Silent Ukraine. Are you ready to be silent?

People are so often scattered with words as things, completely unaware of their value. But we can hurt someone, or accidentally, in one careless word, ruin our lives. Yes, it is a reality, and I am sure that many have encountered this phenomenon. What we say: feelings, emotions, reasoning, arguments - is an integral part of our lives. And, it would seem, why talk about such things, if it is quite obvious. And if at one point all this does not happen?

Imagine that one fine morning you wake up and realize that you can’t speak. The first question you are likely to ask yourself is, "Is this a dream?" Then, realizing that this is reality, try to figure out what’s what. Get out of your usual room for the pleasant smell coming from the kitchen, and in front of you is the first barrier. How to explain to the mother what happened so that she would not think that her child was touched by the mind. And so, in a panic, trying to write your message to my mother on a piece of paper, you catch her astonished look, they say, she is not alone. Well, of course, this is our imagination. Everything here is absolutely dumb, and our task is to live this day without words.
The next thing you will have to face is a typical morning on public transport. It is inconvenient to write on a piece of paper, so gadgets come to the rescue, here are the pros of technology. So, let’s clarify that people do not yet know about sign language, each of these unfortunates woke up in the morning without a voice, and each tries to adapt in his own way. For the transfer passed, already good. The driver stops at each stop, and we no longer have to shout out loud from the end of the bus to be stopped around the corner. And you know, at first glance, everything is not so bad, you can live, especially since everyone around with the same problem.
Next is the school. The most interesting. What can dumb teachers teach you to think? Studying will be terribly boring, you will have to read books and analyze what you read. As a result, there will be many more illiterate people, because many prefer to learn from movies, audio recordings, through live communication, they are not interested in these paper pages and what is written on them. Lessons will not be useful, but imagine the silence of change. Boys will no longer be able to tease girls, without words it is very difficult to express their emotions (except for the pigtails will be pulled). But, I repeat, all this is temporary until sign language is invented. With the advent of this innovation, the only thing that will change is that a more literate person will be able to share their experience with others - I’m talking about teachers, as you understand.
And now let’s move on to the patient himself - to music. You can forget about your favorite rock, rap and pop artists, because now the music will be completely without words. Many teenagers can’t imagine their lives without their favorite tracks, and I admit, I’m one of them. And the films will be based only on gestures and background music screensavers. Yes, so close to the mental hospital, when you remember what you said a couple of days ago, and now you have been deprived of this opportunity and all you hear is just empty silence. Introverts will be happy, but also, believe me, for a while. It would be a different matter if it were originally laid down in nature that people would not be able to speak. Then, perhaps, everything would be different.
And now about the serious - about the problem of today. People will stop arguing and swearing because of the language. From now on, it is common to all. If we talk about our country, there will be no more disagreements about which part of the population is Russian-speaking and which speaks its native language. They will not eradicate other languages ​​and impose quotas on Ukrainian radio, because it simply does not exist. While you are arranging conflicts, disputes, debates, think about how dumb people live. And actually, who lives worse? People with limited communication, or people who do not know the value of their words and scatter them like garbage past the ballot box? There is no point in offending immigrants from other countries if we all communicate "in the same language" and understand each other through gestures. There are so many advantages to just keeping quiet, even though it seems to us now
Let’s try to either be responsible for every word that comes out of our mouths and think about what we say, or keep quiet, just keep quiet. The material was created within the

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