Special report: other people’s stories. The art of winning

There is so much in our lives from mathematics, and the equation of destiny often resembles a fraction: in the numerator - our attitude to what is happening, in the denominator - the difficulties and problems we will inevitably face. It happens that illnesses and failures ruthlessly break optimism, faith and strength. Or, on the contrary, adversity fades, leveled with energy and the will to live, beating over the edge. The heroines of our current story - Elena Vedernikova and her daughter Laura - are amazing! After all, with a difficult denominator, they are set up for a super-positive result, and their will to win can serve as an example for many.

The art of defeating Elena Vedernikova.

If her daughter Laura’s illness had not happened, Lena Vedernikova’s fate would have been completely different. And Lena would not have created her own special kindergartens, "Fairytale Castles", in which both healthy children and children who require special attention and care are rapidly developing and learn what it’s like to be happy! And there would be no such experimental developmental lessons that work wonders, turning kids with communication skills into sociable and talented. Unbeknownst to herself, Laura changed for the better the lives of hundreds of children she knew and did not know at all.

And it all started like this: once every two years in November, Lena Vedernikova’s family had an event - a daughter was born, such is their family tradition… And now five-year-old Michelle, three-year-old Laura, one and a half-year-old Simona are growing up. Lena jokes that only this year a little pumped up with the tradition, however, worries and so full of mouth: the girls - smart and beautiful, in nature unlike "like green, rough and square." How do you compare them? - Lena smiles - unique! Laura is especially remarkable, strong-willed, stubborn, purposeful, she will give a head start even to an energetic and cheerful mother.

All the daughters were born in Israel, the medicine of this country is recognized as one of the best, which seemed to guarantee the health of babies. However, there were no special problems with Michelle, and Laura developed like a normal child up to four months. The trouble came from nowhere: a comprehensive vaccination, standard for all children, caused Laura serious complications, which did not immediately make themselves felt.

After the vaccination, her parents flew to Ukraine with Michelle and Laura. Upon arrival, Laura was diagnosed with threatening allergic symptoms, which doctors did not link to vaccination. The girl was rapidly gaining weight, there was a sharp strabismus, epileptic seizures began. By nine months, the baby was regressing to helpless, immobile, and virtually unconscious.

It seems that even Lena herself cannot admit how bitter and difficult it was for her. But she did not give free rein to emotions, she was ready to change the situation, to restore her daughter’s health and to raise the whole medical world to its feet. The family was looking for the best specialists, seeking examinations and consultations in the most modern clinics in Ukraine, Europe and Israel. However, receiving the results of another MRI and another vague descriptive diagnosis, Lena realized that they were only an iota closer to the goal. For a long time, no one could explain what was the impetus for the development of pathological processes in the child’s brain. Doctors threatened parents with negative predictions: they claimed that Laura would never sit, crawl, walk, talk. Now it is impossible to believe: Lena’s three-year-old daughter already speaks a few words in English and rides a bicycle! In honor of domestic medicine, Lena found the most experienced and insightful neurologists in Ukraine. It was they who linked the child’s illness with the consequences of vaccination, acknowledged that the case is rare, but such have already been recorded in medical practice.

With the help of doctors, they managed to stop some manifestations of the disease, and Laura, albeit slowly, step by step, went on the mend. Paying tribute to the experience of doctors, Lena still remained convinced that the main word in the fight for the health of the child belongs to them - the parents. It is worth lowering your hands - and the child will lose, perhaps, the only chance for recovery. The child’s body develops rapidly and is important every day. Lena says she has seen many women who have become depressed, plunged into a devastating divorce process or run out of money, and they simply did not know how or from whom to seek support. Lena believed that the slightest delay in treatment could lead to irreversible consequences. She literally kept track of the days, and each of them simply had to bring them closer to recovery.

Lena found the best rehabilitation specialists, nannies and teachers who saw Laura yesterday and could compare her with today’s Laura, and who managed to activate the child’s potential abilities. Every three months, doctors have created an updated corrective treatment program that stimulates the activity of the child’s brain and, consequently, helps to develop.

Gradually, Lena gathered a team of people who helped Laura to master household and intellectual skills, developed perseverance and attention - returned what was taken away by the disease and, of course, were the best in their field. The huge costs of rehabilitating the child initially forced Lena to optimize her existing business. However, it soon became clear that the team she had assembled to restore Laura could be the backbone of her new project, inclusive budget kindergartens, which would accelerate the development of both ordinary children and children in need of special care.

Outwardly, it may seem that everything is given to Lena easily: but the inexhaustible optimism and energy beating through the edge do not insure against defeat, because doing business requires concentration and calm. But is it possible to be calm when a child has epileptic seizures? After all, it used to happen: at night they ran with the whole family to the intensive care unit, where their parents and little Michelle, in pajamas and boots barefoot, waited at the door of the ward and were afraid for Laura….

"The worst thing about this life is not feeling the bottom," says Lena. "I’m most afraid of these epileptic seizures in a child. Yes, we have learned to extinguish them, to manage them, and it no longer happens, as before, that you bring into the intensive care unit a child lying in your arms like a rag. And after half an hour of waiting, you ask the doctor only one thing: is she alive? , you are no longer afraid of anything. "

Seizures still occur, and fear, even restrained, remains alive. But Lena is immensely proud of her daughter’s success: Laura, like Michelle, and Simona learn, play and develop in their inclusive kindergarten. Together with other children, they build a Leaning Tower of Pisa and dig up worms, fool around on their birthdays and create their own aquarium. And still - learn languages ​​and dances, folklore and the letter-reading. Lena is convinced that childhood is a life platform, and if it is stable, the child is confident in life, he knows from an early age: what it is like to be loved, recognized, successful, gifted. Only a person who has such a reliable rear behind him will be able to cheer up, shake up and overcome all obstacles in any, the most difficult life situation!

To the question: do you have a hobby? Laughing, Lena replies that she only does what brings her joy, which means that her daughters, her small family, and more than a hundred kindergarteners - her large family - is also her hobby. And once Lena dreamed of a foster family or a family orphanage. Today’s kindergartens are undoubtedly an echo of the old idea. However, how do you know in what other direction Lena will turn her lively and perceptive mind and great love for life? ...

Photos from the personal archive of the family