World Charity Index: Can Ukrainians Be Generous?

Ukrainians are used to considering themselves almost the most generous nation in the world. However, in the world ranking of charity, we occupy the hundredth place. Our compatriots donate to charity many times less than the people of the "third world" and give way to poor African countries. Why?

Kindness more Ukrainian.

Every time we talk about mentality, our compatriot proudly declares: there are no more generous and generous people in the world than Ukrainians. When we celebrate something, our tables bend from all kinds of food. Our hostesses are nice and hospitable, and the hosts greet those entering the house with bread and salt.

Undoubtedly, we know how to greet guests with dignity and arrange a holiday for every taste. However, what is the purpose of our mental generosity and friendliness? How selfless are Ukrainians and does their kindness not come into contact with vanity?

Such a quality as generosity, it hardly makes sense to evaluate and interpret the amount of dumplings and toppings on the table for guests - in the world there are much more revealing tools. For example, the willingness of people or their organizations to do charity.

Gallup method.

In 2010, the Charities Aid Foundation ( CAF) figured out how to assess the level of charity at the international level. This is the World Giving Index (WGI), calculated according to the Gallup Institute (American Institute of Public Opinion) , according

to the CAF . other forms of assistance to the needy.

The study surveys about 1,000 representatives of a representative sample of the population. Respondents were over 15 years old and were selected at random. The study was conducted by telephone or in person, depending on the telephone coverage of the country. The study, which involves 153 countries (95% of the world’s population), clearly shows the indicators of charity around the world, including Ukraine.

During the survey, respondents had to answer three questions:

1. Did they donate money to charity (in the last month)?
2. Have they volunteered (in the last month)?
3. Did they help a stranger who needed it (in the last month)?

Rear strands.

We at Ufond have studied our country’s position over the past five years: Given that the higher the WGI score, the greater the nation’s charity, the results are not pleasing.
The table below shows the indicators of our country according to the World Charitable Rating for 2015, 2014 and 2013.

According to CAF, in 2012 Ukraine took 111th place in the ranking, in 2011 - 105. In 2016, the positions of our country moved to 106.

The top five in the ranking belongs in 2016 to Myanmar, USA, Australia, New Zealand and Sri Lanka.

What they sacrifice.

Director of the Ukrainian Charity Exchange Irina Gutsal, told Ufond that today Ukrainians prefer to donate in such areas as assistance for projects in the anti-terrorist operation zone and the health sector.

“For more than a year now, support for charitable projects of the ATO zone has continued to be in the lead, but targeted assistance to sick children is also a priority. Regarding health care, traditionally the most informative areas are oncology and heart disease. Support for premature babies is gaining momentum, ” Irina Gutsal commented.

However, in recent times, society is still shifting priorities.

“The ratio of donations to anti-terrorist operation and health projects has changed. Naturally, we all get tired and "burn out" from the war. As soon as the armed conflict in the east of the country began, people became alarmed. When it seemed to all of us that war might come to our home, the whole country was involved in helping the military. Now people have more desire to promote some social projects. For example, in the Ukrainian Charity Exchange, helping the sick is 98% of the total mass of funds. The rest - culture, sports, ecology - is a small percentage that is difficult to collect, "added Irina Gutsal.

At the same time, according to her, the level of trust in foundations and charitable organizations leaves much to be desired. People who do not do charity systematically prefer to donate directly to the parents of sick children or volunteers.

“The foundations are now promoting systemic charity, which is based not only on compassion and pity, but more on social activities. Interesting formats are being developed that encourage systemic charity: charity races, promotions, work with orphans, blood donation movements, etc. The very format of charity is expanding, ”the director of the Ukrainian Charity Exchange summed up.

Charity is not about money.

Contrary to popular belief that the country’s GDP and its place in the World Charity Rankings are small, a small Buddhist country in the west of the Indochina Peninsula proves otherwise. The state with far from the best state of affairs in the economy has been holding the championship in the rankings for 3 years. Meanwhile, only five members of the G20, which make up 85% of world GDP, appear in the top 20 philanthropic countries. These are Australia, Canada, Indonesia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The authors of the World Charity Rating traditionally explain this by the national religious culture, namely the presence of a strong Buddhist community in Theravada.

The growth of positions in the rating of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan is similarly explained. The survey in these Muslim countries was conducted during or immediately after Ramadan, when it is customary to do charity work. Because the study asks whether people have provided charitable assistance in the past month, the results were significantly higher than at other times.

The significant increase in monetary donations in Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina is due to a fundraising campaign to help flood victims in southern Europe in May 2014.

Researchers at the World Charitable Ranking note that some countries with a high level of private charity are in a difficult economic situation. Thus, respondents were indirectly asked how happy they feel. As it turned out, a person’s ability to sacrifice and do charity is directly related to his mental state. According to Myanmar, the country that tops the list, wealth is not necessarily the deciding factor when it comes to generosity.