Ufond Blog. Why do charity work?

Charity is the act of helping those who really need it. Only a person with sanity can distinguish real help from bear service, and sanity increases as wisdom is studied, applied in life, and its consequences are observed. There are a total of twelve types of charity: planting trees, digging wells, providing medical care, lighting dark public places, feeding the needy, providing shelter, providing education, building bridges, sharing food, handing out necessities, marrying a daughter. Each of these points is described in detail in the Vedic materials. Charity is a big secret of success, it should not be neglected.

Deepak Chopra in his book "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" is one of the first places to give to charity. The law of exchange is the second spiritual law of success and happiness. Everything in the world is very closely connected and interdependent. It exists only because there is a dynamic of exchange - giving and receiving. Life is a constant exchange of energy.

This is the reason for our need for charity. Generosity is a part of human nature. It balances selfishness and makes a person merciful. Charity allows people to fulfill their purpose. In our divided society, it is what allows us to unite.

By donating money to charity, you are essentially giving away a fraction of what you are - your efforts, abilities, compassion. No matter how much people attach importance to money, it is just one of the vital energies. By giving, you do not allow the stagnation of this energy to form.

Harmony and success in human life occur only when these two streams: giving and receiving - are balanced.

Decide for yourself the question: "Give or not?" If a person needs help, he must receive it. When helping other people’s children, never ask yourself how it will come back to me. Just know that when your children need help, they will get it, even if you are not around, in principle - everything comes back.

How much to give and in what form, each person decides for himself, although there is a concept of tithing. Charity is not necessarily in cash. It can be material things, physical help. In our country, thousands of volunteers who not only help the participants of the anti-terrorist operation, distribute things, food, but also help clean houses and roads.

It is traditionally believed that the best way to help is to pass money from hand to hand. This is the case, but there are very few cases that stand out from the general trend. For example, in deep grief, a relative of an injured person may go into a binge instead of concentrating on treating the sick or seeking remedies. Therefore, if you want to help most effectively, it is best to spend time and help with already purchased drugs, things, etc. Another option is to help through a proven volunteer who oversees several victims. Helping the needy through charitable foundations is also fruitful - provided that they are trustworthy, that is, decent and work without violations.

We live with you in a period of time when people are often more materially prosperous than spiritually. Even the richest, protected need love, friendship, support. When a person is engaged in charity, he not only sets in motion the material energy of the influx, but, above all, enriches his mind and heart. Of course, if he does it from the heart, with pure thoughts.

Author Lev Katkov
