Partnership with companies.

Charitable activities are one of the key aspects of the company’s sustainable development!

Charitable activities of the Company, in addition to contributing to the solution of the most important problems - helping children with various diseases, will be an effective method of achieving the Company’s own goals. Recognition and support of universal values ​​is one of the most important elements of corporate culture. And the policy of socially responsible business conduct is, first of all, responsibility before the society of which you are a part!

In general, cooperation with the Ufond Charitable Foundation provides you with the following benefits:

- Reputation of a socially responsible company - loyalty and devotion of customers, employees and partners. Charity is a necessary part of the social report - important for attracting investors and government loyalty.
- Placement of the company’s logo on all marketing materials of the Fund.
- Contribution to the quality promotion and increase of public attention to the company (brand).
- Mention of the Company in the media in connection with charity (interviews on radio EuropaPlus, stories on partner TV, publications in partner media).
Also, a specially designed system of discounts for placing advertising information about your Company in the Foundation’s partner media.
- Opportunity to make the best possible contribution to the solution of the most important problem - improving the quality of diagnosis and treatment of children with various diseases and malformations.

Types of cooperation.

Socially-oriented marketing:

The company provides an opportunity for its customers to do good deeds and help children with various diseases by purchasing its products or services. The company is gaining sales growth, customer loyalty and a high reputation.

Example: deduction of a percentage of profit or turnover on a certain nomenclature of ONE product (for example, from UAH 1 10% of the turnover of goods of a certain name. which, for example, have just appeared in the Company’s network or are not in demand from buyers (both options allow to increase the growth of sales of a product)


Joint implementation of charitable events aimed at a large audience of potential customers or VIP partners of the company. Such charity events can be a concert, auction, flash mob, holiday, festival, advertising, information campaign, and more. The purpose of charitable actions is to draw public attention to the problem of growing childhood morbidity, to solve this problem, so that as many individuals as possible take part in its solution. The Fund has 9 programs that cover the most problematic diagnoses and the least funded by the budget.

Private employee donation and corporate volunteering programs.

Employee donation programs:

Informing employees about the activities of the foundation, children who need help. Opportunity for employees to transfer a certain percentage of the Fund’s salary on a monthly basis through the company’s accounting department. Collecting charitable donations in the office by placing a box and holding charity events in the office.

Corporate volunteering programs:
- Pro-bono (professional assistance to the Foundation);
- assistance in conducting charity events;
- developmental and entertainment activities with children.

Private employee donation and corporate volunteering programs increase employee loyalty to the Company, unite the team.

Philanthropic support of the Foundation:
Transfer of money to the Fund’s account for the realization of its goals - the purchase of medicines, medical equipment, payment for children’s treatment and financial assistance to the families of sick children. The company may agree with the Fund on the specific purpose of the donation. Fund infrastructure support. 100% partnership between the company and the fund (as the property of the company). The Fund provides substantive and financial reports on the receipt and expenditure of funds.

Free provision of products or services:
Which are produced by the Company, families of children with various diseases, wards of the Foundation who have been helped or need help, hospital or the Foundation under the programs and projects of the Foundation.

Participation in charity events for companies:
- annual (monthly) corporate or private tournaments, theater or film screenings, etc. (participation fee is a charitable donation);
- other competitions, corporate games, exhibitions, fairs and other events.

Other ways:
- Include charity in CSR policy: for example, children with parents can be clients / future clients of the Company.
- SMS support of the Company in promotions and joint events with the Fund
Sent to customers by SMS to the short number 5541, with the word "GOOD", one of the options for cooperation and additional promotions.

We help to help!