World Heart Day.

Every year on September 29, the World Heart Day is celebrated all over the world. On this day, people are reminded of the importance of preventing cardiovascular disease.

That is why from 26 to 29 September, we dedicated Heart Week, which aims to draw people’s attention to their health, raise public awareness of the causes of heart disease and promote a healthy lifestyle to prevent, build understanding that the onset and course of the disease can actively influence. All this is more than important, because cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in the world. More than 17 million people die of heart attacks and strokes every year. In Ukraine - 160 thousand, ie six out of ten deaths are caused by cardiovascular diseases. This is more than all cancers, tuberculosis and AIDS combined. More information at the link:
So what does our heart not love the most? Risk factors for cardiovascular disease include high blood pressure, overweight, high levels of total cholesterol and its fractions, smoking, hypodynamics and stress. However, the majority of the population of Ukraine does not check, does not control blood pressure and does not even know the indicators of their blood pressure, does not take timely measures to normalize blood pressure and prevention. Don’t want to have a stroke or coronary heart disease? Adjust your life!
Doctors’ advice is very simple: quit smoking, limit the use of salt, alcohol, fatty foods, exercise, lose weight and be happy. The first step to these changes can be made now, this week, to measure blood pressure and consult a doctor.
By the way, unhealthy lifestyle, which leads to the development of cardiovascular disease, is most often formed in childhood and adolescence, and with age the risk of cardiovascular disease only increases. Therefore, prevention should begin in childhood.
You can support the Ufond.Serdtse program, as well as help our wards with heart defects, whose stories are published on our website: Varvara Burtseva and Vlada Popova

And of course, on this day, we thank those who make our hearts and the hearts of our wards - healthy: Andrei Khokhlov, Bogdan Cherpak, Igor Ditkovsky, Dmitry Krainyak, Boris Todurov, Konstantin Boyko and many others!
