We have a new site!

| iOS ), which resulted in a user-friendly interface of the new version of the site, allowing any visitor to get acquainted in detail with the activities of the Foundation, learn about upcoming events, news and new projects to join, and how to help his wards who need support.

In addition to good design and easy information retrieval, we have tried to simplify and improve the donation process. Now, thanks to modern payment systems, we offer 9 options , including a charity SMS-message , transfer of funds to help children, wards of the fund.

A lot of work was done, we tried to take into account all the wishes and comments on the work and design of the site. But the main thing remains the same, as always we work to help sick children.

If you find mistakes or you have suggestions and advice on the site, then write to us by e-mail: help@ufond.ua