Questions to ask children

Nand the question "How are you?" 99 times out of 100 children answer "Normal". You might think that things are really fine with them, but it turns out you need to formulate questions differently.
Below are 100 questions that your child will be interested in answering, which will give parents a lot of new information about children and will keep everyone busy for a long time.

1. Unnecessary questions instead of "How was your day?"

• What was the most interesting event today?
• What did you learn during the day?
• What made you smile today?
• Who did something funny, hilarious, stupid?
• What surprised you today?
• Have you helped anyone?
• Has anyone done something good for you?
• Were you proud of yourself today? Because of what?
• Were you sad?
• What was difficult or unclear for you today?
• What did you play with your friends today?
• Who were you having lunch with today?
• Which of your classmates do you want to be friends with but are not yet friends with?
• Which of your classmates is the complete opposite?
• Which of the educators do you like the most? And who is not very?
• If you became a teacher for one day, what would you teach your classmates?
• Did something annoy you?
• Has anyone wronged you that day?
• Was there anything that confused you?
• What did you disagree with today? • What did you miss this week? And what happened? 2. Questions that develop imagination:
• If you could live today again, what would you do differently?

• If it rained food from the sky, what would you like it to be?
• Which animal would you like to ride: an elephant or a giraffe?
• If you could rename colors, what would you call them?
• If our cat could talk, what would she say?
• If you could ask any wild animal, what would you ask?
• If you had your own cave, what would be inside?
• What can be used to build a wall that cannot be destroyed?
• What animal could drive well?
• What inventions does the world lack?
• What would happen if a time machine existed?
• What would the world be like if people didn’t invent money?
• If you had a magic wand, what three wishes would you make?

3. Questions about the child:

• What five words best describe you?
• What do you like about yourself? And what not?
• If you could change something in yourself, what would it be?
• If you could become someone else one day, who would you be?
• If you were a superheroine, what power would you have?
• If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
• What sounds do you like?
• What do adults not understand about you?
• What was the best compliment you’ve ever been told?
• What activity makes you happy?
• What holiday do you like the most?
• How do you take care of other people?
• What makes you tender?
• How do you feel when I hug you?
• What can make you cry?
• What makes you angry?
• What scares you?
• What more would you like to be able to do: fly like a bird or swim like a fish?
• If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?
• If you had enough money not to work, would you work or not?
• If you opened your own store, what would be sold there?
• If you were writing a book, what would it be about?
• Do you like to give something to other people?
• What would be your ideal day?
• What can you do that you can teach others?
• Why else would you like to learn?
• What was the happiest / unhappiest moment of your life?
• Of all the things you know, what will be most needed in adulthood? • What are you most proud of in life? • Which of your friends do you like the most? Why? • What will you do if someone calls you a bad word? • If you grew up and became famous, what would you be famous for? • How can you help someone today? • If you could spend a day with someone, who would it be and what would you do? 4. Questions about life and world order: • What makes a person smart? • How do you think other people feel? • Why go to school? • What will life be like in the future?
• If you could travel back in time and see yourself three years ago, what advice would you give yourself?

• What would you change in this world if you could?
• Is it easy to be a child? And an adult?
• How to find out that you have grown up? • What is a bad and good mood?
• Should a child respect all adults?
• Do you always have to obey your parents?
• Can children be punished?
• Does a person have the right to steal food if he dies of starvation?
• Can you always do what you want?
• Why do people lie?
• Can you always say everything you think?
• Why do people divorce?
• Why do people quarrel, can’t we discuss everything calmly?
• Why do adults smile so little?
• Why do people smoke if it is harmful? • What is love?

• What to do in old age?
• What is a soul and where is it? • How to understand that someone loves you? • Can love last forever? • What is happiness? • Can you always be happy and never be sad? • Who determines what is beautiful and what is not?

• Can you be happy without money?
• Why don’t rich people share money with the poor?
• Are all people equal?
• Can the world be considered beautiful if there is war and famine?
• Is it possible to do without wars?
• Are there any benefits to the problems and difficulties?
• Can you be rude to someone who is rude to you, or should you be polite?
• Is it possible to be jealous?
• What is art for? • Do you need to accept your appearance as it is? • If a law could be passed that everyone in the world should obey, what would it be? • Can we change our destiny, or has it already been determined? • What do we live for? Meaningful evenings and tea parties ☕ ️