Ufond Blog. The energy of charity. How to make yourself better.

The words "charity," "donation," "almsgiving" are not pure and bright for everyone. There are people in the world who honestly do not understand why they need to give someone their money, then earned in blood? Or things bought on them, food, and much more? After all, not much yourself, right?
Are there people who do not understand what good they can get by sacrificing to those in need? That is why they never sacrifice.
If you are trying, as a motivation, to find in donations some benefit for yourself, I hasten to assure you: it exists! Yes, from the fact that you do charity, you get benefits yourself. And quite a few!
Below are 7 beneficial moments that you will receive by donating your money, things, time, emotions (because this is also charity). Although such advantages are probably much more. And I am sure that after reading this list, many of you will have a different attitude to the opportunity to do good deeds. And even if you haven’t given anything to anyone before, you may start doing it today.

By making donations, we receive at least 7 benefits in our lives:

1. We earn good karma (accumulate piety, blessings).

You’ve all heard of bad karma. That she is terrible, invincible and so on.
So, charity is one of the few ways to change your bad karma for good! Or rather, it is a way to earn good karma, which will slowly begin to cover up the bad.
If you have everything bad in this life - start sacrificing today to churches in need of old women, orphanages, nursing homes. For starters - at least a couple of hryvnia. Then a couple more. And more.
Want - donate not money, but food, clothing, kind words, personal help - what you can. Money is energy that can be donated. In the same way, you can sacrifice other types of energy - time, emotions, prayers.
Do not think that if you have a small salary, then you can not give. Or that charity is the lot of millionaires. Not at all! Everyone has a chance to earn a good fortune. Just decide that from what you own, you could sacrifice to those who do not have it. And do it.
+100 points in karma are not just beautiful words. A good deed will surely be credited to you!

2. We cleanse the heart of anger and hatred.
It would seem, why do you need this? Let those you hate worry about your hatred, right?
But, it turns out, a person who is constantly angry, hates everyone around, quarrels with everyone - he suffers 10 times more torment than his opponents. Because of the toad that constantly suffocates him, a person does not see the kindness around, does not hear his child, does not smile at his loved one, can not focus on work. His thoughts are constantly revolving around another quarrel, or some action that he did not like. He simply lives his life surrounded by the mud of gossip, quarrels, relationships, screams and tears. And does not notice the good at all.
Do you need it? Isn’t it better to throw it all out of your heart and start enjoying life? "Of course, better" - you answer! But just how to do it? The toad is big and strong, so just does not let go.
So: charity is the same tool that can kill this toad. Gradually, day by day, the animal will become weaker and weaker. With every good deed, this toad will die in excruciating convulsions, until in time he will let you go forever.
That’s how charity works. Every good you do cleanses your heart of hatred, cruelty and anger. And allows you to live a full, happy life.

3. Get healthier.
Good health is also indirectly linked to charity. And this is not a continuation of the story of karma. Rather, it is a continuation of the tale of the toad.
After all, the toad that suffocates us in fits of anger, envy, hatred - it does not just provoke bursts of negative emotions. Everything is much worse.
Have you heard the term psychosomatics? If not, let’s briefly explain its essence.
Psychosomatics is a science that studies the influence of emotions, feelings, emotional experiences and even thoughts on a person’s physical condition. That is, for his health.
So, according to this modern science (which was well known more than 5,000 years ago in India, China, and even the Slavs), all the negative emotions and hidden feelings in the soul cause diseases of varying complexity - from colds to cancer. And it is almost impossible to cure such diseases without working on your feelings and emotions.
Working on negative emotions and feelings does not mean pretending that they do not exist. This does not mean that everyone needs to smile when you really want to scream in pain. To work means to understand the cause of anger and resentment, and then begin to correct or eliminate this cause. Or accept it into your life as something inevitable, relax and have fun.
But without an experienced psychologist and dozens of sessions of psychoanalysis, it will be very difficult to understand something about yourself. Anger and hatred will hide the truth to the last. And if at this stage in your life there are souls to whom you want to give something, asking for nothing in return - you will defeat the negative in your heart. And as soon as the negativity begins to disappear, diseases will begin to evaporate. Because there will be no one to keep them in your body. Of course, if the disease is not too advanced.
So start creating the Good as soon as possible - and be healthy!

