Results of the charity master class of Martha Kholod.

On Saturday, December 17, a charity master class on making hats from the talented Martha Kholod took place in the capital’s Fisher restaurant.

Thanks to the master class, the children learned from the master to make beautiful and bright accessories with their own hands, and then arranged a photo shoot and a drawing of a hat with a bullfinch from Martha Kholod.
Thanks to the participants of the master class and anonymous help, we managed to raise all the funds necessary for the treatment of Varvara Burtseva, who was diagnosed with congenital heart disease, more

Thank you for the amazing mood and bright emotions of Marta Kholod and for the warm welcome to the Fisher restaurant. It was great!

Video from the master class at the link:

We do not stop there. We will be sure to inform you about all the planned events!