Personal experience: how the law on inclusive education discriminates against children with special needs.

Recently, more and more people are talking about children with special educational needs. Society is growing up, laws are being passed, and more and more attention is being paid to children’s adaptation. But problems still remain. And most of all, of course, those who have to solve them know about them. Today we are talking to the mother of a child with special needs who needs help, who has every right to it, but can not get it. Again, due to imperfect legislation. Natalia Starostina will tell in more detail.

- Natalia, hello. We have known you for some time , and I know you as an active and purposeful person. In your opinion, are there any global rather than superficial changes in the field of education, in particular the education of children with special needs?

- To answer this question, I would like to give an example. Not so long ago, I turned to Elena Fedanyan ( Director of the Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of the Kyiv City State Administration - ed.). Before, I couldn’t even imagine that I could go directly to the head of the Department of Education, and they would answer me. But that’s right, I was answered, called back, and now they are trying to find ways to solve the problem I addressed.

"What’s the problem?"

- I need to find an assistant to help teach my son. He was diagnosed with autism and is studying at a special school.

- Aren’t special children provided with an assistant?

- According to the law on inclusive education, in such institutions (special schools) the teacher’s assistant is not provided. It is provided only if the child is studying in an inclusive classroom.

- And what did you answer in the Department of Education?

- I was offered to address to the chief of regional management of education or to the chief of regional public administration of Kiev and to explain a situation. That due to the fact that the child is complex, non-verbal, he can not be in an inclusive classroom with thirty children. The fact is that, according to recent changes, schools with inclusive classes have removed restrictions on the number of students in a class (if before there should have been up to twenty people, now there is no such limit). And it will be much harder than expected. For example, in the Darnytskyi district of Kyiv, there are 38-40 children in a class. Personally, it is impossible for my child to be in such a class. After all, he is non-verbal and is afraid of a lot of people and noise. That is why I asked to enter the situation and look for ways to

- The number of students is the only reason why you decided not to send your son to an inclusive class?

- Before making the final choice of where my child will study, I talked to many school principals, their deputies, learned that they have, what specialists on the basis of schools. And they honestly say that they do not have specialists who can work with non-verbal children, those who "do not hear" the teacher. In order for my son to somehow perceive the information and work on the lesson, he needs an assistant. For example, he will be given an assistant, but in ordinary schools there are often no speech therapists or psychologists. Unfortunately, the situation in our country so far is such that there are really few specialists and not everyone will want to go to the salary that is offered. Not for all teachers, especially speech therapists and psychologists, there is a base in the school. They simply have nothing to work on.
When I went to schools, I was told: "We send our teachers and speech therapists, which we have, to gain experience in special schools." In other words, that’s where we decided to go to study.

- What do you think is the main problem that children and parents will have to face in an inclusive classroom?

- I believe that parents and children are not ready for such training yet. By my own example: my child talks during the lesson, can sing, can go out, and there is nothing you can do. He, for example, does not hear, does not understand, he is lonely and bored, and he gets up, starts walking, etc. That is, it interferes with the lesson, the children are distracted. Parents of other children will complain that their children do not have time to master the material, etc. Despite the fact that they understand everything, their children have the same rights to education and knowledge.
There are even examples when teachers resign from such classes, they can’t work, it’s very difficult.

"Do you think it might not be worth it at all?" Let ordinary children study separately from special ones? Is such "integration" necessary at all?

"I need it." It is necessary to start with something, but I consider some measures too cardinal and ill-considered. For example, the Decree, which restricts the admission of children with mental retardation to special schools. These children now have to go to inclusive classes, where there are really no conditions for them. The parents are just in despair. Or these children do not get their own nosology, for example, in boarding schools for mentally retarded children. This is a completely different environment that does not suit them. The only option remains - private schools (education in which costs from 10 thousand UAH per month).

- What else restricted the rights of children with special needs?

- They were restricted in the right to receive assistance from the state. The fact is that children can receive a state subvention to support children with disabilities and children with special needs only in an inclusive classroom. That is, if a child studies in a special institution or somewhere else (but not in an inclusive class), he cannot receive state assistance. There is a direct restriction, discrimination of rights.
That is, one child with autism can study in an inclusive class (mostly those who undergo AVA correction), get help and an assistant. And an autistic person like my child, who can’t be in an inclusive class (I even bring breakfast with me to feed him in class, he can’t go to the canteen because it’s too noisy and there are too many children), won’t get the money to then to hire an assistant or hire an assistant.

