Ufond Blog. 10 alarm signals of our body

"My head is splitting in pain", "I eat everything, but I still lose weight", "I’m so tired that I can’t even move my hand"…. Many of us complain of such ailments, but are in no hurry to see a doctor. Although these symptoms, which at first glance seem insignificant, can be a harbinger of very serious diseases, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism and even cancer. Below, we list 10 vital signals of our body, which must be paid attention to.

1. Loss of more than 3 kilograms of weight in a month or 10 percent of weight in six months.

This can be a sign of metabolic disorders, hyperthyroidism (goiter), first-degree diabetes or even cancer.
If weight loss is accompanied by the consumption of large amounts of water and frequent urination, it is possible to assume the presence of diabetes mellitus. If you have symptoms such as palpitations, irritability, sweating, this may indicate hyperthyroidism. Weight loss with unexplained fever, cough, bloody sputum, diarrhea or constipation can be caused by cancer. In this case, you need to see a doctor immediately!

2. Chest pain and difficulty breathing.
If you experience chest pain and breathing problems while walking or resting lightly, this may indicate a serious lung or heart condition. If the pain is accompanied by pressure in the chest, spreads to the back, arms or neck, it is necessary to do angiography as soon as possible. For atypical pain, your doctor may order a stress test, echocardiography, scintigraphy, or other tests to help make an accurate diagnosis. Remember: thanks to timely consultation with the doctor you can prevent a heart attack and even sudden death!

3. Skin problem.
In diseases of the bile ducts and liver, the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow, urine darkens, and feces whitens. And bruises on the skin and subcutaneous bleeding can be a sign of blood diseases or rheumatic diseases affecting blood vessels. 5. Weakness and loss of sensitivity in the extremities.

4. Swelling in any part of the body.
The appearance of edema on the body should be taken seriously. For example, painful edema can occur due to infection, as well as in the case of bleeding in the tumor. If there is no pain, but the swelling increases in size over time, this may indicate the presence of cancer.

Sudden loss of strength and sensitivity in the arms and legs can be caused by blockage of blood vessels in the brain. If these symptoms develop gradually, it may indicate damage to nerve endings due to diabetes or toxins. Loss of sensitivity along with low back or back pain may indicate a hernia. If, in addition to this, the patient has urinary incontinence and musculoskeletal disorders, he needs urgent surgery.

6. Headache.
If the pain spreads from the back of the head to the forehead, most often, it indicates high blood pressure. Feeling of dull squeezing in the front of the head, nasal congestion and headache can occur due to sinusitis. Persistent headaches, which are usually concentrated in one hemisphere of the brain, may indicate a migraine. But headaches with nausea, vomiting, imbalance and loss of consciousness are especially dangerous, as they can be caused by a hemorrhage or a tumor in the brain.

7. Chronic fatigue.
Chronic fatigue should not be ignored - it can be a symptom of chronic lung disease, heart and kidney disease, anemia, hormone deficiency or other vital elements. In addition, in some cases, the weakness is due to anemia, which is caused by cancer. In this situation, as a rule, a long time passes before a correct diagnosis is made, which leads to untimely treatment of oncology.

8. Dizziness and fainting.
Important symptoms such as dizziness and fainting should never be neglected. Especially if they are accompanied by increased heart rate, sweating, urinary incontinence and forgetfulness. They can be caused by normal stress or low blood pressure, as well as serious heart or brain problems. If these symptoms occur, it is best to consult a neurologist or cardiologist.

9. Blood in feces, urine, saliva and sputum…
… Is a sign of many serious diseases. For example, blood in the sputum may indicate lung diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and even lung cancer. Unaccompanied blood in the urine can be caused by bladder cancer, and pain and burning often indicate kidney stones or sand or the presence of an infectious disease. Fresh blood in the stool can be caused by hemorrhoids, as well as indicate colon cancer, if at the same time there is a failure of the rhythm of defecation, weight loss and abdominal pain.

10. Change in the rhythm of defecation.
The situation when constipation lasts more than 3 days should not be ignored. This may indicate intestinal obstruction, which requires emergency surgery, and may be a sign of asymptomatic cancer.
And prolonged absence of urination may be a sign of renal failure. If it is accompanied by severe pain, it may indicate obstruction of the urinary tract, or be associated with an enlarged prostate in men.

Do not neglect the diagnosis of your health.

And be healthy! Your Fund.

Lev Katkov
