Ukraine ranked 34th in the Inclusive Internet Index

In the global index of inclusive Internet The Inclusive Internet Index 2018 Ukraine ranked 34th out of 86 countries. The study was published by the analytical unit of the British journal Economist The Economist Intelligence Unit.

The Inclusive Internet Index measures countries on four indicators:

1. Availability;
2. Affordability (cost of access in relation to the level of income of the population and the level of competition of Internet providers);
3. Relevance (relevance, availability of content in the local language and its diversity);
4. Readiness (readiness, opportunities for mass access, including skills of the population, cultural and information policy).
Image: screenshot from

Ukraine ranks 39th in terms of Internet availability and 35th in the world in terms of availability. In terms of relevance, it ranks 21st (the study notes that content in the Ukrainian language on finance, politics and healthcare is particularly widespread).

In terms of readiness, it is only in 56th place out of 86. The study says that programs for the introduction of digital literacy are unpopular in Ukraine.

In the index of inclusive Internet in the first place was Sweden, in second place - Singapore. The United States took third place. At the bottom of the list are Madagascar, Malawi and the Congo.