The Ministry of Health has announced a second competition for the position of chief physician of the Okhmatdet clinic

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has announced an open recruitment to fill the vacant position of chief physician of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdet". Submission of documents will last until April 27, the date of the competition is still unknown.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Health, the deadline for submitting documents for participation in the competitive selection is April 27, 2017.
Qualification requirements for candidates for the position of Chief Physician of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdet" - higher education in the field of knowledge of "Health" in addition to "Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy", experience in management positions of at least 5 years, fluency in Ukrainian. Proficiency in English is desirable.

"The specific date of the competitive selection and the date of its holding will be announced additionally on the official website of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine," the agency said.

We will remind, on March 20 the Commission at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine already carried out competition for a position of the chief doctor of National children’s specialized hospital (NDSB) "Okhmatdet". Of the nine participants, only four were admitted to the interview - Dmitry Vernigor, Oleg Zalata, Tatiana Ivanova and Raisa Mostovenko. However, none of the four candidates was recognized by the commission worthy of becoming the country’s chief pediatrician. The Ministry of Health considered the candidates either "frankly weak" or "dishonest."

Applications of applicants are accepted at the address: Kyiv, st. Grushevskogo, 7, Office of organizational support of the apparatus - com. 46. ​​For inquiries contact: Kyiv, st. Grushevskogo, 7, room 16, phone 253-82-63, e-mail:, secretary of the commission - Volkova AM

The list of documents that must be submitted by the candidate:
1. Application addressed to the acting Minister of Health of Ukraine on participation in the open selection of candidates for the position of Chief Physician of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdet" of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (written in his own hand) in the attached form;
2. personal card of the employee (form P-2, approved by the joint order of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine dated 25.12.2009 № 495/656) with autobiography in the attached form (Appendix 1);
3. resume;
4. copies of the completed pages of the passport, certified by a personal signature; 11. warnings about the restrictions established by the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”, signed by the applicant;
5. copies of documents on higher education with appendices (academic degree and academic title, documents confirming the internship in one of the specialties of the medical profile, etc.);
6. consent to the processing of personal data;
7. certificate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the absence of a criminal record;
8. medical certificate on the state of health in the form approved by the Ministry of Health, on the stay of the person registered in psychoneurological or narcological health care institutions;
9. a copy of the employment record book;
10. copies of documents on the availability of benefits;

12. written consent of the established form for the special inspection (if necessary) or certified by the signature of the head of the personnel service and sealed copy of the certificate of the established form on the results of the special inspection;
13. declaration of no conflict of interest;
14. Declaration of persons authorized to perform the functions of state or local government for 2016 (in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" of January 1, 2017 declaration for 2016 is submitted by filling out on the official website of the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption approved form);
15. Tender proposal for the development of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdet" of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for 3 years in paper form and on electronic media in PDF format;
