The Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for immune therapy for cancer

On October 1, the Nobel Committee announced this year’s first prize. This is a medical award given to immunologists Tasuku Honjo and James Allison for their work on immune cancer therapy, which they have been working on since the 1990s.
Working independently, scientists have developed a new approach to cancer therapy that uses the patient’s immune system. This approach prevents cancer cells from blocking the body’s natural antitumor response with so-called checkpoints (checkpoints).

One such point was discovered by Japanese Honjo from Kyoto University. It is a PD-1 receptor on the surface of immune cells, the activation of which leads to the suppression of the antitumor response. And Allison, an American at the University of California, Berkeley, has shown that antibodies that prevent cancer cells from blocking the body’s immune response with another checkpoint (the CTLA-4 inhibitory complex) reduce the tumor.

Thanks to research by Honjo and Allison, a whole class of cancers that triggered the immune response to cancer was born in 2010: ipilimumab (blocks CTLA-4, used to treat melanoma) and nivolumab (blocks PD-1, used for melanoma, lymphoma). , lung cancer, kidney cancer and some other cancers).

This discovery revolutionized the understanding of the mechanism of action of the immune system. Now, many experts in the field know that under certain conditions she sees a tumor and can fight it. And over time, this discovery has evolved into new principles of cancer treatment, new drugs and tens of thousands of patients who have received years of life. And some patients are talking about a complete cure. This is what previously seemed unattainable - successful treatment of metastatic tumors in adults.

Nobel laureates in physics were announced on October 2, and in chemistry on October 3. The Peace Prize was awarded on October 5 in Oslo, Norway, and the Economics Prize on October 8. The Nobel

Prizes will be awarded on December 10. UAH 97,400 COLLECTED .