Round table for the International Epilepsy Day

On March 24, 2023, the Scientific and Practical Conference «Round Table for the International Epilepsy Day» will be held at the «Okhmatdit» NDSL.

We invite children's neurologists, children's psychiatrists, children's neurosurgeons, pediatricians, neonatologists, family doctors, doctors of functional diagnostics, doctors of intensive care units to take part in the conference.

Conference format: mixed (online/offline). Participation is free. Organizers of the conference: National Children's Specialized Hospital «Okhmatdit» of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, P.L. Shupyk National University of Health Care of Ukraine.

Register via the link.

Date: 24.03.23
Location: str. Chornovola, 28/1, NDSL «Okhmatdit», new building, block E, assembly hall.
The conference starts at 10:00.