- And what arguments? Why is such assistance not provided to such children?

- There is a subvention for an inclusive environment, it is allocated only to special children in inclusive classes. All remedies for other special children are not available.

- And which ones are available?

- Ordinary. Which are allocated to the special school in general. These funds are usually not enough. And getting an assistant or assistant in a non-inclusive classroom is not provided by typical staffing standards. We have 220 children in the school and only one psychologist in the staff, who spends most of his time in the preparatory classes, although this is one lesson a week.
He also supervises the primary school, but to a lesser extent.

- Have you thought about moving to an inclusive class after all? In a year, for example, or two? You have the right to do so

- No. A child will not sit where thirty or forty children, it is impossible. Teacher,
who teach subjects at school, work with children who talk and perceive information. A teacher cannot teach a child who "does not hear" him. In order for my child to perceive, he needs to show, explain what you want from him, show by example and ask to repeat. In a regular school, this is unrealistic. After all, there are thirty children in the class. There, the teacher individually can not explain anything to anyone. It will be stressful for both the child and the teacher.
In addition, it is a matter of security. A child like mine will not be able to defend himself or even call for help from a teacher in case. I will not know if he was offended during the lessons, I can not be sure that he is all right. Another problem is that not every adult knows how to behave with a special child. What to do to calm him down, how to explain what you expect from him.

- That is, an acute problem is the lack of professionals…

- Yes. Although I do not complain about this shortcoming. Future teachers in universities are taught on the examples of ordinary children. And special children require a different approach. Inclusion is good in its understanding, but you need to prepare a base of professionals first.

- But you can learn everything, there would be a desire. Then there will be funds, right?

- Speaking of funds.
There is a school fund, which was originally formed through charitable donations from parents.
Why does the school principal not use these funds, as defined by the law on parental participation, as participants in the educational process - for educational needs - namely - to teach teachers new techniques, new skills, advanced knowledge in working with special children?
We are talking about online seminars, trainings, courses, etc.
Not, as usual, for household needs (purchase of household chemicals, electrical goods, paint or plates), but directly for educational needs (books, development manuals, games, the same Montessori kits, for example) or the same AVA therapy. Only those who know its essence and have seen the results of children who have been engaged in and undergone AVA correction, understand that this is a real leap forward in child development. I am already silent about the fact that all these trainings can be done remotely. So yes, there is a desire, but not everyone…

- And what is the response of the school administration to such proposals?

- The administration does not need it. The money is spent on training, certification every five years, etc. All "for a tick". It’s like transfusing from the empty to the empty. They teach all the same things they already know. At my suggestion to use the school fund, the principal said that I had not yet given so much to have the right to give advice.
I believe that the only way to change something, to evolve, is to learn something new, and we believe that this is not necessary.

- Hope only for parents?

- Yes. Many parents go through trainings, I also plan to do it. I want to help my child and teacher, but I do not have the necessary knowledge. I can orient the child, explain that you need to look at the board, but I have no experience how to do it more efficiently and effectively. I am ready to pay for AVA therapy and training.
If I had a guarantee that the assistant I would be provided with would work with my child during, for example, primary school, I would be willing to pay for his training. That he became a really qualified teacher and could help my child. But I’m not sure that after he gets the knowledge, he won’t go to another institution.

- It is hoped that all these mechanisms will be registered in time and officials in power to change the system will do so not only on paper .

- Parents, like those drops of water that move the wheel of a water mill.
Each of us, through our actions, our struggle against the system, our views and our knowledge of the needs of our children, can bring to those who make and change laws the direction in which we need to change the law.
Suggest ways and moments that are not fully thought out and not taken into account.
You can’t be silent. We need to write about our needs and move the wheel of time so that other special children and parents have even more opportunities for rehabilitation and learning opportunities.

Author Ulyana Lysak

Read also:Personal experience: how to find out how the school "spends" money on children with special educational needs?