even after sending a donation, they are not sure that help will reach the recipient...