Ufond Blog. You have 24 hours ...

We are born finally by the time of death, although the tragic fate of most is to die before we are born. Erich Fromm

There is a column in the Fund called "Life. Next will be ..." , which is dedicated to children who have already been provided with the necessary medical care. These are extremely interesting and touching stories about how family life changes before and after the successful treatment of their child, how a person is born again after difficulties, and rebirth is usually not only physical but also spiritual. So, what is this in this way of rebirth in a broad universal sense?

It was an ordinary, maybe unusual, sunny, maybe gloomy day, maybe not a day, but a night, some winter or spring, summer or autumn month, some long or short year of human chronology. It was my-your-his-her - the physical birth of each of us.
From the first minutes of life, now autonomous from the warm maternal bio-cradle, we understand, more precisely, our amazing brain understands that in order to live we need to develop and improve. Initially, this occurs at the cellular level of our unique human body - our lungs are released from fluid, straightened and expanded due to respiratory movements after birth, and we take the first breath of air. These are the first minutes of a person’s life that she does not remember, but which have become fundamental in her physical development.

Then our body will adapt to the hostile and unfamiliar environment, will gradually change, grow, constantly discover something new in and around itself. Usually or traditionally, people will remember the date they were born for the rest of their lives, celebrate it every year, plan a special celebration and add a unit to their physical age every 12 months. But have you ever wondered if this birth is really a "birth"?

And I do not plan to move on to the question of reincarnation in Buddhist philosophy or to the classification of physical development and mental age crises, I am talking about whether a baby homo sapiens can be reborn qualitatively during the human life cycle.
Qualitative rebirth, in my opinion, can be outlined in two stages: as the acquisition of new skills and the practice of improving their use; and conscious rethinking of one’s existence, value orientations and its further way of movement, ie development, improvement. This is due to a certain catalyst, such as education and self-education (Thomas Edison), great inspiration or strength of will and self-discipline (Benjamin Franklin), difficult or contradictory life circumstances (Nick Vujicic). And the last, perhaps, the most tragic, but at the same time the most effective factor that motivates a person to change himself into an extra-class version. So for some reason it happened that we reveal our human potential after situations "on the verge". By the way, it is noticeable and dramatic that such a situation is often the boundary between life and death. Then really, apparently,

Regarding the first stage of rebirth , it is safe to say that each of us went through it as a child.

The first few years of life are probably the most fruitful years of a person, because he masters such a concentrate of skills, abilities, knowledge, which will then become the most important in the process of his life and existence. A person quickly passes the period from acquiring the skill of holding his head to crawling, and then walking, from sound imitation to speaking, from learning the alphabet to reading, from observation and to forming their own vision of human relations.
In the period from birth to five years, a child works on himself in such a way that all the coaches and motivational lecturers of today would envy him! During this period, she sincerely, openly, inquisitively, energetically, directly walks the path of life, firmly holding a bag of personal and unique skills, flair, talents. She believes that she will definitely sell this bag in the trade area of ​​professions, will be happy to be engaged in the business of her life, to actualize and assert her own creative potential.

But later, at the first crossroads of this path (approximately in the heyday of youth), parents will approach it together with socio-normative thought, ethical and cultural clichés and a trendy profession and say: “You are on the right. We know for sure. " And she, despite her own desire and inner voice, turns not to the left, as she wanted, but to the right, as they wanted. Now it is somewhat unusual for her to follow this path, there are often obstacles that make it inconvenient to hold the bag in her hands, and she throws it over her shoulder, gradually losing everything that was inside the knot. Wandering further along this path, gradually losing inspiration, zeal and enthusiasm, she begins to realize that the bag behind her shoulders is completely unnecessary, and moreover, a superfluous thing: how a set of watercolor paints and brushes may be needed among the abstracts of neutrons and protons. as well as experimental experiments of the electric arc? Yes, the bag disappears, the creative potential is locked and falls on the shelf called "unrealized destinies", which stretches on both sides of the road. On this path, not chosen by her, there will be not those people, not those achievements, not those life circumstances, it will not be her story at all.
It would seem that now a person is in complete despair from the disappointment of (un) life. But our tireless brain-rescuer offers option B - the second stage of rebirth . It can be described in the style of Agatha Christie:

“For several years now, Mary has been chaotically digging up the yard of her unhappy life, trying to move somehow. The days were monotonous and lasted unbearably long. Suddenly the blade of her shovel hit something solid and monolithic.

- Bottom! Finally, Mary thought. But suddenly there was a knock from below. "

Our genius brain always gives us clues and signals when we wander the wrong ways of life. It is important sometimes to slow down and look around, checking which path you are walking. And if you see that it is not yours - turn decisively. His path, of course, will not save you from difficulties and will not give Paradise on Earth, but these will be the difficulties that are on your shoulders, which you need to have the strength and ability to conquer your Everest dreams!
After the second stage of rebirth, the human brain thanks us for using its potential of neural connections, and rewards us with a bonus - critical thinking. Now man is no longer afraid of the avalanche of millennial knowledge, boldly discusses issues of someone’s approved "only correct" theories of existence, trying to draw their own conclusions of well-known axioms, while looking for an alternative way to confirm them. Now she is able to distinguish not only white and black, good and bad, disgusting and beautiful - a person has a whole box of concepts from ethical and aesthetic categories. Now, based on her knowledge, she has the undisputed right to agree or disagree with the views of her parents, Descartes, friends, Ovid, colleagues, Durrenmatt, politicians, Sartre, moral authorities, Camus…
In addition to knowledge, skills, abilities, thinking habits, rebirth enriches us with invaluable life experience. Everyone has their own way of gaining this experience, depending on the catalyst.

Acquired knowledge and experience will develop a person’s ability to see in human society imperfections and flaws ( "Mind - the good of man and his curse" Erich Fromm). Thus, man becomes not only a component of society, he becomes an observer of the defects of society, which in the future will seek to change. She will begin these changes with herself, with her improvement. And self-improvement is a periodic return (about once every five years) to the stages of rebirth. After all, a person who constantly wants to develop and improve, will periodically feel hungry for new knowledge. Therefore, it will strive to meet this need. For example: we can mention the world-famous physicist Richard Feynman. Despite the profession of physicist-scientist, he was quite well realized in areas diametrically opposed to the field of theoretical physics. He was a musician-drummer, an artist, a microbiologist, a connoisseur of safe mechanisms, an expert in Mayan writing, and even an educator. So no wonder

According to the laws of the genre, here are some tips to help you improve and constantly grow above yourself. But I propose to imagine a situation in which a person is told: “You have 24 hours to change your life qualitatively. Condition - these changes should reveal your natural potential and bring you pleasure from life. You will take the first step towards qualitative changes - you will get the next 24 hours, no - then you do not have these hours.

So where would you start?

Author Kateryna Stebelska