World Diabetes Day: Where to check your blood sugar for free?

Every year on November 14 the World Diabetes Day is held. The latest data from the International Diabetes Federation shows an alarming reality - 1 in 12 people worldwide suffers from diabetes, and every 7 seconds in the world from this disease dies 1 person (4 million a year). And given the scale of the spread - diabetes is becoming threatening.

Diabetes is still an incurable disease, but we can control it. Early diagnosis and timely treatment improve the quality and life expectancy of the patient.

To detect and prevent diabetes and on the occasion of World Diabetes Day, you can get a free consultation from doctors and diagnose: in Kiev - in the pharmacy KP "Pharmacy" № 128 ( ul. Heroes of Sevastopol, 44/10 ). Kievans will be able to be examined on November 15, 16, 17 from 11:00 to 13:00. In the network of family clinics "Ameda" (the offer is valid from 11 to 17 November, at: Vozduhoflotsky Avenue, 51; Sofievskaya Borshchagovka, street Yuzhnaya, 7; Obolonskaya embankment, 1 building 3; street Zlatoustovskaya, 16; street Citadel, 7 ) . You can clarify the information and make an appointment by phone: 0443210100. And in the Department of Endocrinology NDSB "Ohmatdet", Chernovola Street 28/1, Building 13.

In Odessa, the regional endocrinology clinic will be tested for diabetes. The examination is offered in the clinic, which is located at: Vladimir Vinnichenko Street, 3.

Doctors remind that diabetes is a severe chronic disease that develops due to a decrease in the body’s pancreatic hormone insulin. This hormone is necessary for maintaining human health and normal functioning of the body.

Don’t ignore diabetes, learn more about it from your endocrinologist and share information with family and friends.

Be healthy!

To help Ufond’s ward with diabetes - Nazar Mashovets .