Ufond Blog. The formula of love is the formula of health.

Today it is widely known that the feeling of love and passion cause chemical reactions in our body. There are many hypotheses about love, and many of them at different times were given "responsibility" for romantic feelings. Among the many hypothetical "formulas" we can distinguish three chemical elements, the influence of which on our emotions and feelings towards loved ones is scientifically confirmed. Due to the effects of these chemical elements on our body, we remain healthy and less prone to disease.

Chemical reactions responsible for the behavior of lovers belong to the class of so-called "neurochemical" processes that ensure the interaction of nerve cells in the brain. It is due to the activity of these neurotransmitters that all human brain activity is carried out, including thought, behavior and state of health. The first spark of love is ignited by the hormones phenylethylamine, norepinephrine and dopamine. And in order to feel the real "chemistry of love", you need a combination of all three substances. It is under their influence that lovers feel a surge of joy and excitement, many have rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, blush on the cheeks. All this promotes active blood circulation, which is necessary to strengthen our health.
How does this "formula of love" work?
Phenylethylamine is a neurotransmitter with a stimulating effect. Its main function is the ability to release norepinephrine and dopamine in large quantities when we fall in love or feel deep sympathy for a person. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure and satisfaction, as well as feelings of attachment. It is dopamine that influences the formation of dependence on many types of drugs and medicinal substances. Norepinephrine promotes concentration, promotes active blood circulation and causes rapid heartbeat. It acts like adrenaline, and a person under the influence of norepinephrine literally "floats above the ground" from joyful excitement, well-being and excitement. In addition, norepinephrine can cause hyperactivity, affect attention,
Dopamine, released in large quantities, interacts with norepinephrine. Together they cause all the signs of love: joy, energy, increased concentration, improved appetite, arousal. Our body begins to produce a "love elixir" of these substances in the first stage of love. By the way, the content of serotonin, better known as the "happiness hormone", in the brain of lovers increases.
According to research, the average duration of love is 2-3 years. Over time, the levels of dopamine, norepinephrine and phenylethylamine, so necessary for the maintenance of the love spark, decreases. It is at this time that lovers begin to notice each other’s shortcomings and mistakes. And here love has two paths - either it will end, or it will grow into a much stronger feeling. If the relationship continues, endorphins come into play, thanks to which there is a feeling of reliability and trust, and oxytocin - a hormone that stimulates the production of endorphins, provides a sense of satisfaction, calm and attachment.
Sudden rupture or the end of a relationship is in many cases quite dangerous, because as a result of the shock, the production of norepinephrine increases significantly. Its high level leads to increased excitability, constant insomnia, aggression, hysteria, rapid heartbeat, pressure surges - as a result, the human body weakens, due to which, various diseases occur.
Love each other! And be healthy!

Author Lev Katkov

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Noradrenaline- a neurotransmitter that increases concentration and the body’s ability to respond quickly to external stimuli. It is norepinephrine that takes part in the "beat and run" reactions, has a vasoconstrictive effect, promotes the release of glucose and provides blood flow to the muscles.
Dopamine is a neurochemical compound that can be produced in several parts of the brain and is responsible for many feelings and movements. It provides a sense of calm and pleasure.