4. Get rid of greed and put new values ​​into practice.
Greed is also a controversial thing, it seems that you personally do not mind. Why get rid of it?
Usually we translate the term "greed" as "Don’t touch!" I will not give up! My!". But if you look a little wider, you can see that true greed is also:

  • the habit of keeping unnecessary things at home for years, rubbish (hamster syndrome);
  • the habit of spending money on what you don’t need, waste;
  • desire to work 15-16 hours a day to earn more;
  • and even the passion for gambling is also caused by greed.

Greed breeds envy (and vice versa). And envy causes the whole list of negative emotions, which we discussed above.
But this is not the main thing. All of the above habits lead to a loss of vital energy, time, money, health, and even good relationships with loved ones. It will be very difficult to get back what you lost or accumulate from scratch. Therefore, it is better to get rid of greed immediately, doing good deeds, making donations.
As a bonus, you will receive many new and pleasant little things that will come into your life. After all, saying goodbye to greed, you will start throwing garbage out of the house, you will stop hoarding garbage, you will value your life more than money - that is, free up space for something new. And since your karma will improve, but the new one will come only with a plus sign!

5. We get extra energy for life.
Charity has a positive effect not only in the distant future. There is one plus that we get instantly once we make a donation. This plus is the flow of positive energy. He immediately fills the one who sacrifices. And the strength of this energy does not always depend on the amount of alms.
By making another donation, each time you tear a little anger, a little greed, pain, unhappiness from your heart. And the vacated space is filled with extra power that you can spend on anything! You want - to work, you want - to a relationship, you want - to health.
Immediately after the act of charity, performed on a voluntary basis, you will feel joy. You will have the strength to finish what you have been putting off for months, or to start something new. In any area of ​​your life.
And in order to maintain this flow of energy, so that it constantly replenishes you, you just need to keep doing good. Let in very small portions, but daily. Today, smile at everyone in a row, tomorrow you will take the old woman across the road, the day after tomorrow - transfer some money to the charity background, etc.
Just try it! The effect is instantaneous! No breathing practices, yoga, affirmations and other methods of accumulating vitality are even remotely comparable to charity. It gives strength faster, this energy is more stable and powerful, and is second only to the energy received during prayer. The main thing is to do good from a pure heart, from kindness in the soul.

6. Accelerate the fulfillment of their desires.
This plus flows smoothly from the previous one, which was about gaining vitality. As soon as your strength becomes sufficient to automatically keep yourself healthy, active and energetic, you will begin to invest excess energy in the realization of your desires.
And most interestingly, these wishes come true without any serious difficulties or tensions on our part. Sometimes you stop, look back on the last months of your life - and suddenly you realize that somehow, by chance, "accidentally", a few wishes came true, which you forgot to think about! And for this you did absolutely nothing!
Or you start doing things that should lead you to a dream. And somehow, of course, there will be opportunities to implement the plan. There will be the right people, contracts will be signed, money will be found or the closest and dearest person will appear in life. It all depends on the level of desire. You will begin to notice these opportunities at every step! It is as if your eyes will open, charity will cure you of mental and intellectual blindness.
You will receive something within the first month after you start doing charity work. And something will have to go longer. But this path will be much simpler and easier. In any case, you will not lose anything, even if you previously thought it was not.

7. Become happier!
Happiness is what everyone strives for.
  • you have no enemies or enviers, and you do not envy or desire evil;
  • everyone loves you, and you love everyone; Get involved in charity. Just start doing the Good where you are. And your life will change dramatically. I wish you such happiness!
  • your desires begin to come true by themselves, just like that, without much effort on your part;
  • you have become healthy, you have a lot of energy to live a full life;
  • you all succeed in spending a lot of time on responsibilities;
  • you always have time for hobbies, spiritual practice, communication with close people;
  • you feel that every day your life gets better, problems go away from it.

Isn’t all this a great reason to be happy?
And isn’t such an effect a great reason to start doing charity from now on?

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Author Lev Katkov

: http://econet.ru/