Why is charity so important?

Many people ask themselves almost every day, is it worth helping others or still living completely for yourself? Of course, we do not always have such an opportunity to help someone financially, because "we live in difficult times." On the one hand, yes, on the other - not quite. If you think about the fact that you can help a needy person by buying one package of food for a stranger, it becomes much more pleasant and the realization comes that I am not poor and ready to help.
In our beautiful country, there are both economic and political problems, but this should not prevent us from constantly moving forward, looking for new opportunities for development, helping our friends, family and even strangers. It even happens that you help a lot, but life does not work out, you lose your job, everything goes awry. You found a job, but you were "thrown away" by fraudsters who simply used you. There are many questions about how to help people if I need help myself, how to be if I need a robot myself. And, as a rule, you want to find a job where you will feel stable, build the future, as well as think about much more help to other people.
What makes us want to help people and what doesn’t? This is our heart, mind and soul. Three things on which our world is built. Sometimes the heart tells you that you need to help a person, even if it is not financial help, the usual support in difficult, cruel everyday life will be more than enough. If a person needs money because his financial means do not allow him to have surgery, a prosthesis, an orphanage repair, the mind comes to the rescue and begins to assess the situation and analyze where to find a sponsor, people who can take care of and eliminate this problem, while all trying in every way to turn off their hearts for a while, so that emotions do not interfere with the implementation of the planned plans.
After all this, if all goes well, your soul will say, "Thank God this man is alive because there are people who have provided financial support." Very often we like to buy everything and always find money for clothes, equipment, cars, even when there is no money. But what prevents us from looking a little wider and realizing that this small amount of money can help someone. On the other hand, "there must be prudence in the figures" and there is no need to scatter money with a passionate desire to help, because sometimes it can even hurt by giving a person money, which will then go and get drunk with grief, anything happens.
From this we can conclude that we need to help, that we need to analyze the situation, look more broadly, see people and situations that need help and that need to be resolved here and now, sometimes giving even the last money. Even if you have little wealth, always remember that sacrificing is good, it is right, it is a manifestation of true and gratuitous love for others.

Author Herman Bayatyan

You can help Ufond’s wards , because it’s that simple . The main thing to remember is that any, even the smallest help is important! COLLECTED UAH 101,864. The company "Fora", "Yagotinskoe for children" and Ufond readers raised UAH 101,864 . OPERATED.